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Everything posted by BigBadBeef

  1. At present, wolf pathfinding isn't perfect. You will find yourself dodging wolves more easily if you run across rougher terrain more common. When confronted with elevation, wolves tend move a little bit to the side before vaulting over the change in elevation. Repeat that often enough and you have a pretty good chance to lose them.
  2. A similar mechanic is already in place. It is in the form of satiation from a cooked pot meal. It suspends the decay of the hunger bar for a time. The more satiation the food provides, the longer will hunger be suspended.
  3. Its no secret that I've developed a bit of a brutish tendency when slighted by the local fauna. But this time I've bitten off more than I can chew and finally got EXACTLY what I deserved. My own killing spree got turned against me as i got seriously butthurt in a mad dash to recover my precious equipment, therefore aptly named the place where the... "involuntary adult activity" took place. DISCLAIMER - Contains mature language!
  4. It offers good rewards, but panning is only fun if you're that type of guy who derives pleasure from hours of watching flies hump each other on your window panes.
  5. Per recent developments, I can also confirm maelstrom's findings. I have an underground base. If there is a rift above ground and the floor tiles (natural OR crafted tiles) are withing it's range, drifters will spawn. I hate this, it takes days to get the blood out of the carpets after a driftercide.
  6. If it runs on Linux, it will run on SteamOS... because it IS linux!
  7. You sound like a minecraft player...
  8. Spotted this lonely ram roaming a frozen lake next to my terrace farm. I am contemplating his death...
  9. If a change is to be made, there is only one thing it might need - if hit by melee, it will cancel the ranged charge up animation. rendering ranged weapons useless in melee. Couple that with adjusting the sprinting mechanic to being no longer able to sprint in reverse... and there will be no more cheese with that particular wine!
  10. Can you hear it, whispering in the wind? "Deeaaaaaaath..."
  11. I have reason to believe the devs got the inspiration for early game from this movie:
  12. Got snuck on by a bear while prospecting in a small cave. Got murdered, respawned, returned with armour, beat the bear to death with a stick, then maddened by murderous rage, eradicated all the wolf population around my base in a wide area with utter genocidal lunacy, then returned home mere moments before freezing to death in the middle of winter. Its more or less a typical day in vintage story for me. I go about my business, get murdered, respawn, go berserk and kill everything that moves and then in most cases die again from being crazed with anger and failing to notice that I'm about to succumb to some game mechanic like hunger or cold. Ah, good days!
  13. Here's the pictures of my underground base. My guess is they're spawning because natural tiles?
  14. No! I will not be deprived from the pleasure of listening to those filthy mongrels squeal as I split their skulls open!
  15. Those were an accident. Found charcoal while busting a cracked vessel. Imagine my surprise one day when I happened to hold one in my hand, had crouched and suddenly I sneezed and accidentally tapped the right mouse button! I don't think it was very different on how our ancient ancestors discovered art!
  16. You gentlemen, and your fine designs, seems almost like you want to forget about the muck you crawled out of, allow me to remind you! This is how many of you started! Holed up in some hole in the ground and hoped the boogeyman wouldn't come out from the dark outside to get you!
  17. Why don't players like spears? They pack one helluva punch, especially the black bronze spear, with 8 damage when thrown. When you're in a defensive fight, you can raise your shield throw one in point blank range and it will come right back in your hand. It also has the potential to strike its target multiple times (granted its due to a bug but nevertheless). And its reach is excellent when poking at drifters while safely in a hidey hole during a temporal storm. why don't people like them?
  18. Tool rack, linen sack or a reed basket. All of these have no listed bonuses that would slow the drying of bowstaves and greased hides.
  19. Had a drifter in my cellar once. In spite of lighting. He just stood there and moaned at a corner, completely ignored me. And that is why drugs are bad for you kids!
  20. Well, its a lot more than 7x7, that's for sure. The floor is native granite tiles. It was basically a hole in the ground which I covered up with dirt and excavated a bit deeper and wider to fit the forge. All I know is that the room has a considerable temperature bonus. There can be an outside temperature of -15°C, but I can bang away at the metal to my heart's content without worry that my balls will turn to glass marbles from the cold.
  21. I know, I was just answering OP's question.
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