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Everything posted by Tyron

  1. Platform Independent Vintarians Version 1.4.5 is ready for download in the account manager. Mac This update comes way later than I hoped for, but such is life I guess. @Thalius asked about the status of the Mac OS Version of Vintage Story, and so while actually intending to work on other updates I did have a look at the issue. One thing leads to another and I ended up spending 30+ hours on a mac os build. It required me to completely ditch OpenGLs outdated fixed function pipeline and rely solely on "modern" rendering mechanics. It seems Mac OS is quite picky in this regard as it doesn't let you mix&match between these 2 methods. This upgrade does not raise the system requirements however, so linux/windows users should be unaffected. There are several more issues under mac os but none of them are critical, so the game should be fully playable. Stable/Unstable Releases As another measure to make the game more accessible for everyone I've introduced the concept of stable/unstable releases on the downloads page as well as a recommended version. So now if you are not eager to have the latest version of VintageStory you can stick with the stable release and thus less likely to encounter game breaking bugs. Website updates Improved Downloads page Now shows the recommend download for your OS Added differentation betweens stable and unstable releases. We will try to tag versions that we expect to be buggy as unstable Updated front page roadmap and added some system icons Game Updates Feature: The game now runs under Mac OS X. Added a mac os version to the downloads plage. Comes with all the features as the normal windows version, but there are still some significant known bugs: On some systems a mouse click inside the window seem to click at 0/0 where the mac os menu is. If that is the case for you, use the game in full screen (e.g. via Fn+Ctrl+F11 - you can also change the fullscreen key in the Settings!). No simple way installing a new version without loosing previous save games (currently you have to manually move the 'VintagestoryData' folder to the new app) Smithing/Knapping/Clayforming and Block highlight block/voxel outlines are very thin Taskbar icon unsharp/blurry Renaming the app might prevent the game from starting up at all Breaking soil seems to drop soil with a strange texture Feature: Bamboo trees: Pretty jungle decoration Feature: Whole tree felling: Trees broken by an axe will now break as a whole. If your axe does not have enough durability it will only break partially. Tweak: Added worldedit setting to disable ambient particles Fixed: Lighting issues around underground rivulets Fixed: Some saltpeter blocks wrongly rotated Fixed: Water walking sound no longer playing VS running on Mac OS Bamboo
  2. Platform Independent Vintarians Version 1.4.5 is ready for download in the account manager. Mac This update comes way later than I hoped for, but such is life I guess. @Thalius asked about the status of the Mac OS Version of Vintage Story, and so while actually intending to work on other updates I did have a look at the issue. One thing leads to another and I ended up spending 30+ hours on a mac os build. It required me to completely ditch OpenGLs outdated fixed function pipeline and rely solely on "modern" rendering mechanics. It seems Mac OS is quite picky in this regard as it doesn't let you mix&match between these 2 methods. This upgrade does not raise the system requirements however, so linux/windows users should be unaffected. There are several more issues under mac os but none of them are critical, so the game should be fully playable. Stable/Unstable Releases As another measure to make the game more accessible for everyone I've introduced the concept of stable/unstable releases on the downloads page as well as a recommended version. So now if you are not eager to have the latest version of VintageStory you can stick with the stable release and thus less likely to encounter game breaking bugs. Website updates Improved Downloads page Now shows the recommend download for your OS Added differentation betweens stable and unstable releases. We will try to tag versions that we expect to be buggy as unstable Updated front page roadmap and added some system icons Game Updates Feature: The game now runs under Mac OS X. Added a mac os version to the downloads plage. Comes with all the features as the normal windows version, but there are still some significant known bugs: On some systems a mouse click inside the window seem to click at 0/0 where the mac os menu is. If that is the case for you, use the game in full screen (e.g. via Fn+Ctrl+F11 - you can also change the fullscreen key in the Settings!). No simple way installing a new version without loosing