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Packed dirt making my food spoil faster.

Nerdlin Geeksly

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12 hours ago, Nerdlin Geeksly said:

Non sono sicuro se si tratti di un bug o se sia intenzionale, ma questa volta quando ho costruito la mia cantina con lo sporco compatto (sto giocando con la fisica che fa cadere lo sporco normale) il mio cibo ha iniziato a marcire più velocemente a x1.11 valutare.
Qualcun altro ha avuto questo problema ed è normale?

I don't know, I usually make my cellars underground and apart from the beginning of release 1.18 they have never given me any problems.

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55 minutes ago, Nerdlin Geeksly said:

it turned out the summer heat was causing it


if you make walls thicker , it reduces spoil rates , hence most easy option to ether make it below into rock or into moutain

also dirt insulates granary worse then stone so cobblestone is preferred over dirt

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3 hours ago, Varenvel said:


if you make walls thicker , it reduces spoil rates , hence most easy option to ether make it below into rock or into moutain

also dirt insulates granary worse then stone so cobblestone is preferred over dirt

I haven't reached copper picks yet, so I have to settle for packed dirt cellars; but I will add an extra layer now that I know that helps.

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Pick up 3 basic stones (anything but flint, I think), combine with clay, you have 2 slabs. Alternatively 8 stones plus clay makes 2 full cobblestone blocks. Or 7 plus clay makes stairs. No pick necessary. That's usually how I end up with my first cellar.

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