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world height warning?


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I made a 128 high world, ignoring the warning to keep it at 256. I'm curious if there's a good reason to heed the warning- for example are half the world's ores missing now? Saying "I might not get the full survival experience at that height" only sounds like saying not falling off a mountain is cheating. 

This game is terrific by the way. I have over 7000 hours in Ark survival evolved and since getting this I can only think about this game. Keep up the great work and I'm sure word will continue to spread.

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Hehe, glad to hear you are enjoying the game! 👍

11 hours ago, KIEROK said:

Saying "I might not get the full survival experience at that height" only sounds like saying not falling off a mountain is cheating. 

Something like that, yes. We take great care in trying to balance all the game mechanics. All of world generation is built to use relative heights (so for example ore XY spawns at 30% of sealevel) so a 128 world should merely be a scaled version of the standard one. Due to the immense amount of testing required to get the balance just right we however only test with 256 high worlds and as such cannot be certain that everything is as we intended with nonstandard heights. If you come across unbalanced stuff, we're glad to hear of it though! Then perhaps over time we can more confidently say that 128 high worlds also work just fine


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OK thanks. Not sure I could recognize what's unbalanced- I remember we didn't find much surface copper and we planned to try panning the next time we play. On every world- I have noticed that food is not an issue. Berries are so abundant I almost never eat bush meat or cooked cattail roots. So why farm? I'm sure this is in the future, but I think you need difficulty options. I don't miss the cave-ins from Terrafirmacraft but the starving was fun. Everything felt so urgent. 

Other than that- GREAT so far. I just want more time to play! 

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@KIEROK  Don't worry, 'soon' we will have the seasons and preservation update, it seems like.  So then not only will berries spoil, they'll probably also  only produce at a certain time of year, similar to TFC.  Berries actually used to heal quite a bit more than they do now.   Over time that has been ratcheted down.  They've been very nice to have so that other aspects of the game could be focused on - such as caving and ore finding, but the early days training wheels are slowly coming off. 

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