previous save games (currently you have to manually move the 'VintagestoryData' folder to the new app) Smithing/Knapping/Clayforming and Block highlight block/voxel outlines are very thin Taskbar icon unsharp/blurry Renaming the app might prevent the game from starting up at all Breaking soil seems to drop soil with a strange texture Feature: Bamboo trees: Pretty jungle decoration Feature: Whole tree felling: Trees broken by an axe will now break as a whole. If your axe does not have enough durability it will only break partially. Tweak: Added worldedit setting to disable ambient particles Fixed: Lighting issues around underground rivulets Fixed: Some saltpeter blocks wrongly rotated Fixed: Water walking sound no longer playing VS running on Mac OS Bamboo View full record
  3. Aw, thanks for the feedback. Right, I thought I could fix the star textures internally but that failed. I'll update the engine to no longer convert every file name to lower case. That should fix it. Yes, windows is and always has been case insensitive when it comes to accessing files
  4. The GameOn! Event is over ...and it was an awesome experience! We were visited by many voxel game enthusiasts that tested our game to the extreme This release should remedy all the issues the we found. Also have some pictures of our booth! Thanks to everyone that visited our booth! Saraty and Tyron Picture by Creative Cut Game Updates Tweak: Updated the game icon to use the tree of the vintage story logo Tweak: Improved flint knapping experience Tweak: Players can no longer mess up. The game prevents you from removing voxels that you need. Tweak: Can no longer break below block while having a flint in hands Tweak: Amplified knapping sounds Fixed: Minor texture issues on the flint knapping surface Fixed: Player able to to break the flint knapping surface while working on it Tweak: Many block info texts are now much better formulated Tweak: Improved ladder climbing experience Player climbs upwards as long as he is walking towards the ladder block (i.e. also when walking backwards) No longer floaty left/right sliding Sneak+Walk on top of a ladder lets you slowly walk over the edge to climb downwards Tweak: Improved collisionboxes for wooden fence corners. They now tightly fit the model. Tweak: Drifters now have a 20% chance to enter a fearful state & run away after getting damaged Tweak: Bighorn sheep now drop more meat Tweak: Fat is now edible and extra nutritious Tweak: Reduced vertical attack range of creatures by 1 block Tweak: Increased creature min spawn distance to player from 10 to 18 blocks Tweak: Increased spear durability Tweak: Added missing track "Peaceful Village" Tweak: Cinematic camera now puts the player in the correct game modes when running the camera path Tweak: Prettier itemstack info box, now auto sizes and removed some useless infos. Fixed: A weird infinite loop causing massive lag when changing view distance and afterwards fly mods. Only seems to happen on some machines. Fixed: Shading issue on iron doors Fixed: Bighorn females always aggressive Fixed: Placing stuff on tool racks crashes the game Fixed: Multiple Snow layers dropping only 1 on breaking Fixed: Creatures not multiplying Fixed: Block breaking decals no longer disappearing in some cases Fixed: Some file naming issues causing the client not to start on linux (i hope i fixed them all) Fixed: .fog and.cam command crashing the game with invalid args Fixed: Weird underwater horizontal floating issue when walking straight Fixed: z-fighting on ice blocks and chicken feet Fixed: Light items dropped in water not floating all the way up to the surface Fixed some other very minor things API Feature: The blocktype configuration now allows a -"byType" modifier everywhere! (thanks to CreativeMD) [Edit:] Was forced to also release because all blocks became unstackable View full record
  5. The GameOn! Event is over ...and it was an awesome experience! We were visited by many voxel game enthusiasts that tested our game to the extreme This release should remedy all the issues the we found. Also have some pictures of our booth! Thanks to everyone that visited our booth! Saraty and Tyron Picture by Creative Cut Game Updates Tweak: Updated the game icon to use the tree of the vintage story logo Tweak: Improved flint knapping experience Tweak: Players can no longer mess up. The game prevents you from removing voxels that you need. Tweak: Can no longer break below block while having a flint in hands Tweak: Amplified knapping sounds Fixed: Minor texture issues on the flint knapping surface Fixed: Player able to to break the flint knapping surface while working on it Tweak: Many block info texts are now much better formulated Tweak: Improved ladder climbing experience Player climbs upwards as long as he is walking towards