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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by Streetwind

  1. Welcome to the forums! I've heard it recommended to create a singleplayer world with your desired settings and then copy that world onto your server. That saves you the need to fiddle with json files.
  2. I think he's asking specifically for the scythe-trimmed grass that's new in 1.16.4. Not for grass growth rules in general.
  3. Do you have a dialog open? Such as your inventory or the character screen? Or even the character editor that pops up at world start? You can only look around when all dialogs are closed, because otherwise, your mouse will control the cursor, not the character,
  4. You're right, it's not a bug. Auto-replacing of tools is tied to using tools. That is, you actively perform an action with them (throw a spear, break a block, harvest a carcass, etc), and if in the process of that action the tool leaves your actively selected hotbar slot, a new one is pulled from the inventory into that slot. Your shield was not actively selected in the hotbar, and it was not actively being used (the shield just piggybacks off of the crouched state). So the existing code doesn't respond to it breaking.
  5. I don't know if vintagestoryserver.exe supports that particular commandline argument. But, even if it didn't, that should create a runtime error. The fact that you got a syntax error when editing the shortcut means that you did the shortcut wrong - likely some kind of spelling or spacing issue. There needs to be a space between the end of vintagestoryserver.exe and the double dashes that begin the argument. Exactly one space. Not two or more.
  6. For an existing world, it can be changed with a /worldconfig command... but I'd advise against it. It'll probably lead to visible seams in the vegetation types on the border to newly generated chunks, as world generation depends on the climate. To make a new multiplayer world for a server with options that the server config doesn't provide, make a singleplayer world and transfer it to the server.
  7. They do apply to newly generated chunks in existing worlds, yes.
  8. Yep. The very same forum thread that is linked literally directly above the outlined sentence in the screenshot...
  9. Welcome to the forums Please head on over to the mod's own thread for support with mod-related crashes. This subforum is for issues with the base game.
  10. ...It's not really a major part, only the very last metal tier even requires mechanical power. No other part of the game does. That said, steam power is on the roadmap already. But I'd call it "aspirationally". It'll be very endgame content, and there are a lot of other features still waiting for implementation that'll likely come before it. Don't expect it anytime soon.
  11. They do not die of old age, and they do not become more tame over time. They remain as they are indefinitely. I kill them for meat and hides, and so that they no longer eat from troughs and become pregnant. You want your highest generation to keep breeding, not the lower ones.
  12. Not possible, and also, not a bug. Like most time-related things in Vintage Story, food spoilage is linked to the calendar. If every month has 20 days, and it is now January, and a piece of food lasts 40 days, then once March rolls around it will spoil. Same thing applies to plants and trees growing, animal pregnancy and young animals growing up, barrel recipes progressing, charcoal and pit kilns burning, and so on and so forth. You wanted the calendar to advance. You wanted out of winter. So you have issued the command to add time to the calendar. Ergo, everything that depends on the calendar has advanced accordingly. It is now no longer winter. And your food has spoiled. Everything is working exactly as designed, and it has given you exactly what you asked for. perhaps not what you meant to ask for - but those are two different things. And I mean... since you're already using admin commands to make things more amenable to you... just switch to /gamemode creative and spawn yourself some of your lost food back in.
  13. I think the recipe is defined as "any chisel + any anvil", and therefore loops through all those options in the handbook. However, upon actually trying to do it, the game also checks if the chisel has enough durability. Higher tier anvil consume more durability for breaking down, and so a copper chisel may not have enough, even when full. This check must happen at the moment of crafting, since it must catch any possible case, including partially damaged chisels. This cannot be shown in the handbook recipe preview. Try using a higher tier chisel, and observe exactly how much durability the process consumes. Then compare that value to the maximum durability of the copper chisel.
  14. Streetwind


    Are you running on a laptop? And if yes, does your laptop have multiple video cards, for example a CPU-integrated one and a dedicated one? The error message suggests that the game cannot start because the video card doesn't support the rendering method. This could be an indication that the game is trying to start on the weaker integrated GPU, instead of calling on the dedicated one like it did in the past. If you have recently updated drivers or changed other graphics-related system settings, something may have changed that caused this change in behavior. If none of the above applies to you, have you tried turning it off and on again? I'm not joking - you'd be surprised by how many transient Windows problems are fixed by a full shutdown and reboot. Especially since most computers nowadays come preconfigured to go into standby instead of shutting down, and rarely ever actually reboot unless a Windows update forces it to.
  15. Welcome to the forums! I am not Stroam, but I'm 99% sure that you've described it correctly. It's not very visible in Vintage Story, where the steps between light levels are very fine and there are shaders that smooth out the lighting. But in other block voxel games that use similar lighting models (and many do), the behavior is much more visible.
