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extinguishing objects with a watering can


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some things yes, basically anything that can be extinguished by a little rain should be able to be extinguished by watering can... But things like burning coal blocks? Those are basically lost even if you douse them with bucket after bucket of water...

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As realistic as this game is there will always be somethings that won't be realistic for gameplay and fun.  If the game were 100% true to life we wouldn't play it.  It takes obscene amounts of water to extinguish fires.  Homes that are partially consumed by fire suffer flood damage to the parts that weren't consumed by the fire.

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I'm not sure if you understood my point setne550, I'm totally with Maelstrom on this, the only things I do think should be able to be extinguishable are those that will get extinguished by normal rain (which is mostly unrealistic, you may not be able to start the fire, but when it's burning you'd need heavy rain to put out even relatively small fires), which are mostly only torches, firepits and pit kilns. Though realistically even those would need quite big amounts of water. a realistic torch will work just fine in rain (as long as it'd not fall onto the ground), for a small firepit you'll need at least a big bucket of water (else it'll smolder until the fuel is dry enough again and just ignite itself again) and a pit kiln as built in VS would need you to basically fill it with water.

To extinguish a fire you need to take away either fuel, oxygen or most of it's heat, throwing water into it takes some of it's heat but as long as the fuel isn't submerged in or swept away by the water it's unlikely to put out the fire on its own. I think we should be able to use sand instead to suffocate the firepit or pit kiln, though in the end extinguishing the firepit doesn't create any benefit, having it around doesn't hurt and the fuel is lost anyway after it started burning, and the pit kiln we already should be able to suffocate by placing any not burnable block directly above, though I'm not sure atm.

Though for gameplay reasons enabling players to use the watering can to act like rain makes sense, which is the reason I partially support the suggestion, not because it'd be more realistic.

But maybe we'll get dynamic fluids at some point, then rain would accumulate in ditches like a pit kiln, and if it's raining long and heavy enough, sure it could put them out, still wouldn't do much to torches on a wall or a firepit that's slightly raised.

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