the ladder block (i.e. also when walking backwards) No longer floaty left/right sliding Sneak+Walk on top of a ladder lets you slowly walk over the edge to climb downwards Tweak: Improved collisionboxes for wooden fence corners. They now tightly fit the model. Tweak: Drifters now have a 20% chance to enter a fearful state & run away after getting damaged Tweak: Bighorn sheep now drop more meat Tweak: Fat is now edible and extra nutritious Tweak: Reduced vertical attack range of creatures by 1 block Tweak: Increased creature min spawn distance to player from 10 to 18 blocks Tweak: Increased spear durability Tweak: Added missing track "Peaceful Village" Tweak: Cinematic camera now puts the player in the correct game modes when running the camera path Tweak: Prettier itemstack info box, now auto sizes and removed some useless infos. Fixed: A weird infinite loop causing massive lag when changing view distance and afterwards fly mods. Only seems to happen on some machines. Fixed: Shading issue on iron doors Fixed: Bighorn females always aggressive Fixed: Placing stuff on tool racks crashes the game Fixed: Multiple Snow layers dropping only 1 on breaking Fixed: Creatures not multiplying Fixed: Block breaking decals no longer disappearing in some cases Fixed: Some file naming issues causing the client not to start on linux (i hope i fixed them all) Fixed: .fog and.cam command crashing the game with invalid args Fixed: Weird underwater horizontal floating issue when walking straight Fixed: z-fighting on ice blocks and chicken feet Fixed: Light items dropped in water not floating all the way up to the surface Fixed some other very minor things API Feature: The blocktype configuration now allows a -"byType" modifier everywhere! (thanks to CreativeMD) [Edit:] Was forced to also release because all blocks became unstackable
  6. The install script was made by a community member, quite likely that it was distribution specific. And yes, the main issue is the font installation. I'd love to just be supply the Cairo Graphics Library with a path to the desired font, but it's "toy font api" doesn't allow this, or i haven't found any way to do this. Instead you're supposed to use 5 other dependencies that are dedicated to font rendering - which I'd really like to avoid using though, as I want to have as few dependencies as possible. Also setting up those extra libs is not too easy.
  7. Aw sorry about the troubles, I actually don't have a linux machine available to me to test the client, thats probably why. I think I've now corrected all the uppercase/lowercase issues, but I'm not very fluent in bash scripting. If you know any way to fix the install.sh script I'd be happy to incorporate into the next release! We could evey try make a .dpkg if I can somehow generate it on windows.
  8. Hi stefan, aw, double bug. Probably a simple file name casing issue, does it fix the issue when you rename the file shaderincludes/perlinNoise.vsh to shaderincludes/perlinnoise.vsh? I'll rename this for the next release as well. Currently bug reporting anywhere is okay, until we have a really good one-stop-shop for bugreporting. Ah yes I see the issue with the tracker, I did not properly communicate that the tracker is only for verified owners of a game key. You didn't use the "Redeem Forum Title" feature in the account manager, so the system does not recognize you as account owner. I fixed that now by setting you rank to 'Vintarian' and will communicate this better! Thanks for reporting!
  9. Knapping Vintarians Version 1.4.4 is ready for download in the account manager. I really wanted version 1.4.4 to be the first story elements update but since we have the GameOn Festival coming up this weekend I decided to work towards a more complete stone age experience and better game stability. Also the story features are somewhat tricky to get right. Aw. Never enough time. Game Updates Feature: Knapping Same as clay forming but can only remove voxels. Uses flint as ingredient. Removed grip recipes for stone tools, these now require the flint knapping mechanic. Some tools are no longer available in stone form at all. Feature: Spears New weapon that can be used as a thrown weapon or in hands Flint spears are crafted by knapping, metal spears through smithing Feature: Limited Attack ranges Reduced default attack range of 4.5m down to 1.5 meters Swords, Axes and Knifes and Spears increase this attack range again Feature: Creature Emotion States Basic implementation of reaction based behaviors. Bighorn sheep now become aggressive or sometimes fearful when attacked and will react accordingly. Tweak: Reduced hunger drain by 40%, reduced damage taken from hunger by a factor of 4 Tweak: A bunch of shader tweaks. Nighttimes is now a tad brighter, nighttime clouds are now darker, night skies are more