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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by 1Joachim1

  1. lets be honest here, fruit trees... i don't really see them attractive... one of my flaws in these kind of games is that i don't really like to travel on foot a lot so, even in an ingame year there's not so many trees i've discovered. maybe it's also my ingame temperature range, i tend to play on colder areas, but i'm not having so much luck with fruit trees. also risking the 60% chance of not getting a tree hurts, like a lot. specially because i'm not the luckiest man alive.. solutions i can suggest? we need a "seed" mechanic for trees, it ensures the growth, instead of a 40% chance it's 100% but in turn, it takes up a full year to grow the first "true branches" (basically the minimum size for the tree to yield fruit at appropiate season). and you need a bunch of fruit to get a single viable seed. another solution could be, having a tree inside a greenhouse ensures the tree will not die of frost even if it's getting too cold. this way you have both effects. you want yield quickly? graft them and risk killing the tree... you want the tree to survive the winters? spend some time with infrastructure and mine a lot of quartz..
  2. i'm really newbie player, even tho i've played 3-4 runs (never post steel tbh i used to rush the tech tree and that's it) and tried to make a server with a friend that never played before and the new generation is making my survival rate drop like crazy. not only makes it difficult to traverse, but it makes it impossible for the new player to spot food plants (most of the time they are looking on how to climb that serrated mountain rather than exploring and looking for resources) there are wolves that feel less agressive than in previous versions of the game, however the bears are quite brutal. that mixed with terrains with a lot of bushes (in forms of birch leaves) and my nemesis, the Ferns (they use a lot of space and hide a lot of entities, and they also allways find their way into your inventory (makes a great fuel to heat up the fireplace before using the hard working materials) makes for a really bad experience. i tried to make new worlds with the default settings both in the server and in the single player way and all of them were allways looking like Dakko's picture. which as i said, it's a nightmare for my friend that's not gonna play it anymore because it's quite difficult (and we are quite busy irl)
  3. in my area in my country (spain) we have quite delicated fruit trees 'cause they bloom quite early (orange, peaches, and hazelnuts) and a few late freezes can kill the production of fruit, but so far i only saw ill trees die from freezing, sure it's not a "cold" place at all (my area gets -5ºC in harsh winters at most but get's +33ºC in the summers easily ) . one really really rare weather here is Hail and for the temperature range you can understand how rare it is, it occurs every now and then unexpectedly in april (where all those trees are blooming, some of them bloom in march) and then it destroys crops, killing most plats and hurts trees, but trees don't die, they just lose most of the production (if not all) and a few branches get torn into shreed (Efectively killing that branch) but nothing that good climate could solve. heck, even the ones in my small farm that i never watered in my life prosper nicely. some trees are not living in the perfect conditions, for example pine trees.. you can see them on rocky mountains and in cold areas (or both) but it doesn't mean it's living in the ideal spot. pine trees also develop quite nicely in warmer climates with soft ground, but other species of trees are more aggresive and have better surviving strategies (such as blocking sunlight, or for example, or extracting large and toxic amounts of metals from the ground ) and push pine trees into more extreme climates where other plants can't really thrive.) fruit trees are quite rare in VS so having them spawn in harsh biomes for them to live in, makes no sense, they should be able to survive the climate where they spawn, since "human" intervention "isn't" a thing, most of the trees should have died already for the time you pop out and only the fitting ones, the ones that adapted to the climate should be there. which brings me to the ingame mechanics: make the trees suffer from heat/cold damage reducing the production itself quite dramatically instead of straight killing them.
  4. totally agree. the glider aesthetics fit really well with the "present" vintage story moment and tech, but the parachute really fits the time where the lore refers to. could really be a relic of the past. on the other hand i also agree with the fact that it sinks like a stone in a puddle. it's nice, REALLY NICE to have the "no fall damage" feature, but they should also add something to traverse the world. right now QuentinP trains and rails are making my life a bit easy (requires steel age tho, so forget about early game transport)
  5. you're back in the best possible time. the game got the lore update a few days ago, so if you google something about "vintage story 1.18" you'll get some good videos. you can check on Kurazarrh let's play series it's doing a really good job at explaining everything like a tutorial on the other hand if you want something more of a written guide, the game itself has a handbook (you open it pressing the "H" button ingame) and it's basically a portable wiki with a bunch of guides such as how to survive, how to make pottery or how to forge metals. the ingame documentation is really great.
  6. i have all the DLCs for that game, really nice. but it gets quite grindy really fast. specially if you plan on making something big. survival is not really suit for that kind of games for people that are used to "get shit done fast" or at least, planned fast. i'm allways struggling because you can craft everything almost at the start of the game, but you need resources to do so, but you can get more efficient for the price, so you need to build shit faster, which requires a lot of raw materials that you don't have the capabilities to get. (and frankly, hand welding a mothership / colony seed ship) is a nightmare. the workflow in that game makes me a bit crazy, however it's still super fun and the music is incredible too.
