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Everything posted by Rejn_Bashag

  1. I see now! its from the newest version of Bricklayers mod, sorry about that! maybe you could do what you do with your Expanded foods mod, and have the roads mod interact with bricklayers? I know its a lot of work ;^-^ just a thought.
  2. I think so! I have almost 2 crates full of it on the server I'm on, but I didn't think about if it might be from a mod
  3. Is there any plan to make Suevite a material for roads? the quarry mod allows people to snag a ton of the stuff, so I was a little sad to see that it wasn't an option for roads.
  4. I have an idea of how to adjust the textures, from seeing this. I had just kinda ported them in from textures that werent in game, so Llama just switched the textures to VS friendly, without changing the UVs; Having to adjust all the pieces is time consuming. Question, do you prefer the blueish tint to the glass, or should we go more grey or pale?
  5. Just curious! would you be interested in any custom modeling done? I love your current models, and I have plenty of Ideas I'd love to create and send your way!
  6. Definitely, I can send you the empty bottle if you want; We can chat on discord and get the finer details worked out, I might even be able to make more bottle shapes if you want?
  7. and I just saw this now!
  8. Hello there! I saw that you had made this cool potion mod and I was really excited, I managed to whip this up in the last few hours, though, the textures were temporary grabs from my compilation of minecraft textures. I could send you the model if you want! I planned on making a potion fluid, but I honestly have only worked with this program as of today, and have no clue. I can even add a cork, or animations too.
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