intense and broad daylight is a bit brighter. Tweak: Bighorn sheeps now have double the health. Lowered health for chickens though. Tweak: Some attempts in improving attack animations of creatures Tweak: Rock and Logs can no longer be broken without a tool Tweak: Reduced drifter spawn count by half Tweak: Bows have durability now Tweak: Increase default render distance of clouds Tweak: Doubled search radius for dynamic lights (they no longer emit light after 60 blocks instead of 30 blocks distance) Tweak: Flints now 25% more common Tweak: Animals swim a bit more naturally now Tweak: Harvested berries now enter the players inventory directly Fixed: Spam stacking wood not working Fixed: Placing flower in flower pots not removing it from the inventory Fixed: Big Workaround for GUI going haywire when pouring metal that hopefully didn't break something else Fixed: Some Stair sides becoming transparent when a block is in front (was a fundamental issue in the engine, maybe finally fixed now) Fixed: Some minor render glitches with water Fixed: 2 crashes when near the map edge Fixed: Anvil mold craftable (not yet finished) Fixed: Snowlayer white pixels poking through bottom edge, seams between frosted grass and snow layer Fixed: Several issues preventing creatures from spawning in groups Fixed: Child creatures not following their parents Fixed: Snow layer step sound only hearable on left channel
  10. Knapping Vintarians Version 1.4.4 is ready for download in the account manager. I really wanted version 1.4.4 to be the first story elements update but since we have the GameOn Festival coming up this weekend I decided to work towards a more complete stone age experience and better game stability. Also the story features are somewhat tricky to get right. Aw. Never enough time. Game Updates Feature: Knapping Same as clay forming but can only remove voxels. Uses flint as ingredient. Removed grip recipes for stone tools, these now require the flint knapping mechanic. Some tools are no longer available in stone form at all. Feature: Spears New weapon that can be used as a thrown weapon or in hands Flint spears are crafted by knapping, metal spears through smithing Feature: Limited Attack ranges Reduced default attack range of 4.5m down to 1.5 meters Swords, Axes and Knifes and Spears increase this attack range again Feature: Creature Emotion States Basic implementation of reaction based behaviors. Bighorn sheep now become aggressive or sometimes fearful when attacked and will react accordingly. Tweak: Reduced hunger drain by 40%, reduced damage taken from hunger by a factor of 4 Tweak: A bunch of shader tweaks. Nighttimes is now a tad brighter, nighttime clouds are now darker, night skies are more intense and broad daylight is a bit brighter. Tweak: Bighorn sheeps now have double the health. Lowered health for chickens though. Tweak: Some attempts in improving attack animations of creatures Tweak: Rock and Logs can no longer be broken without a tool Tweak: Reduced drifter spawn count by half Tweak: Bows have durability now Tweak: Increase default render distance of clouds Tweak: Doubled search radius for dynamic lights (they no longer emit light after 60 blocks instead of 30 blocks distance) Tweak: Flints now 25% more common Tweak: Animals swim a bit more naturally now Tweak: Harvested berries now enter the players inventory directly Fixed: Spam stacking wood not working Fixed: Placing flower in flower pots not removing it from the inventory Fixed: Big Workaround for GUI going haywire when pouring metal that hopefully didn't break something else Fixed: Some Stair sides becoming transparent when a block is in front (was a fundamental issue in the engine, maybe finally fixed now) Fixed: Some minor render glitches with water Fixed: 2 crashes when near the map edge Fixed: Anvil mold craftable (not yet finished) Fixed: Snowlayer white pixels poking through bottom edge, seams between frosted grass and snow layer Fixed: Several issues preventing creatures from spawning in groups Fixed: Child creatures not following their parents Fixed: Snow layer step sound only hearable on left channel View full record
  11. Aw, thanks for reporting, will be fixed next version