  7. for me, the recurring games or games i put a heck ton of hours were: Neverwinter Nights, Chrono Cross, half life 2 death match, Minecraft (allways heavily modded), World of Warcraft, Tera Rising, Avalon Code and all the Monster Hunter games and castlevania (up to the lords of shadow ones, that i didn't like, sorry). also, honorable mentions were Empire Earth II and Team Fortress 2 thanks to my cousin, i used to go to his house to play them vs every friday for two years. Also, one of the best games i got to play (and i really love to play no matter how much times i've done the same) is Graveyard keeper, i just love his dark humor too much on the other hand, i played all the classics (all marios, donkey kongs, tales of, the legend of zelda, (having a bit too much fun with ToTK right now) WARIO LAND, golden sun) and made sure to 100% them just for the pleasure to do so (i don't really like the achievement system, for me it hurts more than motivates)
  8. in theory you can't move lava, even tho there are mods that allow for that, but specifically 1.18 added the "Geologic activity system" which has the chance to create lava rivers closer to the surface so they are most likely gonna be underground. but that feature was the inspiration for this plan to begin with. i don't really mind making a "excavation site" and build some dwarf-sized forge (so, massive) underground in order to make use of the lava. if anything, it will make the process a bit more epic at least ugh, that's a bit demotivational to be honest. i've played the game a few times but never got into "deep/advanced mechanics" such as the chiseling or water/lava works i've never been a good builder, i'm more of an automation/machinist guy.. i guess i'll get my hands dirty in a creative world and see what i can figure out.
  9. thanks for the repply. and don't worry about not knowing much we are here to help each other . for "quarry stone" people refer to the extraction of the raw, intact, block. instead of mining it with a pickaxe which produces little stones (that you can combine with clay to make a cobble block). that raw block can be used to make the Quern (it specifically requires an igneus rock type tho, so Granite, Andesite, Basalt and Peridotite), it can be used too in decorations or to have different chisel options; I believe the game refers to this process as "relieve rock " basically if you expose the 6 sides of the raw stone block to air, it "puffs out" dropping as a placeable item, which is really nice because some textures are great, however it's a PAIN to get a lot of. and thus, why i was looking for that kind of machine, because instead of mining 5-6 blocks to get a single quarried block (that's the 5:1 ratio) with only one is enough (1:1) thank you really, i think i understand a bit more of the machine. it's fun because explaining this mechanic to you made me realize the fact that probably the second block is created out of nowhere to prevent the original block to "puff out" in the same manner as it would happen if you relieve/quarry them in a cave .
  10. Hi guys, i'm interested on farming obsidian (for quarried blocks) in somewhat of a "survival" way. now that geological activity is on the game i thought i could find lava on surface levels or at least "cheating" and swapping the hot springs water with lava once i get to the iron age so i have to work around fluid physics once i begin the farming... I've been lurking through the forums and i only found a post from Devilofether back in 2020 HERE and as you can see he has a picture of an obsidian generator which is amazing but sadly it's quite dark, i don't mind the stones so basically the machine will be handy however he says that the generator produces basalt by default but it can produce obsidian if you put a bit of manual labor. i really don't understand how obsidian generation works, what "quirks" he is mentioning and at the end, how the machine works at all. Right now i can't really play the game even tho the steam deck has proved that it's a godsend because work is stealing all my life but i wanted to plan a bit ahead when i have 10 minutes to spare. can someone help me with a bit of an explanation on what's going on on that post?
  11. Raw food could increase some stats if the potion already has them. probably instead of "increase" the word should be "improve" but only if the effect is already present. -Grain could increase the time of the settling potion. -Veggies could increase the time for the purging potion (you know, fiber and all that, and being low calories) -Meat could increase the time for the potions that have anything to do with hunting and butchering -bush meat could increase the time for the potions that have anything to do with pheromones -milk could increase the time for the HP potions (either max or healing) -mushrooms, if you can separate them from veggies, could be fun. healthy ones could increase the time for the mining. while the poisonous ones could increase the yield itself at the cost of max hp being reduced for the duration of the potion. if you add rot the time instead of increasing it decreases. but knowing that rot is valuable AF.. could you detect a rotting ingredient? if it's <50% rotting it increases the time less (like a low quality upgrade) while if it's > = 50 it should decrease the time maybe this is overcomplicating the system quite a lot, but it's a way to "sacrifice" food without having an OP effect. at the end you want nourishment and drinking potions shouldn't overwritte the food system. i suggest at the expense of something, like losing points due to not being an efficient way to nourish such: 100 fruit 100 vegetable 100 grain 100 protein 0 dairy it should end up being 90 fruit 90 veggie 90 grain 90 protein 25 dairy (net loss 15 points out of the 40. which is ~37% loss) else you're basically killing the need for having a herd of sheep ready to milk and make cheese.
  12. this was it, i didn't know i could scroll through the bags! thank you!
  13. can i suggest that the potions are crafted in a cooking pot or something similar? i mean, all the proces is super great but the last step (crafting the potions using the ingredients+ the phial) i feel like it would be more fitting if they were produced in a cooking scenario. it doesn't make much sense to mix two dusts (because the plants have to dry and then heated and then mashed together, they would be quite quite dry) to make a liquid-looking potion. l anywho it's just a suggestion i'm really loving this mod, my world is quite barren of minerals (and plants to say the least) and it's being super super helpful!
  14. Hi, sorry to annoy you, i'm "new" to the game (used to play at the begining of survival) and i have an issue. i've located a hive (a big one) and i want to place down the ceramic hive, that's stored in my backpack slot. i've chedked and looked everywhere, googled it but i can't figure out how to place it in the world ( since i can't click the item anywhere) Also, how do you translate the mod files? if it's easy i can provide a spanish translation =D edit: i've checked the russian file (to know what's about) and it's as simple as editing the json with notepad++ so if you want it, just tell me, i'll do it really quick
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