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good mods that play well with vanilla?


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Spyglass adds a spyglass to zoom the view for the modest cost of 2 ingots and some glass. 
Step up is a QoL mode that will treat one block elevation changes like a stair so you don't have to constantly jump up a hill.
Fancy Sky improves the sky
Actually Quicklime fixes the logical error with crushed lime temp resetting after one item is cooked.

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10 hours ago, RasmusTheGreat said:

any suggestions?

https://mods.vintagestory.at/carryon (Carrying chests on your back and hands around as extra storage goes a bit too far for me, but you are not forced to do that, it's just really nice to move containers around in your dwellings.)





https://mods.vintagestory.at/amr (still works, I think there are two "newer" mods around which work similar to this one)

https://mods.vintagestory.at/compass (goes well with the spyglass)



https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/267 (still works)

https://mods.vintagestory.at/chickenfeed, https://mods.vintagestory.at/pigfeed

https://mods.vintagestory.at/moredrygrass (still works)


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Yeah, the Simple HUD Clock mod is such a nice thing to show all the basic info you might be interest in without having to open your character screen every time to check the weather and rift activity. Specially love the neat way it implements an icon to indicate if you are in a room or not, and what type of room. 

And perhaps From Golden Combs for better beekeeping (reusable hives), but would note that bees don't swarm from those hives, only from skeps and natural hives. You place populated skeps inside them to make the hives work. No more abuse of those poor bees by destroying the hives to harvest honey. 

The Carry On mod feels so natural to use, letting you rearrange containers by lifting them up, and doing the same action without focusing on any block (such as just looking at the sky) does place whatever you are carrying onto your back so you can use your hands. But just the organizing ability of this is wonderful, should totally just be part of vanilla.

And for some quality of life that doesn't really take away from the feeling of actually making things by hand, is Knapster. Essentially just auto selects what voxels are being placed/taken away when knapping, clay forming or smithing, but still feels like you are making the item yourself even if you are not manually pointing at every voxel. Though you can always alter the speed of the assist with setting commands, but that can take away from the vanilla feeling (such as making panning take no time, a 1 click action). I personally make it place more than 1 voxel at a time (it speeds things a bit) and love this feature, it appears as an optional mode for actions that let you choose a mode by pressing F (such as clay forming and smithing). I actually enjoy smithing without the assist more, it's such a interesting process.

That is what I use when playing

Edited by Myra Midnight
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If you play with a map, Ecocarib's Auto-Map Markers is a good call. You are going to mark those things anyway, so why not make it a little easier on yourself?

Farmland Drops Soil is good for new players. It lets you "recycle" your farmland when you figure out how farming works, and what works best for your style.

Spear and Fang's Sortable Chests. Another fantastic QoL that doesn't add anything you couldn't do with a lot more clicks.

There used to be a mod called something like Shorter Grass. No idea if it's been updated, but really helps new players learn how to find things.

Resin All Four Sides or something like that is good for training wheels. So is Buzzwords.

Heck, even something as major as Bricklayers doesn't change gameplay all that much, (Spoiler: You can't make basic storage vessels out of fireclay) and adds a lot of variety. Same could be said for things like Expanded Foods, though if you are a new player, you will likely find it overwhelming.

DanaCraluminum's ExtraInfo is a fantastic aid for learning the game.

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