  12. Version is ready for download in the account manager. Yet another hotfix release, sort of, since there are several bugs that disrupt the survival gameplay. Also the clay forming system is now being used for more crafts and has more sensical visual guides. I've also finally went ahead and eliminated a bottleneck when creatures spawn or load which caused very big lag spikes on some machines. I hope you can enjoy a buttery smooth voxel exploration experience now. Game Updates Feature: More user friendly Clayforming visual guides Voxels that need to be placed are outlined green Voxels than need to be removed are outlined orange Feature: Clayforming recipes update The 3x3 grid recipes for ingots molds and crucibles are now gone Added new clayforming recipes for: Ingot Molds, Crucibles, Planter, Flower pot, Hammer, Hoe, Shovel and Sword Feature: Improved command line argument handling for the game client. Now uses a linux style convention and can now print to console. Added/replaced console options: --addOrigin to tell the engine to also load assets from given location -p for selecting playstyle on new worlds (1 for survival, 3 for creative) -o/--openWorld for opening a world --createWorld for a new named world --rndWorld for a new world using numbered name -c for connect (e.g. -cexample.com or --connect="example.com") -v for version -h for help Tweak: Updated Ladder Model and Texture Tweak: Less than half the clay usage from clay forming Fixed: Eliminated a major source of lag spikes caused by entities loading/spawning Fixed: Ruins generated by WorldGen sometimes not touching the ground on all 4 corners (hopefully fixed) Fixed: WorldEdit Tree Tool not generating trees Fixed: All toolmolds baking into the axe mold. Fixed: Breaking a block below a clay form doing weird stuff. Fixed: Game crashing when not selecting a clayforming recipe Fixed: Jump + E causing player to jump endlessly while inventory is open Fixed: Cave music track starting right after joining a world, even when on the surface Fixed: Breaking charcoal piles breaking in one go and not returning enough charcoal Fixed: Crash when clicking outside the list of available clayforming recipes View full record
  13. Version is ready for download in the account manager. Yet another hotfix release, sort of, since there are several bugs that disrupt the survival gameplay. Also the clay forming system is now being used for more crafts and has more sensical visual guides. I've also finally went ahead and eliminated a bottleneck when creatures spawn or load which caused very big lag spikes on some machines. I hope you can enjoy a buttery smooth voxel exploration experience now. Game Updates Feature: More user friendly Clayforming visual guides Voxels that need to be placed are outlined green Voxels than need to be removed are outlined orange Feature: Clayforming recipes update The 3x3 grid recipes for ingots molds and crucibles are now gone Added new clayforming recipes for: Ingot Molds, Crucibles, Planter, Flower pot, Hammer, Hoe, Shovel and Sword Feature: Improved command line argument handling for the game client. Now uses a linux style convention and can now print to console. Added/replaced console options: --addOrigin to tell the engine to also load assets from given location -p for selecting playstyle on new worlds (1 for survival, 3 for creative) -o/--openWorld for opening a world --createWorld for a new named world --rndWorld for a new world using numbered name -c for connect (e.g. -cexample.com or --connect="example.com") -v for version -h for help Tweak: Updated Ladder Model and Texture Tweak: Less than half the clay usage from clay forming Fixed: Eliminated a major source of lag spikes caused by entities loading/spawning Fixed: Ruins generated by WorldGen sometimes not touching the ground on all 4 corners (hopefully fixed) Fixed: WorldEdit Tree Tool not generating trees Fixed: All toolmolds baking into the axe mold. Fixed: Breaking a block below a clay form doing weird stuff. Fixed: Game crashing when not selecting a clayforming recipe Fixed: Jump + E causing player to jump endlessly while inventory is open Fixed: Cave music track starting right after joining a world, even when on the surface Fixed: Breaking charcoal piles breaking in one go and not returning enough charcoal Fixed: Crash when clicking outside the list of available clayforming recipes
  14. As usual, a bugfix release after a feature release. Version is ready for download in the account manager. Game updates Tweak: F4 now also hides clayforming and smithing recipe outlines Tweak: Disabled again that players get stuck in blocks, instead using some other hacks to get players to sync better in multiplayer Tweak: Plant tint update to make some jungles less dark green Tweak: Added more omph to ore blasting bomb. More particles, now also breaks some rock and should damage the player more likely. Fixed: Several issues related to placing/removing seaweed and reeds Fixed: Clayform dropping invisible block when broken Fixed: Weird block breaking action when interaction with clayforms Fixed: Using Fireclay for clayforming crashes the game Fixed: Gamma slider not enabled when switching back to creative mode Fixed: Tool rack not dropping their contents when broken Fixed: Mining tiers wrongly assigned Fixed: Many sounds not correctly attenuated in multiplayer Fixed: Players able to mine 2 blocks at once Fixed: Other players held light sources not correctly applying dynamic lights in multiplayer Fixed: Text line breaks in the graphics settings dialog on some gui scales Fixed: Tab key not correctly cycling through input fields Fixed: Fixes player able to break water blocks with lily pads in hand View full record
