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Vinter Nacht

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Everything posted by Vinter Nacht

  1. Hey there bee fans. So I took it down to straighten out the existing problems, which were more copious than I thought. Spent some time testing it and digging out bugs, and got rid of them. Updated the documentation, finalized a few features, and am as certain as I can be that this is ready to grace your games. If you're using the old version that only had claypot hives, no worries! You may notice a weird flicker the first time you interact with them as they upgrade to the newest ceramic hives. Remember! All ceramic hive brood pots, and all the Langstroth parts have to be moved around in a bag slot!
  2. I suspect you're correct, at least insofar as there was a change that borked those in the pits. I did a test run on some pits tonight after doing more updates and bug-shooting. rc2 is hopefully getting us closer to a stable release. On that note... rc2 is out and ready for further testing: 1.15.7-v1.3.5-rc.2 - Documentation - Fixed Ceramic Hive killing colony when picking up brood pot with active colony - Fixed bees taking excessive amount of time to settle in to a Ceramic Hive - Fixed interacting with populated hive while holding a populated skep resulting in a crash. - Polished hive block info feedback.
  3. New Bugfix Update - 1.15.7-v1.3.5-rc.1 - Documentation - Fixed issue with game:block-linen-waxed-* not showing as Waxed linen. - More documentation updates - Corrected crash caused by NPE in Broodpot Interactions with an empty hand. - Corrected error where brood box would be removed when attempting to pick up with no space for it. - Made behavior consistent between picking up ceramic broodpot and Brood Box. - Corrected error where hive would be rendered unpopulated on swapping from claypot to ceramic. Not gonna lie, I'm feelin' pretty bashful about the stuff that's still broken. Working hard to get it going! From now on, pre-stable releases will be marked with -rc.#
  4. Turns out it's in the JSON file. Will fix and release with next patch. Unless another mod-breaking bug appears, it'll a bit.
  5. v1.3.5 Bug Fix Release - Corrected issues with interacting with Brood Top - Improved WorldInteraction info - Minor documentation changes - New partial Russian translation thanks to Craluminum. Will do.
  6. You said a hivepot? I presume you mean the bigger bottom ceramic pot? That should be picked up by right clicking, not left clicking. It shouldn't say that it needs to be left-clicked either. Of course, I should probably also make it drop itself when you break it.
  7. Nope! You can create millions of possible combinations. The base, each individual super, the brood box, even the frames can all be made of different colored wood. To answer your specific question -> Brood Boxes are made by right-clicking a super with a brood top. Those brood top item has to be the same color as the super you're trying to turn into a brood box. Beyond that one interaction, the individual components of the hive can be made of any color combination the suits you.
  8. New Release! Not tested on 1.15.8-9, please report any issues with these. It's reached the point where (I think) it's ready for testing! This version adds a great deal to the apiculture experience while also laying the groundwork for future growth. New Blocks - Langstroth Base - The bottom block of your new hive. - Langstroth Superstructure - Also known as supers, these boxes will be where your bees do their hard work. - Langstroth Broodbox - This is where your bees live! Place a super on the ground and right-click it with a brood top made from the same materials. Boom! Bee home! Right-click it with a populated skep to put a colony in it. Langstroth blocks can be stacked in any combination up to 6 high. In order to be considered a hive, the stack must have a populated brood box at the top, a base at the bottom, and up to 4 supers in between. There can't be anything but supers between the brood box and the base. All Langstroth blocks come in any of 169 different colors. New Items - Frame Racks - These racks are used for finishing your frames, and for harvesting them! Just place them in the rack and right click with a knife to clean them - Waxed Flax Twine - Made by sealing flax twine in a barrel with beeswax. Used in repairing damaged frames. - Waxed Linen - Made by sealing linen in a barrel with beeswax, or from 4 pieces of waxed flax twine. Used to line bee frames - Frame Liner - Made by cutting waxed linen in two with a knife (crafting menu) and then placing it in a bee frame using a frame rack. - Bee Frames - Bee Frames are made using a Langstroth part, 3 sticks, and a blob of resin. Place them in a frame rack and right-click with a frame liner. Available in all 13 wood colors. Good luck with your new hives!
  9. Alright! So... The new version is out for bug-testing, you can find the link on my Patreon available to everyone. Once it's had some more live bug testing, I'll do a formal release here.
