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why cant I catch female rabbits?

Go to solution Solved by DesolateRose,

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I have been trying to start a rabbit farm by trapping them with the reed basket trap and each time I have tried I have only caught male rabbits? I get its a 50/50 chance and all but I've done it numerous times and only caught male rabbits. its making me wonder is there something I've been doing wrong? please help.

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Welcome to the forums! I'm honestly not sure if there are male and female rabbits in the game, or rather if there are, I'm not sure they actually breed like the other animals do. I'm fairly certain that they just spawn wherever there is tall grass, both adults and babies, and that it doesn't actually matter if you have two adults of opposite sex.

For actually farming rabbits in a realistic fashion, you might give this mod a try: https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/4921  Otherwise, to farm them in the vanilla game, I'm fairly certain most players simply dig a two-block deep trench around their crops and kill whatever falls in once there are enough trapped creatures.

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Thank you for the advice! I was sure you could breed and farm them I have been mostly following the wiki which does say it is possible. I still don't know fully if it's impossible but i will move on to trying to farm different animals.

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it is totally possible to catch female rabbits and breed them! your also not going crazy I have also noticed a higher rate of male to female rabbits, but honestly you probably don’t need too work too hard on it, if you make a rabbit trap (dig a two deep hole around any planted crops) your rabbits will catch themselves and you can basicly use that as a farm/meat storage that refills itself as long as you dont get any foxes in there. if you want to go the extra mile to make the farm and breed them just put your basket traps in the little mote, or fence that off and add your trough.

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Thank you so much! I am new to the game and have been trying to start a simple farm for so long but couldn't understand why it wouldn't work. now that i know about this i will definetly use this strategy so I am not starving every day.

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Unless rabbit breeding has been updated in 1.19, breeding rabbits is...  difficult.  They do not breed like the other domesticated animals.  About the only way to actually breed rabbits is to throw some food on the ground and hope that they will eat some before it despawns.  Keep doing so until they mate.

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