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Posts posted by jakecool19

  1. 1 hour ago, Thalius said:

    Hello again...

    I found an issue that is hard to reproduce, but I'm certain it is was an issue with the mod.
    I was down at the mantle  in a lava chamber hopping from tile to tile raiding locust loot piles. The first one I broke resulted in the game sort of freezing. About five seconds after breaking it, the locusts that were chasing me froze on their tile but the walk/crawl animation kept running in place. I could still move around, falling in lava did not hurt me, I could open inventory but could not use anything, fire a bow and the animation would render but no arrows fired, etc. I hit esc to close the game out and the game went through the motions of exiting and saving the game but froze on the closing narration screen going though a very slow loop... "one last gaze..." and so on. I had to alt-delet pull up the task manager and force close the game. I tried that five times hitting the same pile and seeing the same thing happen.  On loading the game back up it always had saved at a spot that was about a minute before my hitting the loot pile.

    Odd thing is, after trying five times I loaded the game back up and this time hit a different loot pile block. Everything went fine except that no loot dropped, only locusts. I killed them and I broke another with the same result- no loot, just locusts. I broke the same one that I had hit the first five times and had problems after, and a lot of loot of different types dropped (I want to say three different materials, but I'm not sure), along with the appropriate number of locusts. I killed them and gathered the loot and all was fine- the game rolled on as normal with no freezing or save-exiting the game freeze issues after that.  All three of these locust loot pile blocks were within close proximity to one another- probably 5 to 7 blocks from one to the next in a crooked line.

    No clue how to reproduce this, but I'll be paying attention next time I go scavenging for those things and see if I can come up with any other details that might help.

    Hey Thalius, thanks for the bug report and feedback! And my apologizes for the radio silence, I am busy trying to update Farm Life and the code for Expanded Foods. When you were by the lava, did any of the locusts/items burn to nothing? I ask because when an entity burns to death, especially in lava, it causes gas to be produced, and a big problem with the current gas system is that under certain circumstances it can get caught in infinite loops that will make the game hang like. Once I get the time I am going to completely overhaul that system to use chunk data instead of meta blocks, because blocks just do not really work well.

  2. 11 hours ago, BearWrestler said:

    Thanks for the confirmation. Damn, I wish the game was more up-front about this kind of thing, because it's gonna dash my small group's hopes. Something like showing this message at download time or when starting a new world: "If you want to have fun and progress through the available tech levels, stick to a temperate region (fauna is incomplete in other climates) outside wooded areas (primitive spawn mechanics make it impossible to be safe from wolves)".

    In light of this and previous findings I'm not happy with 1.15's direction (although I like the single feature of the rope ladders). Pies, seriously? Why not knitting, tea sets and embroidery while we are at it*? When the water and tropics are devoid of life, there's no breathing mechanic (and player is hardcoded to sometimes spawn in water so community can't mod in oceans or breathing), drifter and wolves spawn right on top of you and a nomadic lifestyle is pretty much impossible without modding?

    *Vintage Story, the uncompromising Tea Salon game! Horror elements include your cookies being slightly charred, and gossiping.

    I totally feel your disappointment with the 1.15 update, I did not vote for homesteading and I was really hoping for some AI and pathfinding additions/improvements, which did not make it into this update. However though, it is worth noting that this update really is only half implemented as a significant amount of development time went to the creation of the Mod database and official server hosting. So while the models and textures are there, a lot of the programming is not so we did not get juice/alcohol making, butter churning, fruit trees, bears, hawks, and fish(bad idea to make an ocean mod before fish lol). And they seemed pressed to make it to some deadline so that all is going to be implemented in 1.16. So while 1.15 is a bit underwhelming for me, I know the development time was well spent as we got the Mod database which really helps modders out and sets the frameworks for other things to come such as in game mod downloading. 

    In regards to the southern heat, while it is difficult it is definitely not impossible. In fact, there are some pretty awesome upsides. For starters, winter is not a worry, so you can farm year long without greenhouses. Hyenas are smaller, weaker, and more cowardly than wolves and they spawn very often in deserts and grasslands, so they are easy to hunt and spot, and you do not have to worry about being stuck in a maze of branchy leaves. And since winter has no effect there animals also spawn year round. I literally lived as a hunter gather and did no farming except for a trout line and mushrooms. There is no penalty for not having a certain food group, and the only gain for having all five, is 2.5 hp, that's it. If you really want all the food groups, you could send someone back to collect berry bushes, they take no heat damage, or use honey in your meals. All grains are heat tolerant and while most veggies are not, onions are, plus they are the fastest growing and consume P which can be replenished by bonemeal. And of course you can always  hunt hyenas for meat, especially if you have good armor, or farm the aurochs.