  15. As usual, a bugfix release after a feature release. Version is ready for download in the account manager. Game updates Tweak: F4 now also hides clayforming and smithing recipe outlines Tweak: Disabled again that players get stuck in blocks, instead using some other hacks to get players to sync better in multiplayer Tweak: Plant tint update to make some jungles less dark green Tweak: Added more omph to ore blasting bomb. More particles, now also breaks some rock and should damage the player more likely. Fixed: Several issues related to placing/removing seaweed and reeds Fixed: Clayform dropping invisible block when broken Fixed: Weird block breaking action when interaction with clayforms Fixed: Using Fireclay for clayforming crashes the game Fixed: Gamma slider not enabled when switching back to creative mode Fixed: Tool rack not dropping their contents when broken Fixed: Mining tiers wrongly assigned Fixed: Many sounds not correctly attenuated in multiplayer Fixed: Players able to mine 2 blocks at once Fixed: Other players held light sources not correctly applying dynamic lights in multiplayer Fixed: Text line breaks in the graphics settings dialog on some gui scales Fixed: Tab key not correctly cycling through input fields Fixed: Fixes player able to break water blocks with lily pads in hand
  16. Dynamic Vintarians Version 1.4.3 is ready for download in the account manager. I wanted to push out flint tool knapping with this update, but got ambushed by a wave of bugs that made me question if my machine i'm testing on still is working correctly. Well I hope I fixed all the annoying ones. Flint knapping will have to wait until the 1.4.4 release. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the addition of dynamic lights, that should make caving and night time exploration a lot more interesting! Game Updates Feature: Dynamic Lights Held and dropped light sources now illuminate the world Current dynamic lights limit is 5, configurable in the graphics settings Feature: Scene Gamma Levels can no longer be changed in Survival Mode Feature: New Creatures Completed the Wolf family (Females and Pups) Bighorn Sheep Family (Male, Female and Lamb) Feature: World Generation Updates Lakes now generate Seabeds (Sand, Gravel or Muddy Gravel) Deep Lakes now grow seaweed Caves intersecting lakes should now be actually fixed Feature: New blocks Iron Doors, Iron Fence (only in creative mode for now) Aged planks, aged chair, aged table, aged bed (only in creative mode for now) Aged planks with blue wallpaper (only in creative mode for now) Seaweed Muddy Gravel Feature: Ice is now slippery Feature: Pausing - Entering the escape menu in single player now pauses the game Feature: "Meta Block Mode" for Creative Mode Toggled with CTRL+F4 Allows placement of special meta blocks for use in special schematic export configuration Feature: Reduced memory consumption of a standard singleplayer session by 200 MB Feature: Can now place empty mobile containers inside normal survival slots Feature: Significantly Improved the WorldEdit Flood Fill tool Can now toggle to check for enclosure Actually works in an understandable way now Added ability to do 3D flood fill Tweak: Lava splash particles now also glowing. Tweak: Long text in text input fields now scroll horizontally to stay visible Tweak: Reduced amount of surface copper ore Tweak: Player walking now wobbles the camera slightly with step sounds in sync with the wobble. Step sounds now also hearable for other players in multiplayer. Tweak: Sprinting now makes you hungry 33% faster Tweak: Sapling growth size now randomized Tweak: Redone wooden bed graphics to be more consistent Tweak: Added a copy-to-clipboard command: .cp .cp posi: Copies current position to clipboard .cp chat: Copies current chat history to clipboard API Tweaks: Side property now also in IWorldAccessor BlockBehaviors now also available on the client Fixed: WorldEdit Import tool source definition not working with subfolders Fixed: Unknown items now also use the unknown texture instead of being invisible Fixed: Breaking light sources leaving behind a slight tint on the blocks Fixed: Game crashing when the server tries to load a creature whose type is unknown (i.e. by a previous mod). Now these entities will get deleted instead. Fixed: Drifter animations broken in several ways Fixed: Rare crash when exiting the game Fixed: Jerky movement of dropped items Fixed: Miiight fix a driver crash on amd cards related to clay forming Screenshots Seaweed and muddy gravel as seabed Bighorn Sheep Some of the new blocks (available in creative mode only atm) View full record
