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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by l33tmaan

  1. I don't think the game is meant to handle liquid > solid transitions.
  2. Spread those items out so they fill up all the slots.
  3. Hmm, yeah, screenshots will be nice.
  4. Have any of your berries rotted at all? Someone had a similar problem a couple pages ago and that was their issue.
  5. Got any screenshots?
  6. You can make mix food the same way you grind a quern: by right clicking. Try it on the bowl. Is it not working?
  7. Well... it'll be ready for 1.15 eventually! Thanks, though.
  8. Probably gonna need to get rid of Expanded Foods for now.
  9. Correct. Can you take a screenshot?
  10. I see what you mean... I was doing it in the mixing bowl, since that's my primary container right now. Quirky! Sure hope we get more liquid containers in the future...
  11. Huh? That's weird. For me, right clicking is what picks up the bucket. Yes, you can get resin from the bucket, place it into something, and have that resin cure into hard resin nuggets. You can also keep it in the bottle or bucket until it cures, and still place the resin nugget into something. Try right clicking instead, I guess? Whatever method you use to get liquids out of your containers, do that.
  12. Do you have water in the slot, or the pan itself? I know that can be a bit weird.
  13. Yeah. Left click?
  14. I was able to get it out without issue. Bucket or bottle, you should be able to place it into a chest or something Are you on 1.3.14?
  15. No, you can't use it to make gears. You're right, it turns into solid resin. Are you asking how to get it out of the bucket? Can you just empty it into a container?
  16. What do you mean? It's a liquid.
  17. Just pull a bottle out and right click. Make sure you aren't looking at anything.
  18. No... that's not on purpose. If you make cold pasta using the mixer instead of hot pasta in a cooking pot, the grain nutrition pulls in properly. I think this is because cut noodles don't have nutrition, while cooked ones do. I'll fix this.
  19. There is a reason I have that giant note in the first post, after all...
  20. Oh, thank god. I was going to get scared if you told me it still wasn't working.
  21. Just take Morrowind's combat and remove the random damage and to-hit chance.
  22. l33tmaan


    Here's how you kill them: You walk up and hit one at the edge of your attack range, then back away before it can attack. Unless you're trapped in a cave with no room to maneuver, you can handle it. Might want something better than flint, though. If that's not enough, here: https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/166 https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/169
  23. Does it work in singleplayer? You're on 1.3.14, right? Also, you don't cook berries in a pan.
  24. I think the resin would balance out, but I'm not 100% sure. It depends on how the game handles mixing liquids - I think I've seen milk spoilage balanced out when you put new milk in an old container. As for the saucepan... I'm not sure exactly what the issue is, because I can make it just fine. Mods, no mods... it just works.
  25. It works, I swear!
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