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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by l33tmaan

  1. Updated to 1.5.3-pre.7! Acorns compatibility updated Primitive Survival compatibility updated Gozinaki & Trail Mix no longer requires Acorns Gozinaki, breaded ball & fish display models enlargened Bolete updated to King Bolete Dried Sausage & Trail Mix extra nutrients buffed Fish Sauce nutrients doubled Sausage oven display fixed
  2. I still have no idea what the cause is behind that bottle disappearing bug is, since I can't replicate it - but you need 0.2 L of water to make tea now. I'll try and get an update out this weekend to patch up some more compatibility problems and after that, I think my main focus is going to be getting Wildcraft fully updated and then getting the handbook looking nice and pretty. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  3. No point in having chopped mushrooms that don't look like their original component. I'd rather just be able to stack items that share primary codes, like veggies or mushrooms (but not meat, for some reason).
  4. If I had to guess (take this with a grain of salt), Saraty made a bunch of models and textures while Tyron was coding something else and it took a day or two for him to add them into the game. The hardest part of making 27 varieties of mushrooms is almost certainly the modeling and texturing. Then again, I have no idea how detailed the spawning mechanics are.
  5. Help, I have to add 27 versions of mushroom variants to all my recipes!
  6. Personally, I use Photoshop to make textures, but I hear some people use GIMP as well. Maybe some other people can suggest image editing programs you could use to make the textures at the right resolutions. Either way, I can't say I know what's going on with your VSModelCreator...what was it trying to install?
  7. launch.bat, launch.exe, and vsmodelcreator.jar should all work. Do none of them function?
  8. Hmm. If you have Java it should run. What does it say when you try?
  9. I just used the VSModelCreator, you need Java for it to work. 16x16x16 voxels corresponds to the same size in-game, but the sizes of the textures you posted won't work. They have to be a multiple of 8, so I changed them to be 32x32 pixels since that's what I usually work with, personally.
  10. Ah, yes. Not really any way around that right now, unfortunately.
  11. After some testing, it looks like pies check for expandedNutritionProps and THEN the regular NutritionProps and doesn't add both at once. Whoops!
  12. I am SO relieved to hear that.
  13. Yes, those are lower because I added expandedNutritionProps as an attribute, since dough's original class gets replaced by ExpandedDough. This is what allows vanilla bread to have extra nutrients from things like milk, lard, and bread starter. In Expanded Foods, bread has a flat nutrition value that gets added onto based on what kind of flour you're using. Flax gives no boost, rice gives +170 nutrients, and all other flours give +140 nutrients. Pies should be adding the nutrients up correctly, though. Are they not?
  14. Just wait. It'll cure.
  15. Updated to 1.5.3-pre.6! Saucepan crashing due to different decimal systems fixed? Herbal tea recipe re-added Soy milk/sauce pressing fixed Japanese translation updated
  16. I don't even see how that's possible with the game's current trajectory, honestly. Letting people attack from different directions isn't gonna turn this into Morrowind with cubes.
  17. I don't see how you can conflate people who want minor amounts of depth added to the combat system with "a toxic community". Then again, I never played Minecraft PVP servers, so maybe I don't know how bad it can really get.
  18. This isn't happening on my end. I haven't had a bottle disappear in a month or two - and I didn't have any disappear just now when I tested, either. Soy sauce & milk are being weird. I don't think the game likes it when litresPerItem gets too small. EDIT: Oh no, I'm just blind. Whoops!
  19. That seems a lot like what you wrote, lol. In fact, I would go so far as to call your other post "butthurt". Davis is right.
  20. I understand now. My code is looking for the cauldron/saucepan shapes of "contents-0.1.json". I am positive that if the OS automatically changes that to "contents-0,1.json" then ANY contents in the saucepan or cauldron would cause crashing. Now to fix it!
  21. Whew, that's what I get for dropping a release and going out of town for the weekend. Well... the good news is that I can replicate it. The bad news is that I can also replicate this with buckets and water, indicating to me that this is a vanilla issue. Can you check to see if the same thing happens without Expanded Foods installed? What is this meal? It looks like a salad but I was able to make some without issue. There is no longer any need to have Wild Farming installed except for seaweed farming. Since there are no longer herbs in Wild Farming due to them being absorbed by Wildcraft, all items and recipes that used herbs now require the Wildcraft herbs instead. If you want to get technical, I only added the Wildcraft herbs to the existing recipes. Wild Farming simply gave access to the vanilla game's existing herbs, so I've still got those in my recipes for when (if?) they get implemented into vanilla. You're a hero. I'm not sure why the saucepan does that, but there must be a vanilla function that's missing since I imagine this sort of thing would come up a lot, given the game is coded by a European. Thank you for identifying this! And yes, some of the text is off and the handbook isn't updated yet. I'll take care of it. Uhhh... apparently soy sauce isn't working either. I swear it was working when I tested it before. Thanks for letting me know.
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