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Everything posted by ifoz

  1. In 'The Patronage of Tibalt Amaro" (an archives lore book) it mentions how Amaro tells the inventor Dastan that one day his name will be as famous as that of Falx. This indicates that at the time this record was created, Jonas Falx was alive and well-known. This is interesting as the record is from "before our dark age" (words of the scribe who transcribed this record into a book) and the only 'present' time period (when a scribe copied this recording into a book) thing that relates to this story is a childrens' tale. This means that Falx was alive long, long ago, and is presumably still alive when an archives scribe writes this book due to the archives being filled with his inventions and the Eidolon. I suppose it could be that the "dark age" is only a 'recent' occurrence due to the rot, though the linking of this story to a childrens' tale most likely shows that it was so long ago that it has passed into legend. This suggests to me that the Falx mentioned in the story is either a distant relative of Jonas', or that more likely, Jonas himself is immortal, and is therefore a Seraph and not a human.
  2. ifoz

    More Horror

    I'm really glad people are pointing this out. I keep seeing people talk about all these 'horror' mods for Minecraft, but they literally aren't scary at all. Oh yeah, weird monster dude sometimes shows up, screams and one-shots you. The true terror is in losing all your items. As much as I would like more horror elements in this game, I really hope it isn't 'horror' in the way of "big scary monster guy". I'd much rather have the already quite dark lore expanded upon to create horror and unease than some drifter who hit the gym punch me through a cave wall.
  3. Sometimes things require more than one ingot. You can add another ingot to a work item on an anvil the way you add an ingot normally. I also assume you are talking about the helve hammer, as the regular hammer only requires one ingot. I hope this helps!
  4. Zoom into the crosshair in the centre of the screen. It's just to the right of that.
  5. I know it's not a screenshot of a really cool build or anything like that, but I saw this rock from afar and thought it looked like a face in the cliffside and thought I'd share it. This game's generation is always fun and quirky.
  6. I understood that the suits are a preventative measure against the rot and not the rust, though I imagined you modify them when repairing them to consume temporal gears and resist the rust. Since the rot does not appear to exist (at least in it's sickness form) in the present day of the game, using the suits against the rot would not make much sense. Perhaps this underground 'rusted area' has something to do with Jonas' activity, maybe the ruins you can find are all labs of sorts or something of the like, where you could get Jonas parts more frequently than regular ruins.
  7. I really like this. Having to keep your suit charged and repair it with Jonas parts is really cool, gating it behind having Jonastech seems pretty fitting considering the type of danger the biome would pose. And I agree - the more supernatural theme instead of radiation is much more fitting for this game. Radiation was just a word I threw around to convey the type of concept I was envisioning, but I definitely think a rust infestation is much more suited to this game and it's lore than radiation.
  8. My friends and I live in this fortress that I built us on our multiplayer server. One day when I am the only one online, a bear appears out of nowhere. I'm concerned, but it shouldn't be too tough to deal with, right? The bear ends up climbing the towers of the fortress, chasing me around them. I would climb one to try and shoot it from afar with a bow, and it would make a massive leap to reach me. At one point it jumped through an unfinished roof and ended up INSIDE the fortress too. I ended up dying three times I think, eventually got it when it decided to take a swim in a lake and reduce it's agility drastically. The moral of the story is.. uh... I don't know actually. Don't let bears chase you around your fortress? Bears can jump further than you expected? Sure, that one makes sense. Let's go with that.
  9. I always find a ton by destroying the junk metal piles that you find in ruins, specifically one of the junk piles in translocators is guaranteed to have metal parts. You could also sift for them but that's way less effective in my experience.
  10. I really like this! The idea of being able to make networks of pipes for clean air reminds me of Subnautica, and I think that's super cool! Plus, I can totally image some Jonastech type gas mask.
  11. In the vanilla game already in ruins, you can find ruined protective suits/hazmat suits. (Some variations are 'protective' and some are 'hazmat'). I thought it could be interesting if you were able to repair and salvage these enough so that you could wear one. This would open up opportunities for some kind of irradiated or otherwise unstable biome that you would need one of these suits to enter safely. I would assume such a biome would be located deep underground and out of the general player's way, as it would be both optional and require one of these rare suits to enter in the first place. Perhaps such a biome could be infested with the Rust, with special hyper-rusted drifters or other rust-related creatures, and contain some really good loot for your efforts and the general danger. Due to how generally hard these suits are to find, I think maybe treasure hunter traders could also rarely sell them in a broken form. I understand this is a bit of a vague idea, but I liked it too much not to make a post about it. Just some ideas I had, what does everyone else think? Some of the ones that currently reside in my base.
  12. The Better Ruins mod does this, and I think it's pretty cool. The Glider Schematic is already one item like this in the vanilla game, so there may well be more like this in the future!
  13. It's an intentional feature so that you can't just reset all your soil and instead have to wait for the nutrients to replenish.
  14. I don't think they do. I had a pumpkin patch that had died sitting there for in-game years and they never re-grew. This doesn't mean you should not farm. Farming gives incredible amounts of food as well as precious, precious flax.
  15. I am hopeful that the newly-hired person with the job of animating things within the game 'Vintage Story' will use their efforts to aid in making this a reality.
  16. Better knives harvest animals slightly faster in my experience and plants much faster. They will also have higher durability and damage. Drop rates will not increase though.
  17. There was recently a sketch of Seraphs in a boat posted to the game's Instagram, so I am lead to believe that if we are lucky the next update will feature boats and maybe add properly large oceans or add more to them. The game is still very early in development, so I am almost certain that oceans will be updated in the future.
  18. You could maybe try lighting fire pits everywhere you go. Personally I would just leave the North Pole, but if you are doing it for some kind of challenge I think that might be the best way to go. Again, if it's for some kind of challenge, you may have to live underground in the winter months. It's warmer the deeper you go. I know nothing about modding so I cannot help on that front, I am just trying to offer what advice that I think could be useful for your situation.
  19. I always liked the idea of more types of fur clothing, though I think +10 degrees is a little overkill unless it was endgame and specifically designed for life in the coldest of cold areas. If it helps your problem at all: In the newest update the reindeer herder fur set got buffed so that the coat and shoes are now +4 degrees each. The warmest possible outfit is around +19.5 degrees. I don't know how useful this will be in the North Pole, but it's better than nothing!
  20. If you find them in chests they don't require glue as they come pre-repaired. I also specifically mean rarer clutter in buried treasure, not regular clutter in ruins. And yeah, I get the breaking clutter thing, sometimes I will break wood rubble pieces to get them out of my way.
  21. In the creative inventory there are 'randomizer stack' items that let you generate loot from the in-game loot tables when they are placed into a container. This leads me to believe it's generated upon opening. Still, I'd search new chunks or regenerate old ones. Better safe than sorry.
  22. I have bought so many maps it's crazy, and probably half of those have been useless stuff. I know the clothes I'm looking for are rare, but I would like it if some cool clutter or more common clothes could generate in place of useless loot like a heavily collapsed chest. (I know it could be cool for decoration but the fact it doesn't drop when broken suggests this might be a bug that you can find it at all).
  23. Cupronickel already exists in the game. It's used for Jonas devices.
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