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Everything posted by Dante

  1. 1.0.4 Update will include : - Added sounds to all movements (dash / climbing / gliding) - Many bugfixes Fixed getting damage while climbing Fixed EreticKB's questionable crawl / sit position - also other overlapping states of activity Fixed non repeatable backflip animation when too fast Fixed temporal gear bug Fixed _keepinventory bug Fixed overlapping activity-states many more small things i did not keep track of - Added the glider-funtionality for a future update Actual glider item is not finished yet Glide through the air by activating your glider (Hotkey "F") As the windspeed changes you can fly faster Flying faster means more uplift -> slower falling Flying slower means less uplift -> faste rfalling Falling too fast and crashing results in dmg / death on impact Gliding requires stamina
  2. v1.0.3 Fixed not being able to leave crawl mode when in water Json-patched animations for better compatibility Added editable hotkey for standing up from crawling (default "Space") Added editable hotkey for laying down / enter crawl mode (default sneak + "R")
  3. I like gliders and might add it to my mod actually
  4. Version 1.0.3 will have some bugfixes (swim-bug) also i added hotkeys (keybinds) to the ingame config menu. At the moment you may rebind the key for entering crawl-mode and standing up again. The other moves dont seem to have other useful binding-options. Your thoughts on controls / other hotkeys are always welcome @Cael_Dranwylr Im going to add a toggle switch for the stepheigth aswell A possible roadmap for future versions may include: Items (f.e. spiked-climbing boots to lower stamina consumption while bouldering, a glider-like item) more conditional animations swimming improvements cleaner code (its a huge pile of duh tbh ) to allow for easier alterations a json configfile
  5. Oh i see. Having normal stepheight while walking is working as intended for my mod though. You could easily edit it yourself for a personal version however. Its in line 531 // Stepheight while sprinting if (player.Entity.Controls.Sprint) { player.Entity.GetBehavior<EntityBehaviorControlledPhysics>().stepHeight = 1.0F; } else{ player.Entity.GetBehavior<EntityBehaviorControlledPhysics>().stepHeight = 0.9F; } Easiest way is to simply set the 0.9 to 1.0F aswell
  6. Thanks for you thoughts. It already does. The stepheight allows you you step over one block just by running over it. (Exactly like the StepUp mod does) Ahhh yah you're right of course. Me not actually playing a lot really shows As a quick fix i will change it to "sneak + middlemouse" in v1.0.2 - I might add configs / keybinds in the future Also i would love to see some gameplay / short videos of you guys using it if anyone bothers to record his/her gameplay
  7. VSMM adds: Stamina based climbing (BotW Style) More movement-options like crawling A Glider-item A Sailboat see full description FAQ: Atm supports only SP ! Most propably will never be MP compatible because a rewrite would be necessary Mod-Systems : Stamina Sailboat (Beta) Glider Climbing Hanging / Grabbing Crawling Dashing Sliding Backflip Powerjump AutoStep Custom Animations New Sounds Configs = Download = : https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/970 Video-showcase (Sailboat - beta): Video-showcase (Glider): Video-showcase (Moves) :
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