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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by Streetwind

  1. Unfortunately this is not possible. VS allows you to do a lot of different things to the ingame time, through different commands, but the one thing you are never allowed to do is go backwards in time. In fact, the dev team is very quick to patch out any loophole that surfaces which lets you do so. The reason for this is simple: reversing time tends to corrupt your save. A lot. Often, that corruption is irreversible, leading to a total loss of the whole savegame (unless you had a backup). And honestly, why is it so important which year you are in? You wanted to go back to spring, and the command made it happen. That the date is slightly different doesn't affect gameplay in any way.
  2. I've run VS on a ten year old quadcore without SMT, slower memory, slower videocard, and slower harddisk than yours. I got a stutter-free 60-70 FPS on view distance 640 at 1440p with high custom settings. I remain unconvinced that your issue is hardware-related. There are ways to do debug profiling of the game - unfortunately I don't know how they work. Try hopping on Discord and requesting assistance there, the community is very helpful.
  3. Try out the three different Vsync modes in the graphics settings. Use the one that works best for you. Sometimes, the wrong Vsync setting can cause stuttering, independent of other options.
  4. That would be my interpretation too. In fact, since chunks have borders, it would even be possible for the centers of deposits to only be one block apart on the x-axis, if both spawned directly on their respective chunk border
  5. Your graphics card is limiting performance on "very high" settings. Particularly view distance, SSAO, and shadows eat a ton of performance. I'd recommend you tune your graphics settings manually for the best experience instead of using presets. That said, the "high" preset is already pretty close to optimal.
  6. That depends. If you have a general issue with the way the community is acting, perhaps it's worth discussing. If you have an issue with one specific other Discord member, or you have an issue with moderation (i.e. you got warned off or suspended by a moderator for your behavior), that's not something for the forum. Public shaming of individuals is frowned upon and will likely trigger moderation, and discussing moderation itself is similarly against the rules in a lot of communities (although I don't know the VS specific rules on that off the top of my head).
  7. As far as difficulty tiers of prospecting go, tier 1 would be copper, which can be hosted by almost any rock and generates absurd numbers of deposits in higher abundance areas. It's enough to just go off prospecting anywhere until a halfway decent reading shows up, and digging there. Tier 2 would be ores like cassiterite, which require knowledge of and dealing with rock layers, but still generate in largely the same way. You need to know that there are areas where you are more likely to find good readings than in others, and you want to bias more towards really good readings rather than just decent ones; but once you have that really good reading, you can still just dig and expect to find ore. The iron ores would then be tier 3, and adds another layer of difficulty: knowledge of the quirks of the ore itself. See, iron is not like the ores before it. Earlier ores all generate small to medium size deposits, but multiple of them per chunk column. Copper will try as often as 25 times per chunk column to succeed on a spawn chance roll and place a deposit. Iron ores are the polar opposite, generating massive deposits that span multiple chunk columns, but only attempting less than one try per chunk column. Magnetite being the worst at 0.3 tries per chunk column. Magnetite could have a 99% chance to succeed its spawn roll in an "ultra high" area, but before it can even try, it would have to beat another dice roll in order to be allowed to try to spawn, and that roll has a flat 70% failure rate. That compounds with the fact that even if everything goes right and the ore tries to spawn, the random location selected during the attempt might not be able to carry it (i.e. it selected a water block in an underground lake, or the wrong rock layer, or something out of bounds for its min and max y-level, or most of it got deleted by a cave system that generated afterwards, and so on.) Ergo, prospecting for iron is more difficult; it is not enough to find the one "ultra high" hotspot, because the ore might simply have not been allowed to even try spawning there. You need to examine the entire surrounding area. On the upside, due to the sheer size of iron deposits, you only need to make new shafts every 50 blocks, instead of every 20 like is recommended for other ores. And once you do find an iron deposit, chances are you won't need to look for another for a long, long time. It's closer to debug output than anything useful. In a few situations you could let it guide you while trying to figure out in which direction a spawn chance increases, but in general I recommend to people to just ignore the number and focus on the wording of the prospecting result. Specifically, the permille number represents the share of blocks in the block column in which you broke the first of your three prospecting samples that generated this result, which might on average be replaced by this ore, given the interpolated spawn chances in the surrounding area and the specific config settings of this ore, and taking into account the geological makeup of the block column. Due to the way the math functions under the hood, and the inputs it pays attention to, this number can vary greatly between ores... and thus can be extremely misleading. A 0.2‰ of cassiterite will almost guarantee you hitting a deposit because it comes along with an "ultra high", whereas a 30.0‰ of halite can have you dig twenty shafts and find nothing because it's just "poor" or even "very poor", and halite has super quirky spawn mechanics to boot. Hence, trying to derive meaning from this number, especially as a newcomer, is a recipe for frustration and wasted time.
