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Singleplayer in relation to servers


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Hi! I've already discussed this before, some time ago but it's important nonetheless. It's kinda irritating that the singleplayer has to be played in a server. Cause if my internet is weak or no internet my world doesn't work properly. I understand that if you want you can invite a player to your world, and for that you need a server to support 2 IPs. But wouldn't it be better if you could make a world in the multiplayer tab and it runs like a server and the sigleplayer runs like a minecraft sigleplayer? Idk, but i came here to express my frustrations with this.
PS: I love the game btw! I'm only complaining about this cause i love the game.

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When i was playing yesterday, My internet was having a seizure and the result was:
I wasn't able to pickup items, couldn't open inventory nor chests, could break blocks but wouldn't drop items and a message on the top-right corner saying that the host was disconnected. (Couldn't see much of the message because the map was blocking some of the message) But after a while it turned back to normal and was teleported at my house's doorstep and the message disapeared.

Edited by Michaloid
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Your singleplayer world is hosted on a dedicated server that is spun up on your local machine whenever you load the savegame. It does not require an internet connection.

Indeed, you should be able to pull out the ethernet cable, turn off the wifi in your machine, start the client, and log into your singleplayer world (or start a completely new one).

If your singleplayer server is freezing on you, this might mean that your PC is not able to keep up with the demands of the game. Have you checked the minimum system requirements and compared them to your computer's specs?


Edited by Streetwind
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Then, was the message and the happenings a hicup from my machine? then i'll double down on the mods even though i have like 10 and they're pretty light.
I have acient tools, carry capacity, sexy swords, creepless, flint chisel, cobbledrop, necessaries, better poultice, hud clock and YEET.

Edited by Michaloid
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