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Everything posted by setne550

  1. More clay-based stuff especially storage like amphoras which can be carry more water.
  2. Honestly I find it funny people want to change the the knapping system that I find it good way to concentrate myself as well as in comparison to the original (The MC mod) you cannot make a mistake and there are no misclicks. Kinda same for clay making, as long you have enough clay for the job.
  3. I respect the devs decision for not putting their game in steam. It is up to them whenever they want to or not. Besides tax problems are always a problem to someone who makes money especially for a gamedev.
  4. If you may not realized. It is already present in game on stacking bricks. Although it's kinda good to see a stone pile for early game. But they'll be redundant by the time you can make wooden crates.
  5. Too early to suggest. Too early as devs hadn't even put their layout for the endgame "steam" stuff yet... But still, do we really need it.
  6. True, so far there are iron fences that we still can't make other than looting and buying. But maybe in the future...
  7. Basically something that won't happen until the devs figure the whole deal. As for the other, honestly we need something beyond "clay pots" as from what I know people eventually make metal pots either made of bronze or iron.
  8. Make one day we might get some sort of equip that allows breathing underwater for longer too?
  9. Cheating on node search? It's kind of weird to makes it to consider it as such lmao. I mean I remember busting a 10+ prospecting picks (bronze-made) in one area until I find the type of mineral I need (in that time it was hematite aka Iron) and took me 30+ minutes of pure pain.
  10. Kinda cool, the Brick Oven makes the clay-made oven in game look petty in comparison now despite the similar works. In a medieval-style cooking station I find this in another game, in one side is for baking bread and the other allows grilling and making soup/stew. Anyway, I just hope for the further update in the cooking mechanic. As like there are lot of stuff that needs to "improve" beyond the simple cooking atm.
  11. setne550


    Well consider that the devs did plan to add fish and fishing, it won't be long I hope.
  12. I think this is what is lacking I guess so far. There is no "tropic-based" stuff like what you mentioned.
  13. Honestly I do wonder if the devs will implement them. I would mind them as a "separate" inventory so that I can put arrows in it without sacrificing storage.
  14. Oh yeah. I totally forgot about coconuts and what they can do. Their shells had various use, one can use it as a small "water flask" or can break it as it's contents can be eaten while at the same time the coconut fat has similar properties to animal fat which can be use in certain stuff. EDIT: You can even use the coconut shell into another form of charcoal too! Another is palm trees, I would mind seeing them in hotter climates.
  15. I remember that there was an Elevator in a game called ECO. It doesn't run on anything aside that it requires a lot of space, but very useful if one plans to make a mine or probably making a sort of apartment with multi-floors.
  16. I speculate that if the devs did end up adding rifles/firearms. I'm gonna guess they will take something that isn't ridiculously complicated. But rather they will be behind deep in the tech-tree (in my guess when we reach steel age) and making them will require steel and other stuff. Also if we talk about lore, it is gonna be something the seraph already knows. Something fitting to the steampunk and the era.
  17. Honest I don't want rely on mods just to get an alternate for resin too. But like the OP said, resin can be really easy or very hard to find. And even with that "buff" where we can find more of them likely, I do agree that there should be an alternate.
  18. RIP infinite O2 meters, you'll be missed. I guess it won't be long until we get a thirst meter too. :)
  19. Yeah. Fire should be at least be able to die when they contact with water, either via rainfall or the player deciding to "water" the firepit. Seems this hasn't yet added in a game that aims on realistic-based gameplay.
  20. You know that the news about this was already posted.
  21. Wow. More lore-related items? Like the ones that store scrolls/books etc very neat. I'm glad the devs finally implement the repair system, although for armor at the moment it did will save players resources when using certain armor that requires lots of stuff. Keep up the good work.
  22. Talking about firearms when we still don't had crossbows yet. But I do agree that making them and ammo should require a lot of stuff.
  23. Good idea. Although I'm not sure if dead animals that got struck by poised arrows might be a problem. It might be helpful. Not sure for the Drifters though.
  24. If you mean able to plant flowers aka making them multiply, that means able to get their seeds and plant them like actual crops. That makes nice and able to farm a certain flower...
  25. That is kind of hard to implement in a voxel game.
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