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Bears should dig snow.

Michael Gates

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They'll run into a tree with low foliage and then get stuck because there's snow piled all around and branchy leaves overhead. I've killed two this past game-week, you just walk up and spear 'em until they fall over. Giving the bears the ability to either dig snow accumulation off the ground or destroy branchy leaves would correct this.

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that would create possibly the first entity that can interact with blocks in a way that only the player can. does it dig into your snow shelter to get you? does it destroy your intricately chiseled snow art all because it thought it was stuck? does it get loads of development time for a new animation just to unstuck itself? do we not care when bear drowns like he often does because water is confusing for him? mobs could use some kind of anti stuck but i fear the use of it for them to cheat there way thru blocks into my base, if you have a bear in a pit and dump sand on them they will be stuck in sand. you can remove the walls and they wont be able to get out. if you walk over the sand they can hit u while stuck its amusing.

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