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Searching for Translocators


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Are the locations of Translocators and areas of lower temporal stability (where the aqua-colored gear in the HUD spins to the left/anti-clockwise) linked?  Meaning, if I'm in area of lower temporal stability, am I more likely to find a TL somewhere under ground near my x & z coordinates?

I am looking for any viable shortcuts to finding TLs other than random spelunking or modding, and all advice is welcomed.

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I'd like to know if there's an easier way to find them as well.

I have well over 100 hours into this game so far and I've only ever found one translocator. It's in a temporally stable area, so in answer to your question, probably not. It's also near the surface, but the translocator it links to is about as deep as you can go underground.

I don't think there's any way of finding them easier short of cheating and/or modding.

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No link between temporal stability and TL locations. But when you travel through a TL, 9 times out of 10 you have a trader close (and sometimes very close) to your destination point.

So if you explore all the caves surrounding a trader, you can increase your chances to find one. But of course, it can hide very deep, and deepest areas are not that easy to explore.

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That is because traders are distributed around the map at rather similar intervals, so you are at any time going to be at most a minute or two from a trader. As far as I can tell, the only "strategy" for finding artifacts is just to try to explore as many caves as possible.

If the generation code for artifacts does not factor in depth, then a world with little height might decrease the area to search through.

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  • 2 years later...

The more I read the forums, the more I realize how obscenely lucky I am.  There are two translators in surface caves within less than a minute of walking distance from where I live.  One of them saved my life since without it, I wouldn't have enough food for winter.

But to answer the question, no there is no link between TS and translocators.  Though there is a mod that lets you break apart a translocator with a steel crowbar for a chance to get enough materials to make your own translocators.  Though since you'll usually have to break at least 2 to get tge materials to build 1, it's not worth it unless you have redundant translocators.

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This one technically didn't involve spelunking:



Was lucky enough to have one just sitting at the end of a valley.

On 9/26/2023 at 11:11 AM, ChubbyDemon said:

Though there is a mod that lets you break apart a translocator with a steel crowbar for a chance to get enough materials to make your own translocators.  Though since you'll usually have to break at least 2 to get tge materials to build 1, it's not worth it unless you have redundant translocators.

There's now an option in the mod to get the full materials back. (However, the OP stated they weren't interested in modding.)

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