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Everything posted by daretmavi

  1. Here is a simple script to run the command and get the status back - VS_command.sh VS_command.sh <COMMAND-FOR-SERVER> VS_command.sh
  2. On my way to run VS Server on Raspberry Pi 4, I tried to run it through systemd. In works nice, but I was not able to send any commands to the server. Terminal emulation "screen" does not work with systemd, so the script server.sh is useless. I found some solution. It can be done by adding socket to the service definition (in /etc/systemd/system/). vintagestory.service [Service] ... Sockets=vintagestory.socket StandardInput=socket StandardOutput=journal StandardError=journal ... and create the socket file vintagestory.socket [Unit] PartOf=vintagestory.service [Socket] ListenFIFO=%t/vintagestory.stdin Now you can send the command with echo e.g. echo "/stats" > /run/vintagestory.stdin and read the server output with systemctl status vintagestory of look at the log sudo systemctl status vintagestory My service and socket files are attached (Work in progress). vintagestory.service vintagestory.socket
  3. It seems, that turning mesa_glthread on gives nice performance boost. (Avg FPS from 58 to 71) Change vintagestory.desktop file mono Vintagestory.exe to mesa_glthread=true mono Vintagestory.exe mesa_glthread is off mesa_glthread is on Not sure about the stability. I have to test it a little bit more, but it looks promising. Tested with AMD RX580 graphic card.
  4. Player corpse mod is great and something like this should be in vanilla. This could expand "Death punishment" option. drop keep drop + add marker drop + create corpse
  5. Clay is a good choice. If you can find clay, you can make many more staff, not only storage vessels. E.g. you can start to cook meal, which is much better.
  6. How to remove manually spawned trader in creative? If I kill him, he will lie down like death, but later he respawns.
  7. Hi, not sure how it works in GPortal, but fol local server you have to update server.sh file. USERNAME='...YOUR_USERNAME_FOR_SERVER_RUN...' VSPATH='... PATH TO SERVER ...' DATAPATH='... PATH TO DATA - YOUR WORLD FROM SINGLEPLAYER in ~/.config/VintagestoryData/...' under DATA update serverconfig.json - Paths "ModPaths": [ "Mods", "... PATH TO SERVER/Mods" ], "SaveFileLocation": "... PATH TO DATA/Saves/default.vcdbs", Look here form some info: https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=Setting_up_a_Multiplayer_Server Basically you need to copy your Singleplayer Data from VintagestoryData directory to server and update server files.
  8. Right, I forgot I use one mode (Player corpse) and the modes are shared for all versions, so this is causing it. Now it is working.
  9. Hi Sinda, it works for you? You can even load/create the world?
  10. Hi, thanx. Game starts, but I can't load/create any world. It stays stuck in loading screen. This is console output.
  11. It is not starting on linux with run.sh client-crash.txt: Version: v1.16.0-pre.2 (Unstable)01.12.2021 22:36:02: Critical error occurred System.DllNotFoundException: libnanosvg.so assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null) at (wrapper managed-to-native) NanoSvg.SvgNativeMethods.nsvgCreateRasterizer() at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.SvgLoader..ctor (Vintagestory.API.Client.ICoreClientAPI _capi) [0x0000d] in <3be15e3e91d742dab550cd163b37a7a0>:0 at _8hKY98YYLSNuzwitBfBtUzSBDWJ..ctor (_HRfDngnpBWTmEXiuwbRWkFKyJZs , Vintagestory.API.Client.ICoreClientAPI ) [0x00030] in <3be15e3e91d742dab550cd163b37a7a0>:0 at _Qhe5emKnc9jNv5pN4mtlr6oB06l..ctor (_HRfDngnpBWTmEXiuwbRWkFKyJZs ) [0x00025] in <3be15e3e91d742dab550cd163b37a7a0>:0 at _HRfDngnpBWTmEXiuwbRWkFKyJZs._HH2M6AmcpFUMki4uDKOPMndAYft (_hFZgobIYoX0BrM3J1kokPKB9IqB , System.String[] ) [0x00000] in <3be15e3e91d742dab550cd163b37a7a0>:0 at _aeznW7dUzRtbc6gGqfLLAAGPvUF._HH2M6AmcpFUMki4uDKOPMndAYft (_hFZgobIYoX0BrM3J1kokPKB9IqB , System.String[] ) [0x003bf] in <8d66166b5af84e99b52d52577ba8f9cf>:0 at _aeznW7dUzRtbc6gGqfLLAAGPvUF+_ixZKgNgo7I3kbr4QthQzdebcglA._hUauVNSzd1WLRRhHfkNd8O6agJy () [0x00000] in <8d66166b5af84e99b52d52577ba8f9cf>:0 at _D1bjqjMU3djkJ14p5zl8JiWp0sG._HH2M6AmcpFUMki4uDKOPMndAYft (System.Threading.ThreadStart ) [0x00007] in <3be15e3e91d742dab550cd163b37a7a0>:0 -------------------------------
  12. Thanx. Is there a command to fully generate some word area? Maybe people here with more experience with servers could give some advice. How big are they databases.
  13. Yes, exactly. Better skill system would be great. Right now you can only use .charsel command to change your class.
  14. How can the world file size be calculated? E.g. to set max. world size according to hard-drive free space.
  15. It works on Windows (https://cdn.vintagestory.at/gamefiles/stable/vs_archive_1.15.9.tar.gz) And with the "--dataPath" it should work. Alternatively you can always run your local server and connect to it locally (IP https://cdn.vintagestory.at/gamefiles/stable/vs_server_1.15.9.tar.gz - extract - and update config files server.sh USERNAME='your-user-name' VSPATH='...path-to-server-dir.../vs_server_1.15.9/' DATAPATH='...path-to-server-Data-dir.../vs_server_1.15.9/Data/' Data/serverconfig.json - if you copy your existing World Data "Mods", "...path-to-mods-dir.../vs_server_1.15.9/Data/Mods" ], "SaveFileLocation": "...path-to-saves-db.../vs_server_1.15.9/Data/Saves/default.vcdbs",
  16. It work on Linux without problems. I just extract the tag.gz archive and run run.sh Not sure on Windows, but probably you need to run Vintagestory.exe.
  17. The worst thing on temporal storms is, that you don't get anything special if you kill drifters. And if you don't loot them right away, they will probably de-spawn before you can.
  18. Right, I just wanted to use my server from pc.
  19. I just tried it on my old RPi 3B with 64 bit Raspberry Pi OS installed with Raspberry Pi Imager. It seems to be working. I have had to install mono and screen first. sudo apt install mono-complete sudo apt install screen and copied files (extracted vs server tar) with scp scp -r vs_server_1.15.9 pi@ After updating server.sh and serverconfig.json nano server.sh nano Data/serverconfig.json It started fine with ./server.sh start A little bit laggy, but with better RPi4 it could actually work.
  20. I found this older post, it seems that R Pi 4 could work, maybe with 8GB RAM and some M.2 extender like Argon ONE M.2 Case.
  21. Has anyone tried to run VS Server on RPi4 or some other 1-board computer (Ondroid, ... )?
  22. It could even be chiseled without chisel. Like with stick (Dirt is soft)
  23. Info like here: https://github.com/anegostudios/VintageStory-Issues You can even make video to show it.
  24. It would probably be overcomplicated and it is not worth it. I was just surprised, that when I make new coat, the condition is terrible. Maybe, when/if more skills are implemented, it could work like in Morrowind and you could train what you need and classes could make use of it.
  25. daretmavi


    I'm not that experienced like junawood, I found only one and it looks like this on the map:
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