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[1.14.0] Administrator's Toolkit (0.3.6)


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Administrator's Toolkit

It allows Administrators to force players to both read (or at least skim), server rules and conditions. Optionally this can also be configured to ENFORCE players agree to these rules. This works by changing a players default roles around - they become a 'guest' unable to place blocks until they issue a '/rules agree' command...

It can list both online / offline administrators automatically, dynamically.

It has a nifty automatic-backup sub-system that can keep rotating backups of the game world database.

Its a SERVER SIDE ONLY mod. (clients need nothing extra)

Admin Toolkit *DOWNLOAD* [0.3.6] for V.S. 1.14

Version 0.3.6:

  • Multi-Langual support (but no languages are translated... aside 'en')
  • Randomizable (from preset locations) Player Spawn [optional]
  • Pings command (kinda moot as V.S. has one built-in now...)
  • Customizable (or translatable) Player Welcome message
  • More things I've completely forgotten!😅


Version 0.3.4:

  • Updated to be Compatible with VS 1.12.4
  • Using official API for server commands now...not the workaround code anymore.
  • Fixed offline admin names not appearing

Version 0.3.3:

  • Compatible with VS 1.11.*
  • Fixed the 'Booming Voice' feature (for admins only)



Brief manual: Readme.md (link)

While this mod has been tested - and should work for VS1.14 , VS itself is under constant revision and updates - so it may need to be upgraded for the next release.

It will probably gain new features or capabilities as admins request these, and please comment in this thread about bugs, issues or requests. Translations too!


Source code: https://osdn.net/users/melchior/pf/admintoolkit/scm/


Edited by Melchior
VS Update, and ATK updated again
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