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Ok so I love how the developers decided to do nutrition. Being well nourished as a bonus instead of a malnourished being a downside. Now I've read (and felt myself) that some people have had issues with various systems of the game such as how you start dying as soon as your health bar empties for instance. So I had a idea to split the difference. Give your character some sort of satisfaction or Moral stat.

The idea being that your player can make better and more complex food to boost your character mood. You can add spices that offer very little nutrition or satiety, but fulfills your character. You will have 6 bars to fill. Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, Umami, and Alcohol. These 6 bars are averaged to measure your characters satisfaction.

So what's the reward for all this hard work? Well the bonus would be a % of this bonus based on your average fullness of the 6 bars. But if they were all full you could get something like +15% move speed and +20% mining and gather speed. I would also like one other bonus, Negate the movement penalty from armor at the cost of draining satisfaction instead. So if you were at 80% satisfaction and wearing armor that reduced your speed by 10%, you would reduce the movement speed debuff by 80% to 2%, but loose satisfaction 8% faster. As your character gets bogged down by the armor, they will slowly slow back down. This will only negate the move debuff, the hunger debuff and the healing debuff will remain unchanged. 

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Very cool idea.  This "stat" could be boosted not only by cuisine, but also by visually pleasing aspects (ie: feng shui), like gardens, plants, ceramic arts, etc..  in the areas in which one spend the most time.  I think TFC had something like this in that the longer you spent in one area, such as your base, the less likely it was for spawns to happen in that vicinity.

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1 hour ago, Menoch said:

Very cool idea.  This "stat" could be boosted not only by cuisine, but also by visually pleasing aspects (ie: feng shui), like gardens, plants, ceramic arts, etc..  in the areas in which one spend the most time.  

What is this, The Sims 1? 😂
(that is not an insult btw)

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Thanks for the kind words. I've been playing on a server with my friends (12 of us total) and alot of our passive conversations are about gameplay improvements we would make. One of my friends loves to stay home and just cook. They love how each meal looks different and gives you a real sense of actually making something, but in the end meat and cabbage stew always is superior. My thought was always I'd hate to eat the same meal everyday. Rice portage with blueberries for breakfast and readmeat stew with cabbage for dinner. Woo. 

I's like to think people felt the same way since when it was put up to a vote people strongly wanted the homesteading update before a story update, theme update or even combat. Honestly I hate the heavy downside to armor, but I get why its there. In truth though historically armor doesn't slow you down, its just uncomfortable. Since this game is quasi realistic I felt like this was a good way to make a middle ground. 

It seems I left a small part out I had planned in the original post. I also was going to add that you don't properly start starving until 24 hours after hitting 0, but your satisfaction would drain rapidly as hunger pains set in. 

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