  10. I've beaten on it, tweaked it, squashed what bugs I can find, and now we're entering the end game. The update of this mod will be available for public testing as soon as I finish the documentation... So tomorrow sometime, mostly likely. I'll be reducing my update posts here to focus on actual progress. If you've been enjoying the regular updates, follow me on Patreon, I'll be posting frequently there.. (I won't be having any Patron only posts for now) My patreon link is in the initial post, and in the signature below.
  11. iRL -> Absolutely not. In game -> Not if I design it it won't. I try not to half-ass things.
  12. I still intend to add a smaller 'countertop' version that looks like it belongs in my kitchen and not out in the vineyard.
  13. Stay patient ladies and gents. The bug hunts continue, the recipes are getting made, and a few last minute features are being added. Should have this in your hands by Monday.
  14. A small 'countertop' press may be added at some point, yes. However, before that happens, I have to learn how to do animations. Static tools are a no. As things get more advanced I may even include a honey-centrifuge. These extract honey from the comb without damaging the wax, and would result in faster recovery times for honey.
  15. Well... That went smoother than expected. The Claypot Hives (now known as Ceramic Hives) have been updated to the point where they function exactly like the original ClayPot Hives. The exception is that the Honey Pot now goes into an inventory slot on the hive and is rendered. The important take-away from this is that I'm ready to start looking at integration with Tels Bricklayers.
  16. Update on the upcoming update! The Langstroth Hives are officially functioning. Any further bugs will probably need player contact to identify and suss out. There are 169 different color combos of Brood Box, Super, and Base, meaning there are millions of possible combinations available to let you personalize your hive! Since I was able to finish the hives themselves ahead of my goal of the upcoming weekend, I'm working at updating the Ceramic Hives as well. When they are completed you'll be able to have any color of honey pot with any color of brood pot. While default means 2 colors (Fire and Blue) for each entry, I'm working with Tels to add Bricklayers compatibility. When that happens, you'll have an extensive rainbow of colors and patterns for Ceramic Pots as well!
  17. Spent a fair amount of time working on the Langstroth update this weekend. Making some solid progress, as far as that goes. The stacks now have a maximum height, and can recognize when they're a 'valid hive'. A valid hive, in this case, is one whose top is a Brood Box, and whose bottom is a Base. I wrote the algorithm that cycles through the supers and the frames inside them to update them when the hive produces new harvestable frames, got a bug or two here. When it knows it is in active hive, it checks its environment to determine for the requirements to become harvestable. In short: It should be ready to launch soonish, as soon as I find more time to work on it. I wanted to try to keep it to a monthly update, but that's not comin' just yet. Depending on how long it takes to finish the Langstroth, I may go back and rework the Claypot Hive. There's a few things I've been wanting to do to it to bring it up to date. Might not be compatible with older versions.
  18. Just wanted to touch base with everyone here. I appreciate the interest in this mod, and I do intend to keep developing it. However, From Golden Combs will remain my priority for development time. I have, however, contacted the creator of Wildcraft to take steps to alleviate the conflict there. I'll try to shove it into the docket. Langstroth Hives first
  19. Just an update for those interested. I've been working consistently on this mod over the past few days. I got a lot of the groundwork laid out for the Langstroth Hives, so it's time to start making them work as hives. Sneak peak of the next hive coming out after the Langstroth: (It'll be two blocks wide and somewhat limited in frame capacity vs the Langstroth Hive, but will be arguably more convenient to work with)
  20. I've had a slew of RL work come in, but I've been watching a ton of bee videos. So while I haven't been making much work progress on them this last week, there's a ton of concept work being done for future editions. I have the basic concept of the Langstroth in my head. I want to have the update out by the end of the first week of November, but don't want to promise anything yet.
  21. Can confirm. Using it in my 1.15.7 world right now. I have yet to encounter any errors.
  22. Don't know how practical that would be, given the shape/composition of the brood boxes/etc. However, if I make a peg board capable of holding a whole bunch o' things, it may be worth handwaving that inconsistency. Will consider.
  23. Along with the above, I'm considering adding the following to further ease storage of Langstroth hive components. Do note that including this shelving would also mean I reduce the size of both the current claypot hives, and the upcoming Brood Boxes that sit on top of Langstroth hives. Not sure that's a problem. I actually think I prefer the appearance of the more compact brood pot (The clay version) ec0e49101da5deb7f0996abd9626f3a8.mp4 mponents.
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