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Sheep gestation?

Go to solution Solved by Ashery,

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I finally upgraded to 1.16.4 a few weeks ago on a fairly new world.  I've got 12 day months, it is now Sept 5 and the pregnant sheep haven't given birth yet despite being preggers since mid July.  It seems like a lot longer from 1.15.10.  Were sheep gestation increased, are my ewes bugged, or am I just watching a pot waiting for the infernal thing to boil?

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Straight from the code:


pregnancyDays: 20

So I'm guessing they'll give birth any day now and you just happened to misremember them getting pregnant sooner than they did.

The only other possibility I can think of is that their pregnancy length automatically scales to month length, but considering the lack of that functionality when it comes to stuff like crops, I seriously doubt that behavior exists in any of the game's other systems.

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16 hours ago, Streetwind said:

Are you running mods? There's at least one that I know of (Farm Life) which significantly increases animal gestation times.

Nope.  Except for Carry Capacity and Spyglass the only mods I'm running are strictly QoL (Simple HUD, Fancy Sky, Campaign Cartographer, etc).  Not running Farm Life, cages, or any other mod that would impact animals.

I think Ashery is right.  I may be thinking the ewes got knocked up earlier than they actually did.  

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