  3. 1 hour ago, Thalius said:

    I did alter a few of the settings, but not by much. At least, it did not seem like much to me. Here is a copy of the settings I'm using:

      Hide contents

      "DefaultCavesEnabled": true,
      "DefaultCavesBigNearLava": true,
      "DefaultCavesExtraBranchy": true,
      "DefaultCavesTunnelWidth": 2,
      "DefaultCavesTunnelHeight": 1.2,
      "DefaultCavesShaftWidth": 1.5,
      "DefaultCavesShaftHeight": 1.5,
      "TreeSizeMult": 1.25,
      "TreeVineMult": 1.0,
      "TreeSpecialLogMult": 1.0,
      "CaveInChance": 0.05,
      "CaveInRadius": 5,
      "CaveInDepth": 7,
      "CaveInDepthOffset": 3,
      "CaveInSupportBeamRadius": 5.0,
      "CaveInDamage": 3.0,
      "CaveInSideways": true,
      "CaveInSidewaysChance": 0.01,
      "CaveInDust": 0.1,
      "GasPlantAbsorptionRadius": 2,
      "GasPlantAbsorptionMinLightLevel": 13,
      "GasExplosions": true,
      "GasPickaxeExplosion": 0.1,
      "GasMaxPullAmount": 5,
      "SeasEnabled": false,
      "NoiseCavesEnabled": true,
      "LocustHordeEnabled": true,
      "CaveInsEnabled": true,
      "GasesEnabled": true,
      "BreathingEnabled": true,
      "BossBattlesEnabled": true,
      "FireLocustEnabled": true,
      "ToxicLocustEnabled": true,
      "BombLocustEnabled": true,
      "SnailEnabled": true,
      "StarfishEnabled": true,
      "SeagrassEnabled": false,
      "KelpEnabled": false

    As for the seed, I deleted the world. It lagged so bad after a number of chunks loaded in that manner that it became unplayable. I started up another world and found the same terrain gen feature with the same lag shortly occurring, but thought it was tied to the noisecaves feature. I closed the game and turned the noisecave setting off and logged back in, but saw no change. Makes sense then, if it is tied to changes in the default cave gen settings.  I did not think I was increasing them by much though- just making them wider and a tad higher, from the look of the settings I adjusted.

    I'll play around with it later and duplicate the problem in a new world, and post screenshots with the seed and coordinates for the location.

    2 is way too high for cave generation, 1.5 is the max. That is why I created the noise cave generation, the vanilla cave generation uses a lot of trigonometry. It is good for small applications such as narrow curvy and branching tunnels, but in large scales it is prone to extreme crashes and errors, and all that advanced math kills performance. That is why I created the noise cave system for its efficiency and its customizability. If you really want to make them bigger and or change the shape of them, I would encourage you to open the mod and try modifying the chaoslands/worldgen/caveforms.json. It is a bit technical but it will allow you to change the noise caves to however big you want them or change their shape and frequnecy. It works the exact same way as landforms.json, but instead of creating land it creates caves.


  4. 3 hours ago, Thalius said:

    Greetings once again, @jakecool19...
    Been doing some exploring in creative mode and came across this, which I do not think is generating as intended:





    Hello Thalius, thanks so much for testing the mod. Could you provide me the seed for the world, also did you alter any of the settings for default caves? Setting default cave sizes too high will cause something like this. Also I can reduce the frequency of those waterfalls no problem, although the spawn issue is a tough one to fix since the vanilla spawn mechanics do not seek out a safe spawn and the spawn mechanics are in the non open part of the code, but I could see about having some type of boat or artificial island so that it is somewhat safer for the player. As for the respawn glitch I will have to look into that.

  5. Hello there! This mod is an offshoot from another mod of mine. It is focusing on making improvements to the Vintage Story world through world generation additions and new block and entities. This is currently in alpha so any feedback is appreciated! By default this mod WILL affect world gen with it installed so if you do not want that, simply start up Vintage Story with this mod enabled, and create or load up a creative superflat world. This will generate a config for this mod that you can configure to your liking. On windows it can be found by typing %appdata% in the search bar, opening the folder that pops up and inside there navigating to Roaming/VintagestoryData/ModConfigs/LandsOfChaosConfig. Any text editor will work. Current features are:

    World Generation Additions

    • Oceans now generate covering large portions of the world and can be very deep. NOTE: If you do use it I highly recommend you also have Primitive Survival for its raft that will allow for fast water travel.
    • Structures can spawn underwater such as shipwrecks.
    • Large noise-generated caves will generate alongside vanilla cave systems offering more chances for battling mobs and finding loot.
    • Tree size multipliers and vanilla(default) cave size multipliers can be modified in config

    New Blocks

    • Locust hordes can be found in caves, and are piles where locust stockpile valuable resources. Seems unguarded but you swear it looks like it is moving on the inside...
    • Kelp and seagrass can be found in aquatic environments. Stuff gets trapped in seagrass all the time so you may find a stick or piece of flint when you break it.