  8. It definitely is the one mechanic in the game with the highest learning curve. Beyond just understanding how the tool itself works, you need to develop a methodology that is conducive to consistent results. And yeah, there's always an element of randomness. Less so in the spawn chances themselves (I've never not found ore in an "ultra high" abundance area - in fact, once I found five copper deposits in a single vertical shaft), and more in the way that what you can find at all depends on the rock layers available to you in your location. There is no single location that can host all ores. You will always have to travel, sometimes considerable distances, to find everything you need. This is intentional. If that sounds like something that would greatly annoy you, then this might not be the game for you.
  9. The prospecting pick in density search mode (mode 1) will report you the spawn chance of the ore in this area. Not what actually is there, but rather how likely it is that something could be there. Your area has a very poor chance for hematite. However, even very low chances occasionally become reality. The hematite deposit succeeded on a very unlikely spawn roll and pop, there it was. You then managed to also luck into discovering it. (This actually works unusually well with iron, due to the sheer size of iron ore deposits, which makes them prone to accidental discovery.) When you switch your prospecting pick to node search (mode 2) by pressing F, it will no longer report spawn chances, but rather report on actual ore blocks nearby. However, the range on this mode is only six bocks in all directions. It is meant to allow you to detect ore veins you might be just barely missing, after you have already identified a suitable area for digging using density search.
  10. Welcome to the forums In contrast to a certain other block game, not all areas of the world contain the same ores, or the same amount of them. The world is made up of three or four layers of different stone types on top of each other. Certain ores may only occur in certain stone types (though copper can exist in almost all of them). So if you only explore caves, you may never discover ore types that can only exist in the lowest layer in your area, because the caves may not go down that far. Additionally, there are far more than four different rock types. Since any given area can only have three or four at a time, you will absolutely run into the problem of, at some point, needing a resource that literally cannot generate in your area. You will then have to travel, potentially quite a distance, to a different area that can host different resources. This is intentional. However, even if what you need can generate in your area, there's no guarantee that it will. A stone layer may stretch for thousands of blocks in all directions, but only certain spots within it will contain ore. (In exchange, once you do find ore, you generally find large amounts of it.) To find these spots, there is a special tool that you can cast out of copper, the prospecting pick. Prospecting is a fairly complex mechanic, with a big learning curve. The most important thing about it is that you approach it systematically, instead of running around taking readings at random. The more reliable and repeatable your methodology is, the easier it is to find ore, although you may need to spend some effort initially to set up your search grid. You should also think carefully about whether you want to record your results (using map markers, or a spreadsheet, or a mod), to save time down the line when you need to look for something else, or whether you want to just focus on finding one thing at a time. I generally recommend the former, but it's understandable if you find that daunting. (Future versions of Vintage Story may help you with that out of the box, but it's not implemented as of yet.) There should be a guide on how to use the prospecting pick in the ingame handbook (press H). You should probably go make one now and practice with it a bit. As far as methodology goes, I've written about my own approach to prospecting here. I wrote that to help someone find cassiterite (tin ore), but you can use the same method to look for any other ore as well. If you're in need of copper, for instance, just ignore everything I say in that post about which stone types to focus on (since copper spawns in all stone types except bauxite), and follow along the steps of making the grid and narrowing down a hotspot for either "native copper" or "malachite".
  11. Hmmm. Now mind you, I don't actually know how it works under the hood, but this behavior sounds a whole lot like it isn't actually the game that keeps the credentials - and rather that the auth server does. I mean, technically the game does store something, as it allows you to log in while offline as long as you have authenticated against the server at least once, but the server likely has exclusive authority whenever it is involved. I imagine it this way: when you successfully authenticate, the auth server memorizes some details - where you connected from, which machine you used to connect, what client you connected with, and possibly more. The next time you launch the client, then as long as all these variables remain the exact same, the auth server nods and waves you through without requesting re-authentication because you are a known quantity. Should you however arrive and present yourself with one or more of these variables different from before, then the auth server cannot guarantee that you are in fact you, and that somebody isn't trying to log into your account from another machine, location, client, etc without your permission. Ergo, it requests verification, and so the client obediently throws up the login mask again so you can re-authenticate. The client makes no decision at any point, it simply does what the auth server commands. It might work a little different in the code, but the practical result will be as described above. You can, of course, just pull the network cord or turn off the wifi temporarily while you start the client, so the auth server is never actually involved and the client simply trusts the last valid token you were issued.
