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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by lil

  1. I'm not certain it's everything that does it, but it seems like yes, making posts, commenting on posts, and receiving likes/reactions all add a point per. Can't say how many points per rank though, so far it seems like 9 but I imagine it would go up in requirement later.
  2. I love this idea! Having it be an offhand tool would make it a good tradeoff for some fall damage reduction, would make it work almost like an early glider in the general fall damage prevention, and gives some differences on how you use torches/lanterns if you want to use it in a cave. I wonder how it would be justified in lore and such if it was a passive hotbar item, maybe if it included climbing clips, etc.?
  3. This is more likely because afaik, roof pieces don't themselves count to contain a room; unless that's been recently fixed. Covering the underside of the roof bits with solid blocks has always been necessary in my experience.
  4. Looked around for a bit and made a list myself, here's the images for them. 1. Wolf Bait 2. Berry Picker 3. Stone Age Settler 4. Potter 5. Copper Caster 6. Bronze Caster 7. Ironsmith 8. Steel Worker 9. Historian
  5. I think it's just luck, as per usual, just started a LAN multiplayer world a few days ago and we've been swamped with boars and wolves, bears wandering over every 3ish days. Only things we can't find easily are chicken and bighorns, even the new moose are showing up with some goats. Raccoons and rabbits seem to not be as readily walking over to us and our berries, but they're certainly still everywhere as well. Living just a bit south towards equator of the default temperate starting climate.
  6. I love all these ideas, but maybe make it more durability based, the difference in tools? The idea of managing to not only pull the pick out, but also reach the wall in time feels like its more often useful for a planned fall, where rope ladders (or just ladders) are useful. Maybe instead have them all reduce damage by even more, but below iron have it really shred the durability as it hits so many rocks/solid objects with your full weight falling.
  7. Making it ground based crafting could work as well, ctrl+rclick place the head on the ground, rclick with a stick on that to wedge it in as a handle, and would open the off hand for possible extra building materials/tools for later additions or changes.
  8. That's sadly a pretty big ask to be randomly generated with default settings, why not look for fields/deserts and get to terraforming? Sounds like cutting the top of a hill off with a shovel is all you need. As others have said though, landform scale (Maybe ~150%) should make the plains wider and therefore the open areas should be bigger too (That will also make mountains, lakes, etc, larger as well), and reducing upheaval should make less hills and mountains pop up.
  9. Honestly I agree, I love how much in this game is already there and they're one of the few dev teams I know of I can be confident given time they will keep going and get there. They seem pretty bent as is on making sure exploration is fun and rewarding. I would adore something more than Horsetail and bandages. With VS having just a bit of that video game aspect to it, I could see a lot of fun things to be had with more advanced creation of medicine with maybe the distillery, especially with the new cooking pot changes, and the ups and downs of things like numbing compounds. Also more travel options sound really cool, I've been trying Feverstone's Horses and Joy of Sailing recently and am just nearing actually befriending a horse and making a proper boat, didn't fully understand the newer landcover options in worldgen and am apparently playing on islands, which while really fun, I've certainly been thinking about travel a lot.
  10. Pretty much all of my IRL gardening I've done has been with perennials and root veggies, especially tomatoes, peppers, and garlic; this sounds amazing! I knew about the peppers being in the game but non-functional, I played a bit when you could get the seeds from vessels but not plant them, but didn't know it was because of plans to make farming even more robust. Really hope they don't have too rough a time with it.
  11. This has never happened to me so was a very funny note to read. On the main note though glue isn't what I was expecting but I'm super excited for the idea of fixing the clutter! Anything to be more immersed while hanging out and gathering things is amazing and it looks like another fun process. Also living off leather armour so often like I do my tanneries are gonna look amazing.
  12. All the new stuff is amazing work! So excited to explore more with the new animals, and massive thanks for all the new accessibility stuff over the last while.
  13. Finally got my SO into this game and she's left handed, in a game as immersive as this it'd be really nice to be able to visually swap your main hand around, so your hotbar item is in the left hand and your "offhand" is the right. I don't think it'd need to be anything mechanical other than swapping the FPP model. It'd be super cool to see this reflected in third person, but it's mainly the first person perspective for our left handed players themselves I would assume is feasible and hope for.
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