    New Entities


    Toxic Locust

    This machine absorbs sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide in its abdominal cavity to make powerful acids to extract minerals

    • 8 hp and attacks deal 2 tier 2 damage
    • Poison effect lasts for 12 seconds and causes +100% armor durability loss, -2 maximum health points, -20% healing effectiveness, and increases incoming damage by 20%
    • Constantly produces Hydrogen Sulfide
    • A normal corrupt locust can turn into if it comes into contact with Nitrogen Dioxide, Sulfur Dioxide, or Carbon Monoxide. Can also spawn in these gases deep underground as well

    Flaming Locust

    With metallic legs covered in coal dust, this machine is constantly on fire providing light and warmth for the hive

    • 8 hp and attacks deal 1 tier 2 damage
    • Its attacks light the player on fire
    • Immune to fire damage
    • A normal corrupt locust can turn into if it comes into prolonged contact with Coal Dust or Hydrogen Sulfide. Can also spawn in these gases deep underground as well

    Bomber Locust

    Filled to the brim with incredibly volatile hydrogen, this machine sacrifices itself to provide resources and protect the hive

    • 8 hp
    • Explodes once in range of target
    • It will explode if it takes fire damage
    • Moves twice as fast as a normal corrupt locust


    Slow-moving, slimy creatures with a hard shell to curl into

    • Spawns in seagrass
    • Suffocates and dies on land
    • Will drop its shell when it dies


    Bottom-dwelling creatures. Look away and you will miss it move

    • Spawns in seagrass
    • Suffocates and dies on land
    • Will drop its carcass when it dies

    Cave Ins


    Cave ins can now occur as the player is mining and caving!

    • Unsupported rock has a 10% chance to collapse in a 5x5 area where a player mines
    • Support Poles can be crafted from an axe and 2 logs.
    • Only Support Beams, the horizontal connection, provides support, Support Poles do not offer any structural integrity.
    • Rock and ore will not fall in a 5 block radius around and above the support beam.
    • Support poles need solid ground to be placed and support beams need to be between two poles.

    Boss Battle




    New ancient Boss Arenas! They spawn roughly 40 blocks below the surface, and are block protected until you kill the boss. So once you go in, there is no coming out until you either kill the boss, or it kills you. Make sure you bring plenty of supplies. The arenas spawn 6000 blocks apart from one another, and there is usually one close to spawn. Currently only one boss

    Corrupted Clockmaker

    Is it man or machine?

    • Has 30 hp
    • Wears a full suit of steel plate armor
    • Wields a steel pickaxe as a weapon
    • Constantly summons high end locusts to fight with it
    • Upon death it drops 1 temporal gear, 16 rusty gears, 16 steel ingots, 1 lore book, and one random item it has on it

    Some Info for Other Modders

    • The "armorDurabilityLoss" entity stat will also affect durability loss of the shield

    Special thanks to @Novocain for his code on the air bar and @goxmeor's amazing status support system!



    Disclaimer: Please post any bug reports, suggestions, and feedback on the forum page of this mod. Anywhere else, such as Discord, will be ignored!

    • Like 2
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  6. 54 minutes ago, EtherialMind said:

    don't know if this is intentional or not but it seems like the gliders headwind/tailwind feature affects the player even if they are not using a glider. I am running 1.15.0rc1 with the 1.9.2 version of useful stuff and while trying to walk in a straight line my character gets pushed sideways. Is there a way to turn this off. 

    P.S. only about 95% sure it is this mod causing this as this is the only mod I have that messes with wind affecting player motion in any way.

