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Simple Bastard

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AbjectPovertyCraft aims to replicate the plugin functionality of the civ genre of minecraft servers, with a returned focus to resource scarcity in order to encourage political and economic cooperation between large groups of players. We were the earliest proponents of the plumb and square method of in-game reinforcement for Vintage Story, and hope to have a hand in the further development of mods that will give like-minded groups of players the tools needed to band together, form societies, build nations, and enforce rule of law in their areas of influence in-game without the need for admin intervention. 

Server address: (or find us in the public listing)

Current version: 1.9.12
Required Mods:

If you have any further questions, or wish to connect with other players:

Join our Discord.

Or make a post on /r/AbjectPovertyCraft.

This server is PUBLIC. There is no whitelist, nor will there ever be.

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