  16. This behavior may occur if the item is lying on the exact edge of a block above the ground (for example another tree's branches). There may then be a tiny disagreement between client and server about the item's exact position, likely due to floating point imprecision. As a result, the client may think that the item is over the edge, and display it falling to the ground below. Then it syncs with the server, and the server says no, the item is still up there, and so it is moved back up. And then the client again thinks that it should fall... rinse and repeat. Fun fact: Minecraft has the exact same behavior. TL;DR: if an item is bouncing up and down on the ground, chances are high that it's not actually on the ground, but on a block directly above. You'll only be able to pick it up if you go to that block.
  17. Prospecting and luck. It's a rare ore sometimes found in sedimentary rock, and definitely not renewable. Not sure what Irulana meant. That said, horsetail is renewable. The method is just a bit weird. When you leave farmland fallow, there is a chance that, over time, grass will spawn on it. And rarely, horsetail may spawn instead of grass. So, tilling a large amount of farmland and checking it once an ingame month will give you a small income of horsetail (and a lot of grass for animal feed as well).
  18. If you want to join a LAN game, you do not need to interact with your router at all. It's a game on the local network. Router port forwarding is only required if a player is not in your local network.
  19. Yes, there is a max size of 7x7x7. But you can also have a 15x15 building, with a cross of interior walls separating the space into four individual greenhouses. Lends itself to crop rotation.
  20. It is the same tool tier though, which is what I meant, since you specifically asked for another tool tier.
  21. What FOV did you set to take these screenshots? Usually this specific effect is the result of using too high a FOV, and occurs in all games. Wider screens should support a higher FOV without creating this effect. If you reduce your FOV setting to the point where this no longer happens, what number is it at?
  22. I think there are plans for stainless steel (most likely in the form of chrome-nickel steel). Unsure if that would be a whole new tool tier, or if it would simply result in additional durability. Like meteoric iron is a higher-durability sidegrade of regular iron. I highly doubt we're ever getting titanium, aluminium and uranium refining in the base game, given the amouts of energy and specialized equipment (and purified chemicals in some cases) required to make it work. The in-universe world of Vintage Story is in a renaissance era kind of development stage, and so, early steam power is the highest peak of technology that the dev team has so far mentioned (as an aspirational goal, mind you, not a guaranteed thing). But given that the source material is already there, mods can take up the torch.
  23. I think they mean for using a sword as a tool. Breaking leaves and such. You could do that in older versions, but in 1.16 the sword will only interact with entities and not affect blocks at all anymore. Apparently people were using their sword to break blocks? I have no idea why anyone would want to, but I've heard it from multiple people already.
  24. No recipe is being recognized because you are doing it wrong. The handbook description for jam, admittedly, only says "2 fruit", and doesn't say "First 2 slots must be fruit" like the other recipe entries. That's a valid criticism - but, given that every other recipe works that way, you could have at least tried it. Or maybe you did try it? Not sure. But your recipe would still not have worked, because your honey amount is also wrong, and you can't blame the handbook for that. It clearly says "0.2L" portions". You have put in 80mL portions, which is equal to 0.08L. For your jam recipe to work, the first slot needs to be a pineapple slice. The second slot needs to be a pineapple slice. The third slot needs to be 0.2L of honey. The fourth slot needs to be 0.2L of honey. In order to make multiple servings, you need to increase all four slots equally. For your porridge recipe to work and yield four servings, the first slot needs to be 4 grain (you have it correct), and the second slot needs to be 4 grain (also correct). Then one of the two remaining slots must be 4 pineapple slices (also correct), and the last slot must be 4x 0.2L = 0.8L worth of honey. You gave it 0.08L, which is wrong, so the recipe will not be recognized. I'm a bit baffled how you even got honey portions smaller than 0.1L into the pot. In vanilla survival gameplay, the smallest portion you can pour in is 0.1L, by using a bowl. You're spawning the honey in from the creative menu, right? Maybe that allows you to use smaller portions? Not sure, I never tried.
  25. Well, then I have no idea what's wrong. I've never seen that happen, sorry. Armor stands (and straw dummies too) are entities, not blocks. You can tell that by the fact that you can actually push them around by walking into them - they are not stuck into a position. They have to be entities for their purpose to function, because only entities can be attacked and take damage, and only entities can equip gear. That means you cannot break them like blocks. I think it's shift-rightclick with an empty hand to pick them up. It also means they don't have a GUI like a chest for example would have. Placing armor on an armor stand is shift-rightclick with a piece of armor selected in your hotbar. (If you just rightclick without shift, it puts the armor on your character instead.) Rightclicking with an empty hand pulls a piece of armor off of the stand again.
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