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World speeding up on server.


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A friend of mine opened up a server a few weeks ago and all has been great until a few days ago. Time flies by rapidly whenever he tries to play. A whole day will pass for him in about a minute, and he can’t pick up anything either.  Does anyone know what to do to fix this?

Thank you!

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Have an admin type "/time speed" into chat and press enter. A number will be returned.

If this number is anything other than 60, someone with admin permissions messed with the simulation speed and didn't turn it back to default. The server is probably so busy trying to keep up with the high speed that it lags hard and doesn't process things like picking up items.

Return it to the default value with "/time speed 60".

You can also check "/time calendarspeedmul", which should be set to 0.5 by default. Higher values cause an ingame day to take less RL time, but without accelerating the general simulation speed.


Edited by Streetwind
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22 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

Have an admin type "/time speed" into chat and press enter. A number will be returned.

If this number is anything other than 60, someone with admin permissions messed with the simulation speed and didn't turn it back to default. The server is probably so busy trying to keep up with the high speed that it lags hard and doesn't process things like picking up items.

Return it to the default value with "/time speed 60".

You can also check "/time calendarspeedmul", which should be set to 0.5 by default. Higher values cause an ingame day to take less RL time, but without accelerating the general simulation speed.


Hey, I’m the server owner. The issue described is only happening on my end. It’s only a small server with a couple friends.

I am the only admin, and I have not messed with any settings other than some /worldconfig settings. I checked /time speed anyways for kicks, and it did gave me 60. 

The last thing I changed was for months taking 18 days instead of 9, but I don’t see how the two could be related. Very odd that I am the only one with such an issue, as well. 

Hope this gives you a little more insight into the issue we’re having. Thank you for your help. 

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23 minutes ago, Lacke said:

The last thing I changed was for months taking 18 days instead of 9, but I don’t see how the two could be related.

You made this change via command, not at world creation, right?

I don't actually know how this command's effects are processed, but it could very well be related. For example: If you are one year into the game and make this change, the server now has a problem. It has counted out around 108 days since world creation (the standard year length), but you are now telling it that the year actually has 216 days. To resolve that problem, the server has two options. One, it chooses to preserve the day count. That means it must then change the season, setting the world to fall where it was spring before. Or, two, it chooses to preserve the season. As a result, it must then fast-forward the day count until the desired time of year has been reached.

So if that is how that works (again, speculation on my part), you could be seeing this fast-forwarding process.


23 minutes ago, Lacke said:

The issue described is only happening on my end.

Define "only on your end". Do you really mean that, if both you and a friend are on the same server together, your days are passing like fifty times as fast as what your friend is seeing? Or do you mean that when you observed this issue, you were alone on the server?


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15 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

Define "only on your end". Do you really mean that, if both you and a friend are on the same server together, your days are passing like fifty times as fast as what your friend is seeing? Or do you mean that when you observed this issue, you were alone on the server?


Nothing has changed for my friends whatsoever, the game is proceeding as normal on their end. However, when I am on with them the game is out of wack. I can’t pick up items, I can’t harvest items from animals, my arrows vanish into thin air right after firing them, and it sets me back at spawn every 15 seconds or so. 

If I am on alone, I experience all of this in addition to time rapidly speeding up around me. Days last about a minute at most, and my hunger falls rapidly. No one else seems to have this issue but myself. 

Also note: Single player worlds are functioning perfectly normal for me, I only experience this on the server.

EDIT: And yes I made the change by command  


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Wow. Okay. Never heard of anything like that before.

Check what your server-main.txt and client-main.txt files say specifically when you log in and try to do things. Collect any weird messages you may get, and if the server is unmodded, post a bug report with as much info as you possibly can.

If the server is modded, I'm afraid you'll have to back up the world and remove all mods, then try and reproduce the issue before you can make a bug report. Unless Tyron is feeling particularly generous, or you've unknowingly triggered something he has seen in during development before, modded saves are their owners' responsibility to troubleshoot.

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1 minute ago, Streetwind said:

Check what your server-main.txt and client-main.txt files say specifically when you log in and try to do things. Collect any weird messages you may get, and if the server is unmodded, post a bug report with as much info as you possibly can.

Will do. I usually have the console open when I’m on (server is ran through g-portal, I would doubt it’s a problem on their end), and haven’t noticed anything different as of yet. But I’ll definitely look into other logs for any anomalies.

Also, my server isn’t modded. I do have a backup from a few days ago I can try, before the issues really started setting in. I’ll give that a go and see if the issue persists.

Thank you very much for the insight!

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  • 2 years later...

I know this is an old topic but I had this happen to me and I think I found the cause.

I believe it has something to do with sleeping in a bed. I saved my game right after waking up from a bed, then came back to the game later. The time was stuck at 8.8 minutes per day no matter what I did. It was fixed by sleeping again. So I think there is a bug related to time speedup during sleep.

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I think you are right. Someone else said the same thing a while back. Never happens to me, probably because I think sleeping in this game is pointless,  so never do it.

IIRC, it had something to do with interrupting sleep, but I don't remember if it was hunger or being attacked or just waking up by pressing escape, but the solution turned out to be getting a full night's sleep. 


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13 hours ago, Runiko said:

I know this is an old topic but I had this happen to me and I think I found the cause.

I believe it has something to do with sleeping in a bed. I saved my game right after waking up from a bed, then came back to the game later. The time was stuck at 8.8 minutes per day no matter what I did. It was fixed by sleeping again. So I think there is a bug related to time speedup during sleep.

i once had that happen to me on singleplayer , i dont remember how i triggered it but game seamed to "think im still in bed" and time was advancing fast , it fixed itself when i clicked bed again to sleep

this happened in 1.18.5 

Edited by Varenvel
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