  17. Dynamic Vintarians Version 1.4.3 is ready for download in the account manager. I wanted to push out flint tool knapping with this update, but got ambushed by a wave of bugs that made me question if my machine i'm testing on still is working correctly. Well I hope I fixed all the annoying ones. Flint knapping will have to wait until the 1.4.4 release. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the addition of dynamic lights, that should make caving and night time exploration a lot more interesting! Game Updates Feature: Dynamic Lights Held and dropped light sources now illuminate the world Current dynamic lights limit is 5, configurable in the graphics settings Feature: Scene Gamma Levels can no longer be changed in Survival Mode Feature: New Creatures Completed the Wolf family (Females and Pups) Bighorn Sheep Family (Male, Female and Lamb) Feature: World Generation Updates Lakes now generate Seabeds (Sand, Gravel or Muddy Gravel) Deep Lakes now grow seaweed Caves intersecting lakes should now be actually fixed Feature: New blocks Iron Doors, Iron Fence (only in creative mode for now) Aged planks, aged chair, aged table, aged bed (only in creative mode for now) Aged planks with blue wallpaper (only in creative mode for now) Seaweed Muddy Gravel Feature: Ice is now slippery Feature: Pausing - Entering the escape menu in single player now pauses the game Feature: "Meta Block Mode" for Creative Mode Toggled with CTRL+F4 Allows placement of special meta blocks for use in special schematic export configuration Feature: Reduced memory consumption of a standard singleplayer session by 200 MB Feature: Can now place empty mobile containers inside normal survival slots Feature: Significantly Improved the WorldEdit Flood Fill tool Can now toggle to check for enclosure Actually works in an understandable way now Added ability to do 3D flood fill Tweak: Lava splash particles now also glowing. Tweak: Long text in text input fields now scroll horizontally to stay visible Tweak: Reduced amount of surface copper ore Tweak: Player walking now wobbles the camera slightly with step sounds in sync with the wobble. Step sounds now also hearable for other players in multiplayer. Tweak: Sprinting now makes you hungry 33% faster Tweak: Sapling growth size now randomized Tweak: Redone wooden bed graphics to be more consistent Tweak: Added a copy-to-clipboard command: .cp .cp posi: Copies current position to clipboard .cp chat: Copies current chat history to clipboard API Tweaks: Side property now also in IWorldAccessor BlockBehaviors now also available on the client Fixed: WorldEdit Import tool source definition not working with subfolders Fixed: Unknown items now also use the unknown texture instead of being invisible Fixed: Breaking light sources leaving behind a slight tint on the blocks Fixed: Game crashing when the server tries to load a creature whose type is unknown (i.e. by a previous mod). Now these entities will get deleted instead. Fixed: Drifter animations broken in several ways Fixed: Rare crash when exiting the game Fixed: Jerky movement of dropped items Fixed: Miiight fix a driver crash on amd cards related to clay forming Screenshots Seaweed and muddy gravel as seabed Bighorn Sheep Some of the new blocks (available in creative mode only atm)
  18. AMD Card Vintarians The waving grass feature added in 1.4.2 breaks the scene rendering on AMD Graphics cards if enabled. This version should fix that. In other news - I have decided that the beginning of October shall mark our next major milestone. We'll release the game as "Vintage Story - Survival Edition" We'll do a new Trailer presenting all survival features In all likelihood we will offer a Demo Version of the game with limited playtime. And finally, @skodone joined the team to contribute art and assets, raising the total number of regular contributors to 8 \o/ Game updates Fixed: Waving grass breaking most blocks no longer rendering correctly Fixed: Some issues with pumpkin growth View full record
  19. AMD Card Vintarians The waving grass feature added in 1.4.2 breaks the scene rendering on AMD Graphics cards if enabled. This version should fix that. In other news - I have decided that the beginning of October shall mark our next major milestone. We'll release the game as "Vintage Story - Survival Edition" We'll do a new Trailer presenting all survival features In all likelihood we will offer a Demo Version of the game with limited playtime. And finally, @skodone joined the team to contribute art and assets, raising the total number of regular contributors to 8 \o/ Game updates Fixed: Waving grass breaking most blocks no longer rendering correctly Fixed: Some issues with pumpkin growth
