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I'm in the dark when it comes to TORCHES?

Brian Lawton

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Hi there. I'm using the up-dated version (1.16.0) and I'm finding it hard to get a simple thing like a tortch ???? I've played earlier versions and it wasn't that hard. Has the method for making torches changed, I'm thinking that maybe it has and I missed the change?? I'm a 75 year old enthusiast so please don't yell at me for being dumb! Just for the record, I;ve been able to harden a mold in a kiln for making a pickaxe so I am making some head way.

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Welcome to the forums :)

Torches now require combining a stick with dried grass in the crafting grid to get extinguished torches. You can then light them in a firepit, or place them down and ignite them with another (lit) torch.

A tip for when you suspect there might have been recipe changes: press H and look the item up in the handbook. If there is a new recipe, it should show up there. Of course, this doesn't work for exotic processes (those usually are covered in a guide), but crafting grid or firepit operations should be there.

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