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Geology Additions v1.1.1 (1.18.x)


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A Vintage Story Geology Mod, Created By small_fern and Catasteroid.
Contributions: JXI Stone Brick Textures.

Geology Additions aims to add a more complete set of rock types into vintage story to make the world feel more geologically diverse. 

The ModDB page can be found here: https://mods.vintagestory.at/geologyaddons


Additions ( 1.2.0 )

14 New Rock Types



From left of right; Pumice, Quartzite, Rhyolite, Dolostone, Siltstone, Diorite, Mudstone, Schist, Migmatite, Gneiss, Amphibolite Gabbro, Jade ( decoration ) and Jasper ( decoration ). Each rock type has it's corresponding cobblestone, drystone, bricks, polished stone, and more!

3 New Tools Sets 


Diorite, Gabbro and Quartzite can be knapped into stone tools.


15 New Ores and Minerals



Azurite, Pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Teallite, Franckeite, Wulfenite and Vanadinite. (Added 1.1.1). Chalcocite, Tetrahedrite, Smithsonite, Hemimorphite, Freburgite, Cerussite, Bog Iron, and Sperrylite ( (Added 1.2.0)


Misc Additions

Dolostone can be ground into lime and used as a writing pigment

Mudstone can be used as a bauxite substitute and a writing pigment

Quartzite can be pulverized into quartz

All rock types have mineral deposits in accordance with the base game rocks

Pumice and Quartzite have high concentrations of gold and silver


Potential Additions
- More Gems ( Tourmaline, Beryl, Garnet, ect ) ( Coming 1.3.0 )

-Fault Specific Rocks ( Cataclasite, Mylonite )






Edited by small_fern
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@Streetwind Dolostone in the current version can be ground into lime and used as a new pigment, my apologies for not mentioning that in my first post! Bauxite is primarily aluminum bearing irl, so for the sake of gameplay mudstone ( which can have a high Al content ) could be used as an imperfect substitute ( and I will be adding this ).

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  • small_fern changed the title to Geology Additions v1.0.0 (1.18.x)

I was actually about to ask why is Mudstone supposed to be a Bauxite substitute - thanks for clearing that up!

Regarding that idea - since it would be an imperfect substitute, you could make it so that you would need 2x pulverized mudstone (or heck, even 4x pulverized mudstone) as a replacement for 1x pulverized bauxite in the refractory brick recipe

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@StratatelesThanks for all your good suggestions both here and on the modDB page! My plan was to use 2x pulverized mudstone for 1x pulverized bauxite, or potentially requiring more per brick-tier. On that topic, I will be allowing olivine to generate in both basalt and gabbro in addition to peridotite so the increase in rock types doesn't affect gameplay too heavily. 

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  • small_fern changed the title to Geology Additions v1.1.1 (1.18.x)
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, thanks for updating to 1.19 🙂 is there a way to reduce flints spawnrate? It would be awesome to have the tool made out of stone being useful, as it is now flint is so plentiful that one never needs to use other type of stone. Just an idea to make all stone matter 😂

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  • 1 month later...

It's awesome your mod buddy but i constant recibe this message of the server:


14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-dolostone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-dolostone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-siltstone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-siltstone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-siltstone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-mudstone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-mudstone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-mudstone does not match any block! Please fix
14.4.2024 15:23:39 [Server Warning] Deposit game:worldgen/deposits/metalore/galena.json: AllowedVariants for game:ore-*-galena_nativesilver-mudstone does not match any block! Please fix


how i can fix this? :o

Edited by Segas Wolf
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  • 1 month later...

Is there a balance pass on the ores planned? I've generated a number of worlds with default settings and am always finding opulent abundance of ores. For example near my camp are near a dozen surface chalcopyrite veins within 200 blocks. From a single one (which I haven't depleted), I've found 70+ ingots worth of ore.

Maybe reduce the value of it's nuggets even more? It is currently 2.5 units/per nugget, it could be dropped down even more, making it something that's okay to start with, but you want to find better types of ore asap, then come back later with bombs if you really need more copper.

Just a thought, could be applied to other ore types too.

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