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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by dakko

  1. I've not played MP. Is it the case that time passes only when players are on the server? Could a solution be to play with others that restrict their playtime to weekend only?
  2. I haven't had chickens for awhile but unless something has changed in recent updates, roosters will fight each other even to death. Of course that does not explain what you've described. But with a crowded chicken pen, it wouldn't be surprising to have rooster deaths.
  3. With that information, I searched the News forum to learn more. There were 2 recent additions preparing for ropes and boats to be implemented: I could not find the wiki information on these, but maybe the rope simulation did not work out and was removed in 1.16.5? I do not know. This is the first I heard of it.
  4. Boats and ropes for animals have not been added to Vintage Story yet. I believe they are planned for the future. If you've already seen them in the game, then it must have been a mod.
  5. Is it possible that this is an issue of installing the update version versus the full install? Several years ago someone had no music and the solution was for them to use the full install (which contains the music), but that doesn't quite sound like the same problem you are having.
  6. Just realized I misread your first post. I had it backwards (that it couldn't make a wooden club). Sorry about that!
  7. No authority on the subject but a quick search shows that kapok wood is light and porous, best used as carving material and making dugout canoes. My guess is that the crafting choice was intentional.
  8. Kurazarrh has amazing accuracy with a spear, and at quite a distance!
  9. I didn't know that clay wasn't supposed to be in areas of low precipitation. Are you sure that was not just a coincidence within your past world gen? I use patchy climate, so maybe that makes a difference? But my last two worlds (1.16-1.17, possibly began one world in 1.15) had base in low precipitation area and there was also clay.
  10. No, immature crops do not always drop a seed. It seems to me that wild crops in the earliest stage of growth have the highest likelihood of dropping seed.
  11. Yeah, I didn't think of the firestarter to light a torch either. Wish I could remember which youtuber deserves the credit.
  12. Because it isn't all about what you or I think is adequate. There are people here expressing frustration with the game. My suggestion is a simple option. If you and I do not wish to use it, then we don't have to. Personally, I think there is a lot to be said for immersing yourself in the game and learning as you go. Chill in the stone age for awhile. There is no need to jackrabbit to copper, or whatever. I don't even make a bed (someone recently expressed that it was difficult having to do so many things on the first day, and gathering grass for a bed was one of the things mentioned -- I don't even have a bed). I don't see the need to be trying to know every nuance of the game on Day 1. Relax. Explore. Pick some berries, or cattail roots, or kill some fish. But that's me.
  13. I made a suggestion that an option be provided for players to start with 1 torch and 8 bread like we used to in the past. That would make it a configuration option and those that want it can use it. Please feel free to add your (starter item) suggestions to that thread if you'd like. eta link
  14. Do you know that the firestarter can be used to light the first torch? It isn't necessary to light a torch in the firepit.
  15. Provide a checkbox for New Players that would provide them with a few essentials at the start of the game: 1 torch 8 loaves of bread These used to be provided at the start of the game for everyone. Perhaps providing this option will ease the stress that some are feeling, especially the brand new players. Fellow forum members: Feel free to add other suggested items below.
  16. Okay, then I'd (if it were me) report this in the Discord chat server. There will be more people there that will be able to say if this is a bug or not, and you will be able to report it there too.
  17. And you have not updated since creating the world?
  18. Hmmm. Did you install any updates in between that may have introduced a bug? Are you using any mods and, if so, which ones? Normally I'm in a "patchy" climate world, so I haven't paid any attention to the rain. My base is in an area that rarely rains. eta: there are some mods that affect weather
  19. Hi! Armor can be repaired. Tools cannot, not unless it is something new that I didn't notice.
  20. Pressing "C" brings up the window showing nutrition levels... it also shows the climate for the region you are in. It's possible that you are in an area that rarely rains.
  21. Without mods, cheese is made from the milk produced by sheep. The ewe needs to have produced a lamb before she can be milked, just like in real life. Some merchants do sell cheese.
  22. Umm. I'm the type of player you are speaking of. To give you some idea: I had never played a block game, nor any game requiring fighting, when I started playing VS in mid-2018. In my very first world, I spawned in a narrow (steep) heavily wooded valley and did not even know how to navigate the terrain. It does not get any more beginner than not knowing how to jump up onto a block or make your way through impassable brush. I didn't even know how to exit the game. All of that to say, I am very familiar with the scenario you are presenting. Tyron and the VS Team have been listening to suggestions and, more importantly, have implemented many ways for players to customize their world according to their play style. With continued suggestions they are making refinements. Even the option to change all difficulty settings for an existing world may be (or become) possible. Personally, I don't think that is much of an issue considering that most things do have an in-game command already. I just felt like that needed to be said. Sometimes the tone seems (to me) to suggest that these issues are not being addressed.
  23. Faster than hitting them with a stick?
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