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More immersive prelude to temporal storms


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First of all, I like to express how much I love vintage story and how I very much enjoy the new content coming out. 

During my playthroughs I kept thinking the temporal storm warnings were a bit un-immersive, so that got me thinking. What if instead of a text warning, the following would happen:

  • Instead of "a light/medium/heavy temporal storm is incoming", it starts to thunder in the distance, and the skybox changes to a more rusted tint. 
  • Instead of "a light/medium/heavy temporal storm is imminent", the thunder is more frequent and with every lightningstrike the temporal stability drops a bit and the rusted filter is more intense for a second. 
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I do like the text warnings, as they generally get my attention immediately and give me time to either prepare for battle or get to a safe spot. At the same time, it would be nice to have a more immersive transition.

Maybe instead of the thunder and lightning, those weird metallic clanking noises that come with temporal storms/rifts? I think those noises also start creeping in when your stability meter starts getting low. For a really dastardly approach--put small flickers of movement in the distance, toward the corners of the screen. Faint puffs of rusty particles or ghost drifters; something to provide enough movement to catch the player's attention but not enough to actually identify.

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Another thought that crossed my mind--instead of atmospheric changes, what about some sort of temporal clock you could craft to check when the next temporal storm is coming? It could be crafted from temporal gears, a Jonas part or two(like the intricately wound spring), and maybe an electrum plate or some electrum widgets. While it would be one of the late-game tech items, it would give better, more immersive options for planning around temporal storms, while still leaving the early storms as something of a sneaky hazard. It would be especially useful in those save files that haven't been played in a while too.

In regards to the clockmaker class, I'm not sure if they would have any special detail related to the temporal clock or not. It seems like they should, given they specialize in clockwork mechanisms, but making it a craftable exclusive to them seems like it might make them too strong a pick compared to the other classes. If it was an exclusive recipe, other classes could acquire the clock via trading, I suppose, or perhaps rare dungeon loot. Rather than an exclusive recipe though, clockmakers could just be able to craft temporal clocks using fewer temporal gears, or perhaps without needing the blueprint if it's a recipe requiring one.

As a side note, having an item like the temporal clock would give more use to the temporal gears outside of setting spawn points, restoring stability, or the tuning spear and translocators. While they're somewhat of a rare item, it's not too hard to acquire a couple of trunks full by the time you're acquiring steel, and I really hate just throwing them away.

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Consider that sometimes temporal storms arrive when in confined spaces like caving, mining ore and quarrying stone.  Whatever immersive queue to an approaching storm would need to work in those situations as well as wondering around the great wide open.

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  • 2 months later...

I like this suggestion, but I agree with this:

On 4/30/2024 at 6:51 PM, Maelstrom said:

Consider that sometimes temporal storms arrive when in confined spaces like caving, mining ore and quarrying stone.  Whatever immersive queue to an approaching storm would need to work in those situations as well as wondering around the great wide open.


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