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Temporal stability

legojimster 0

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Ever just find a great spot to settle. see a rift but just build cause it will go away later? five days later Nightmare drifters assulting your house cause you settled in a temporally disrupted area and have to move ALL YOUR STUFF AGAIN. Well I know this might not fit with the lore but there needs to be some way to fix a area to have beetter stability. it could be by making something with temporal gears as ther regen temporal health? mabie kill enough drifters to stabalize a location? 

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I'm pretty sure nightmare drifters don't spawn on the surface aside from world-wide temporal storms, which you can't escape from (aside from disabling them in world settings.)

You mean like a Rift Ward? Those just block the usual rifts, though, which aren't the same level of threat.

Edited by Bumber
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Well, yes, you do have to make sure your location is temporally stable. That's just part and parcel of a spot being a great place to settle. Either that or you have to disable stability in world config.

I take it you settled somewhere the gear was going the wrong direction and you ended up with bad juju or something? Because Nightmares spawn fairly deep, deep enough that it would be unusual for there to be a path through the caverns to your location unless you are just extraordinarily unlucky, and like @Bumber says I'm pretty sure they don't spawn on the surface except in temporal storms.

Not much you can do about a world where the gear is rotating the wrong way, but if they are simply spawning after dark, make a bunch of torches to light your base up like  a Christmas tree. There are a few mods that help you visualize where you need more light. One from just  a few days ago is Spawn Highlight

And keep plugging away at it. Before long you will be like Foghorn Leghorn talking to Henery Hawk -- "Go, I say, go away, boy, you bother me." 

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I have actually settled long term in temporally unstable areas (and seen youtubers do the same).  It's not that hard to be sure to regularly spend time away from the homestead to recover stability.  I'm sure @Thorfinn can easily agree that there's plenty to do afield; the hard part is remember to not spend to much time at home before attending to requirements outside.

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Truth. I've gotten to the point I don't really have a base. Who cares if your cropland or pigpen is negative? I like to place my helve hammer on positive but even that's not a deal breaker as long as it's near the iron deposit. I can always spend some time making charcoal,  or worst case,  kill a few drifters. 

It's just that lots of people enjoy making bases and if you are going to make some megaproject you might as well check stability before you spend hours chiseling. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd much prefer if random instability locations were:

  1. less common
  2. visually indicated

currently it's not uncommon to find a great view or good resource spot or some other reason to settle a spot, only to find it's extremely unstable thus souring the experience in general, especially after finding said location post-6h-search.


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