  12. You need to update your project, using an internal updater tool: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/upgrade-assistant-now-in-visual-studio/
  13. If you type /worldconfig playerMoveSpeed into chat and press enter, what value is being returned? Also, could you share a screenshot of your character sheet?
  14. Ugh, that video was bad. To spare everyone the need to watch it, what OP is actually trying to suggest is a LOD system for unloaded chunks. Which is fair enough, and has been suggested before. The dev team is aware that such mods exist in Minecraft, but said that this isn't a priority for VS right now. Chiefly because >90% of the code is being handled by a single dev, and that dev is not a dedicated graphics programmer, and getting chunk LODs to work seamlessly with shaders (VS is running shaded graphics by default) is incredibly difficult and time-consuming without the experience of being a dedicated graphics programmer, and hiring a dedicated graphics programmer costs a lot of money. At the same time, VS' engine is very efficient and performant already, and allows large view distances without a need for LODs. For example, I have a system here with an eleven year old midrange CPU and a seven year old lower-midrange GPU, and it runs a world with ~50 mods, increased world height beyond the default, at 1440p, high custom graphics settings, and 640 view distance with a stable 60-70 FPS. In Minecraft terms, that would be a view distance of 40, which is 25% greater that you can even use in Minecraft at maximum without adding mods to artificially increase the cap. Anyone with a halfway modern desktop GPU can likely run view distance 1024 or higher (64 in Minecraft terms), and the limiting factor will be VRAM, not FPS. And that's full fidelity render distance, not LODs with their inherent limitations (like being unable to display snow cover). This isn't to say that LODs will never happen, but I imagine it's way down the priority list.
  15. If you completely turn off the whole temporal stability system, your castle will no longer be on cursed ground. (/worldconfig temporalStability false) Your only other option is to move elsewhere and build a new castle where it's stable.
  16. How do you know it doesn't? As in, how do you know the trader only ever offers it at a price of 2? You said you got that info from a mod, but how do you know the mod is correct? Did you visit traders ingame to verify all possible prices? If so, how many, and across how many inventory refreshs? Honestly, your best bet here is to approach the author of Extra Info and ask them where they got their numbers from. Worst case, you'll be told "I've never seen it anything other than 2, so I wrote that in", but that would surprise me. For more likely is you receiving a tale of code-diving and stumbling over fun little idiosyncracies in Vintage Story's engine, because that's often how modding goes. Everything you want to implement sounds really straightforward, until you go and look up how the game handles such things in other places...
  17. There is at least one known issue with hunger getting stuck. It's possible that it occurs in other situations as well though.
  18. Not on my end. I've had a giant bay eight chunks across that was all freshwater despite leading into an actual ocean. The way oceans are generated is: first the game world generates a 100% land world, and then an algorithm runs that, depending on your landcover and scale percentages, selects certain areas and sort of inverts them, meaning they go down instead of up. These elevation-dropped areas become oceans. Due to this process, you can end up with a large body of water that generated as a lake seamlessly border a large body of water that was designated an ocean. You won't be able to tell where the freshwater stops and the saltwater starts unless you use a liquid container like a bucket or bowl to scoop up some of it and check.
  19. Streetwind


    Some worldconfig settings have minimum values you cannot go below. Maybe 1.18 changed something about the minimum playerHungerSpeed you can set? (I don't actually know, just speculating.)
  20. Yeah, grass behaves differently. Most soil-type blocks can become covered with a grass texture over time after being placed in the world. This texture has multiple stages, from small patches all the way to completely green. Every time this texture changes, there's a good chance a tall grass plant will spawn above the block, if there's room and there isn't one there already. Once the block texture is fully green and doesn't change anymore, you can remove the tall grass and it won't come back.
  21. Light up your house, and the area around it. Rifts cannot spawn above a certain light level - and even if a rift is already there, drifters cannot spawn above a certain light level either. Note that oil lamps are worse at spawn prevention than you think. Use lanterns - or failing that, torches. So what if they burn out every so often? They're practically free in unlimited quantities. ...And the whole going AFK in a non-pausing multiplayer game with periodic monster waves, when you could have logged out instead? Yeah, sorry, but that's entirely on you.
  22. If you authenticate online at least once, you can continue to open the client while you have no internet connection and it will work fine.
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