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Everything posted by AngryRob

  1. i find a lake or a pool in a desert area, and just spend all night alone with my thoughts panning. a night of this is enough for two ingots of copper. you get zinc nuggets too, so one binzamathum deposit is enough for you to have bismouthbronze. i also get gold nuggets. So far it looks like the drops are the same, i have done shale, granite, the green one, andersite, and bassalt, and get consistently the same drops. What helped me the most early on was copper spear tips. those alone are an important game changer for surviving. if we could only melt them down....
  2. apparently changing the feed worked. Pigs take flax grain, sheep take grass.
  3. I will change the feed then.
  4. I have a sheep, a ram, and a pig in a pin. the pig is gaining saturation, but the ewe and the ram are not. Is this a bug, or do they need something other than flax grain?
  5. AngryRob


    Another thought, is that instead of villages being places on the map, they can be places we build? When we trade with a trader we can buy an npc bed and then in a few days a settler will show up, and if the bed is in a well lit place they will move in and can be given work. Maybe even have skills that they level up like in hearthstone and they can do stuff around the village?
  6. Great, i have a lot of quartz. I have also been saving my iron for steel manufacturing.
  7. i have a ton of quartz, and all it is used for is glass? and all i get are windows? sounds like a glass furnace is in order. Maybe even require lab equipment be made for chemistry/alchemy/thaumancy
  8. you know what breaks t3 rocks besides bronze? ore mining bombs. So it's not completely hopeless, there is a way to get bronze if you can't find tin.
  9. My first real play through, i have turned off the "death penalty" and set hunger to be a tad bit lower. Now, here is the thing about the death penalty that i think a lot of players are missing:losing your stuff is not the problem, it's the health debuff that is. you get a debuff because you health is based on nutrition, and your nutrition is affected from death. I am not sure if this is a bug or a feature. 7 days to die had a similar debuff for a bit, and its quite sinister from a balance standpoint, because what it means is that if you die, you will have to wait several in game days before you get your health back to pre death levels. So if you are starting out, be prepared for a massive death loop, because it is not a small debuff, it can be anywhere from 1 to 2 points of hp knocked off completely. that's a huge amount of hp. dying really cripples you, it breaks any progress you may make. it's not recommended. Keep in mind that this is NOT factoring returning to spawn either, so you are in a loooooooooooot of game breaking trouble if you have not found a blue gear. So current game progress is: stone age, farm age, panning for copper age, flax gambison armor to get animals age, then mining for copper and bronze age. mining is dangerous, so going into a mine unprepared is not advised. essentially, a new player is forced to pan, not just for copper but also a temporal gear. if you want to do anything else, forget about it. i hate to say it, but i think that maybe beds SHOULD be what sets the spawn point, or maybe start the player off with a temporal gear? you also need to put off cave exploring for a week in game.
  10. by the time i got into modding kenshi, i got bored with it. I was building "kenshi field" for a simpsons mod, which would have a mr burns as a faction leader, and he would have a special event called "release the hounds" that would send a pack of 200 bone dogs to any settlement that offended him. I was inspired after the hank hill mod for kenshi. Then i just stopped playing. I can't complain, i got 3000 hours in that game, and reported a nasty bug during beta testing. I saw death beard fulfill his dream to the best of his abilities. best 19 dollars i ever spent, so far.
  11. my understanding, is that the current system for crafting is a place holder, so we may very well see a tinkers construct method. Honestly i want to see a wood working mechanic similar to knapping where we whittle a handle out of stone, and then later on better wood working tools and maybe even a windmill lathe.... I do agree that we need better axes. it should not take a backpack of flint axes to take down an oak tree or a big pine....
  12. During a temporal storm, i have witnessed them spawning at half height slabs, and at full height slabs. So slabs are debunked as a means to prevent drifter spawns. I am going through and chiseling each block in my panic room now to see if that prevents spawning during the next storm.
  13. Thank you for this information. Well that alone makes it better than minecraft.
  14. The hares are smart. I once left a water can next to the fence, and they used it to jump over the fence. So make sure that there are no blocks near by that they can jump over. Apparently the hares can be caught and bred. I have not tried it but some youtubers have reported that they do gain generation. I am going to give this a try because that would be a steady source of hides for leather.
  15. I dunno if the more advanced guns would be unbalanced. Sure pve could become easy, but at the same time, the resources that would go into the crafting would be epic. So the reward vs the payout would balance things out, in my opinion. Then there is the fun crafting aspect. Imagine a mechanical wind lathe that uses forged bits to turn giant hunks of iron and steel into barrels. Just building that to set up and watch would be a blast. As for shotguns, my understanding is that the blunderbus was the predecessor: you would scoop in random crap, and shoot it out, and it would fly in all directions. The pilgrims would put anything they could find in them:acorns, pebbles, lead balls, etc etc. So an insanely inaccurate weapon that shoots out trash does sound like a lot of fun. Considering how much quartz i have, i think a good work around would be some sort of rapid fire gun that shoots quartz rounds that kill drifters in one hit. The catch is it only works on drifters, and they turn to dust immediately.
