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Smith Iron blooms directly into tools/items

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Currently, you have to smith an iron bloom into an ingot and then smith the ingot into your desired tool/item.

I feel like it would be easier and more coal-efficient to be able to smith the bloom directly into a tool.

Maybe make blooms behave a bit like ingots? i.e shift click the hot bloom onto an anvil and pick the item you want to smith.

or add hot blooms directly to an unfinished workpiece like you would with ingots. It would save a heck of a lot of time when smithing iron plates.

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How its implemented now is fine, its a advanced metal and what you suggest is already there with the simpler ones. Stepping up to Iron production takes some investment and once you have invested into a good Forge set up having blooms is no hassle (Helve Hammer life)

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I don't really mind, but I also don't spend a lot of time chiseling. Well, none, other than the crafting grid. I can certainly see why it might be desired by someone who spends days on end doing something more than "form follows function".

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It costs 2 coal for bloomery + heating the bloom for processing into an ingot. I can smith most stuff just smithing the still hot ingot (which only gets to 900C with a single piece of coal), including processing 2 blooms back-to-back and turning them into a plate.

Even, if you were to reheat the ingots, it's a single piece of coal for 4 = an additional 0.25 on top of the 2 that you need anyway. So coal savings aren't a valid argument for your feature.

Edited by sushieater
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I don't care either way. It is so trivial to have vastly more charcoal than you will ever use that it's not a big deal to me. I often find myself using charcoal for pit kilns and cooking because I don't want to allocate inventory space for hauling peat or firewood.

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