    That is not my mod, that is a new 1.15 feature, wind affecting player and animal movement. It is very strong right now, animals can barely move against wind

    • Mind=blown 1
  7. Hello guys, I have a sortaish big announcement to make. I am splitting this mod into two and tomorrow I will release an update for this and release a new mod called Lands of Chaos for alpha testing. This mod will focus on making enhancements to world overall. What this means is that a good portion of content from this mod that don't really fit the scope of "useful stuff" will be going into that one, specifically, the breathing system, gases, cave in system, locust hordes, the locust variants, the tree size multiplier, default cave multipliers, and the clockmaker boss will all be apart of Lands of Chaos from this point forward. In addition to that, Lands of Chaos will also feature large, deep oceans, two new aquatic plants, sea grass and kelp, two new aquatic creatures snails and starfish, plus their many color and shape variants, underwater wrecks/ruins and noise generated large caves, that should be more efficient than the old Crazy caves. And of course a config will be available to enable and disable the different parts of worldgen and entity spawning, and a remap that should hopefully automatically remap the old Useful stuff gas, locust hordes, and support beams to its versions. As said before this will be an alpha mod though so I can gather feedback and also allot time to update Farm Life and Expanded Foods to 1.15.

    As for Useful Stuff, it will maintain all the blocks and items that purely enhance gameplay, such as the sluice, and shield. In addition to that tomorrow's update will contain a fix for a crash related to arrows, and a tool and tool head recycling mechanic allowing you to grind them in the quern to get some metal bits back, and breaking metal tools will also drop some metal bits. Finally it will also add a multiblock pottery kiln, allowing for faster and more efficient clay baking. Note: All of this is for 1.15, I will no longer be supporting 1.14.


    • Like 2
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  8. 5 hours ago, Eike Wehner said:

    I really like the features but unfortunately I'm running into an issue with this. After a few minutes of playing I cannot interact with containers anymore and items don't drop anymore when breaking blocks.

    Currently trying to figure out if something is triggering it. 

    What version of the mod are you using, and what version of the game are you on?

  9. 12 hours ago, Nomedable said:

    Mind giving me the step by step for this? This is one part of modding for VS that I haven't gotten yet, where are the config files?

    If you are on Windows, type %appdata% in the search bar and open the folder that comes up. Scroll down and open a folder called VintagestoryData, then in that folder open another folder called ModConfig, and in there should be configs for mods that support it. The one for this mod is called UsefulStuffConfig.

    9 hours ago, Simon Hardtke said:

    Oh, sorry. I didn't mentioned... I already tried the 1.9.2c version for 1.14.10 ... Same problem, clean new world, just your mod activated - world won't show up, just stuck in an endless loading screen.

    Can you provide a crash log?

    • Thanks 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Simon Hardtke said:

    Hi jakecool19

    My Game Version is 1.14.10

    i want to ask the following question, because i am not able to start a singleplayer world with your modpack on my old laptop.

    I used already a big bunch of mods in combination without any problems. When i want to start a new world with every self added mod deactivated and just your mod activated, the world never show up. no matter how long i wait.

    Perhaps is my Laptop to bad for all these gases and other stuff, thats why i want to ask you if it's possible to get Bendy Chutes, Shields, Sluice, Glider and Climbing Pick as single Content files?

    Or perhaps just the existing Pack where all the other content is deactivated?
    I really want to try out the mentioned contents from your Mod :)

    Greetz SAM

    You need to use 1.9.2c in order for 1.14.10, that is the only one of the recent ones for 1.14.10. The rest on the moddb are for 1.15, but the moddb does not have a 1.15 tag currently.


  11. 7 hours ago, TaroEld said:

    Hello, is it intended that a basic down staircase will eventually cave in? As in, digging diagonally down in a staircase pattern.

    Also, do you prefer pings on discord or posts here?

    Yes, everytime you mine there is a chance of a cave in. If it is a bug/issue it would be best here as I can keep track of it better here

  12. 2 hours ago, Kevin C said:

    I run a small 1.4.10 server for just me and 2 friends. Just updated this yesterday to 1.9 and as soon as anyone mines rock or ore the server stops responding. The only way we could get it to stay up is to disable cave ins, gasses, the new locust enemies, and POSSIBLY the breath bar. I turned off everything new and it was stable so we decided to just play instead of keep messing with it.


    I get home in 4 hours and can post log files if needed. Nothing was pointing to this mod specifically, or any mod really. I just tried disabling new features as it's the only thing that changed when it started crashing.

    Please give me the crash report, once you can

  13. 6 minutes ago, JamesB said:

    Is there a way to turn this off?

    Go to the config and set GasesEnabled to false. If you do not see the option, delete the config, and load up a world to generate a new one

    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, Hells Razer said:

    Could you add again the ability to completely disable crazy caves for those of us who don't want to play with them?

    Because not everyone enjoys having to deal with vast dark caverns but some of the other stuff your mod adds are kinda nice, and it is a jarring shift from the rest of the mod where you can pick and choose what to enable.

    It is a bunch of settings now, by default it will have no effect on your cave generation, it only will if you change those multipliers

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