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RetroTekGuy last won the day on June 5

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About RetroTekGuy

  • Birthday November 28

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  1. Did you chisel the Chick-fil-A logo?! haha looks awesome!
  2. Not quite sure it would be a "glider" at that stage more of a Paramotor. Which I feel could definitely work as another tier of air transport. They plan to add more modes of transport I read, "airships" n' such. I'd love to see an expansion on steam powered transport systems.
  3. The sheep pen alone is better than anything I've ever built. This is insanely good
  4. Well that's.... That's just better than mine.
  5. Did some very simple chisel work on the ramps. I've never built a coop before this but I'd love to see any you guys have made
  6. I know how you feel. I'm about 46 hours into my current world and cannot for the life of me find Limestone/Borax. Since those two things are pretty important I'm considering starting a new world until I land in a spawn area with common limestone. As ifoz mentioned I don't think there are win lose situations, Just varying degrees of milestones, Sometimes the RNG gods shine upon you and sometimes..... well yeah.
  7. This seems like 100% user error to me, Everything you've described is a direct result of your own (poor) actions. Starting in Multiplayer, Why? Starting on a server with the hardest settings, Why? Being attacked through walls, No, Doesn't happen. You've really given yourself no chance to enjoy the game and that's really unfortunate. Hopefully you remedy this with maybe watching a few beginner guides. Once you open yourself up to the idea of learning the game you'll very quickly find it to be really, The best in it's field.
  8. Ohhhoo I didn't even think to look there. Literally mentions Mold Rack. Ha! cool thanks!
  9. Oh... NICE! So far both my suggestions are things coming in the next update. Feelsgoodman.
  10. Had an idea last night playing on our server, I think it would be cool to have a self for molds. Would work kinda like a tool rack and you can slot molds in vertically sort of like a record collection? I know you can just store them in a box but I like the idea of having item specific storage solutions. Just a thought.
  11. I think the option for instant item pickups would be good, Personally. I just think its too slow and it's like there's a constant lag, I don't like needing to walk back over something once or twice to initiate the collection. If I break something I'd like it to go directly to my inv. This way is very jarring IMO
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