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Wild Bee hive not swarming?


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I'm trying to start beekeeping but both beehives I've found don't say any info on when the bee's will start swarming. I've placed around 30 flowers and 1 skep within 7 blocks of the wild hives, but it still shares no info about the swarm. Also it's in July and about 19c so I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. Anyone have any idea on how to fix this?

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I've had bad luck with hives swarming unless I build a little base camp somewhere really nearby and do molding or smithing or charcoal while I wait for them to swarm. I've been assured they will swarm without supervision, but, *shrug*.

Depending on your game settings, it can help also to build a large dirt platform a couple blocks below the wild hive and fill it with flowers. When I'm in a hurry, I'll put 100 or more flowers on the platform. 

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It is worth to hang around the hive until it actually swarms.

I.e. as mentioned above - temporary camp for the chunk to be loaded.

In my current save the following "restart" helped me:

1) Make sure you have flowers around the hive, the hive sees them, and you remember this number.

2) Cut all the flowers and wait until the hive sees only few flowers (this is the actual restart)

3) Plant the flowers again and wait until the hive sees them again

4) Wait until it swarms.

The restart helped as I waited some in-game 5-6 days with something like "70 flowers around, less than a day to swarm".


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