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Why isn't my skep filling with bees?

Go to solution Solved by Khornet,

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I've placed the skep two blocks below and one block adjacent to a wild bee hive with 41 nearby flowers and a large population size, left it there for two days, and nothing has happened. Why? Is the temperature an issue? It's getting down to -2 at night.

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Skeps hibernate (deactivate all functions) at 0°C. Here's a wiki quote:
"Populations of bees will hibernate (stop swarming or producing honeycombs) at 0°C. Once the temperature reaches -10°C, all bee-related timers (swarm and production) will reset, and will only resume until the temperature rises above 0°C at the end of winter."

They still buzz though even if they're surrounded by mounds of snow, those bees simply never shut up... 🙃

Edited by Khornet
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Welcome to the forums, @AlexPalex!

@Khornet is probably right, but in my game, it took longer to swarm. In 1.19, it would be ready by the time I put together a small charcoal pit, but my one-and-only 1.20 game took several days, with several pits smoking and 4 full stacks of charcoal in inventory.

'Course, fire clay has me rethinking what a lifetime supply of charcoal means.

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Thanks! Given that the solution implied in both of these answers is just "wait a couple days", I'll probably never know which one of the two is the actual cause, so I don't know which one to mark as the solution. Thanks again regardless!

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