  16. Does difficulty really drive away the casual player? We have been told this for years, but the commodore 64 was an entire console of difficult games. Arcades were all about difficult games. Dark souls and that sekiru game are popular among the causal player. Part of me wonders if that was industry propaganda to suppress new ideas so that they can milk their has been ips forever. Is grind in a game bad if the grind is fun? I am of the opinion that even though vintage story is far more hard core than minecraft, that the casual audience would dive into this game because the difficulty makes the rewards that much sweeter. Maybe that is why some pvp communities get so toxic? Maybe that is the only reward those players get from that type of game? I have also noticed that people became jerks after the whole console achievements stuff hit.
  17. Is it pvp that makes those communities toxic? Dark souls had pvp, but that community is pretty awesome. This is not really a combat game, its more of a "do not starve to death game", and i think once the survival aspects are ramped up people will not be wanting pvp as much. I have noticed that the games where the environment is very dangerous have nice communities. Rust has a controversial community, yet 7 days to die which is very similar has a nicer one. Based on my observations, the competitive games draw in people who think everything has to be a navy seal exercise, while the nasty real world survival games draw in a more intellectual crowed that is cooler.
  18. This is something that needs to happen. Lazy warlock added it in his mod, and it's something that i can't live without.
  19. A directional block/attack would not be hard conceptually with the animals. You know the wolf attack, because they pounce, so you would block in that direction. Same with sheep. They are animals after all, so they should be easier to read. Now drifters already have multiple attack variants, and those already do give indicators. The animals give good loot already, meat and hides. Drifters? I get the feeling that the loot they have is placeholders at the moment, kinda like the feathers that zombies used to drop....
  20. Easy readability to allow for reaction based actionsTo be able to react to an action, the player has to be able to read which action he has to react to. The first person perspective and limited animation system can make this hard from just animations alone, requiring very expressive and clear animations and sound effects. So if this was implemented, then a system of directional based blocking like in mount and blade could be thrown in. It would improve combat. Let me throw in my 2 cents here, and 32 years of gaming experience. I try to avoid combat in vintage story, because it is neither fun nor rewarding. The first example that comes to my mind is soul reaver for the Playstation. Once you recharged the soul reaver, you no longer wanted to fight the vampires. Killing vampires and eating their souls was the core loop of the game, and it was rendered tedious by another core loop the very sword the game was based on. Fast forward decades later to dragon block c mod for minecraft. That took the bad minecraft mechanic, and added bare minimum flashy effects and a crappy rpg system. This simple change made minecraft a bad combat experience, to a very fun combat experience. I found myself downloading other mods to add more mobs to beat up because i wanted to be extremely op because dragon ball. The point i want to make:combat is currently unrewarding. The drops on the drifters are meh. temporal gear? meh i get those from panning for copper. Rusty gear? meh. Flax fiber? hell yeah i need tons of those. Now if they had a block of haliite things would be different, i would be hunting drifters into extinction because this game gets it, salt is more valuable than gold. The economy in the game is spot on in that regard. you can become a king in a server if you discover a halite deposite and mine it for yourself. There needs to be some sort of reward to the combat, either a fun new grind, a better drop, or an xp gain.
  21. AngryRob


    I was thinking the player would be sucked into a special dimension that would be similar to the area, but with a village and people. when you walk out of the boundaries you get teleported back to the spot you used the gear. It could very well be difficult to impossible to implement, then again, i have seen modders do insane things that even developers thought would be impossible, and from what i understand, Tyron used to be a modder...
  22. Great news. That changes my plans then. I am going to horde the iron i collect so that when the steel update hits, i will be more than ready. Which i need to ask a new question, how do updates work? does the game do that automatically? or do i need download the updated version manually?
  23. AngryRob


    I would not mind seeing underground settlements, or using a temporal gear over a village ruin to go back in time to trade with them.
  24. Will i lose my world save when i update the game? i am starting to get things rolling, but i also want to update to the steel update.
  25. Currently when we want to craft an item, it's either all metal, or a stick and metal. While the crafting system is similar to tinkers construct in that we have molds and alloys, we are missing one key element:composite materials. Tinkers construct had all sorts of options, from wooden to stone handles, paper handles, and all sorts of parts. Each part added a benefit to the tool as well. It added a lot of depth to the crafting system. I would love to see this in vintage story. Not only to make better tools, but to add variety to what we have.
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