  20. Oh, wb redram, that seems only fitting to hear from you on this update Glad you like it! More yet to come!
  21. Vintarians! Version is ready for download in the account manager. As always, we do actual testing *after* a release, because we are professional like that... This release should fix all major issues with 1.4.2. Game updates Tweak: Hay can now burn Tweak: Gravel dig sound slightly less obnoxious (reduced volume by 7 db) Fixed: Crash when trying to bake clay or clay bricks in the fire pit Fixed: Snow layer waving in the wind on frosted grass Fixed: Completing a clay form not removing the clay forming surface Fixed: Collected items not merging with items in ones hotbar (i hope o.O) Fixed: Cattail placeable in illegal positions Fixed: Uncommon crash when joining a multiplayer server Fixed: Tool molds not bakeable at all Fixed: Attacking entities with weapons did not update their durabilitiy on the client side Fixed: Should fix players able to place blocks where other players are standing Fixed: Bowls not stackable Fixed: Drifter hurt sound and water splash sounds not attenuating over distance View full record
  22. Vintarians! Version is ready for download in the account manager. As always, we do actual testing *after* a release, because we are professional like that... This release should fix all major issues with 1.4.2. Game updates Tweak: Hay can now burn Tweak: Gravel dig sound slightly less obnoxious (reduced volume by 7 db) Fixed: Crash when trying to bake clay or clay bricks in the fire pit Fixed: Snow layer waving in the wind on frosted grass Fixed: Completing a clay form not removing the clay forming surface Fixed: Collected items not merging with items in ones hotbar (i hope o.O) Fixed: Cattail placeable in illegal positions Fixed: Uncommon crash when joining a multiplayer server Fixed: Tool molds not bakeable at all Fixed: Attacking entities with weapons did not update their durabilitiy on the client side Fixed: Should fix players able to place blocks where other players are standing Fixed: Bowls not stackable Fixed: Drifter hurt sound and water splash sounds not attenuating over distance
  23. Hardcore Survial Vintarians Version 1.4.2 is ready for download in the account manager. This update one of a few major updates that drastically changes initial survial gameplay experience. Our plan is to elongate the stone and copper age and offer more interesting mechanics during this time period. Game Updates Feature: Waving Grass! Dust particles in warm and wet climates! Can be disabled or reduced in the graphics settings Feature: Clay Forming Right click + sneak with a piece of clay in hands creates a clay forming surface Left click with clay in hand to remove clay voxels, right click to place voxel Hit 'F' with clay in hand and looking at the clay forming surface to select how many clay voxels to place/remove Feature: Sitting. Hit 'G' to sit down Highly suggested while clay forming, otherwise very fiddly to form right now Feature: Fire Sneak + hold down right mouse button with a torch to ignite a block Feature: Stones are now throwable to cause a small amount of damage to entities Feature: Charcoal production A firewood pile with a firepit on top now turns into charcoal pit If a charcoal pit is created and deprived of oxygen within 15 seconds all firewood piles will turn into charcoal after 18 ingame hours If the charcoal pit is expoed to air at any point the whole pile will burn down and no charcoal is created Feature: Tool Casting Using the new clay forming system one can now create tool mods and cast copper and bronze tools directly without the need to smith them first. Currently only the axe and pickaxe can be created through this way. Feature: Pumpkin crop Custom, realistic growing behavior unlike other crops Rare find in seed vessels found in ruins Feature: Ore/Tool Mining Tiers Player can now only break ores if their pickaxe has a high enough tier Feature: Surface Ores Shallow ore veins now spawn surface ores that can be picked up like stones Feature: Torch burnout. Ditched old torch crafting recipe. Torches now burn out after 48 ingame hours They can now be created by placing sticks in the firepit Feature: Oil Lamps Replaces the torch as the permanent light source Crafted from bowls (made by the new clay forming system) and animal fat, which drops from wolves Feature: Storage Space tweaks Chest now holds 16 items instead of 12 Stationary basket made from reeds that holds 8 items. Feature: No more stone pickaxe \o/ You have to create your first pickaxe by collecting surface ores and performing tool casting Feature: New Music track "Through the Grass at night" Feature: Fast Graphics Mode is now really fast by downsampling the scene. Reorganized graphics settings. Tweak: Optimize Startup. Loading a single or multiplayer world should now happen up to 20 seconds faster Tweak: Half transparent rendering tweaks to reduce glitchy rendering effects Tweak: More Natural Rock Strata transitions Tweak: Block breaking particles now disappear at at random times and glow if their parent block is glowing. Tweak: A tweak to reduce occurences where caves break through bodies of water Fixed: Frustum Culling disabled, causing the graphics card to render way more than it needed to (=big fps hit) Fixed: Modloader asset loading not working under linux Fixed: Raw clay not burnable to hardened clay, raw clay bricks not burnable to burned bricks. Fixed: Creatures stuck in water at times Fixed: Drifter despawning right in front of the player Fixed: Last serious bug in the animation system. Animations now play correctly \o/ Fixed: Shot arrow position desync Fixed: Sun/Moon Stutter when walking Fixed: /wgen del not removing entities Fixed: Able to stack up arbitrary items on top of wood piles Fixed: Ingot/Plate/Wood piles not dropping their contents if the block below them was broken Fixed: [API] Entity texture 'order-of-precedence' not properlry respected Screenshots New Recipes Clay Forming Fire Charcoal production steps Tool Casting Pumpkin Crop Surface Ores Oil Lamp and Basket
  24. Hardcore Survial Vintarians Version 1.4.2 is ready for download in the account manager. This update one of a few major updates that drastically changes initial survial gameplay experience. Our plan is to elongate the stone and copper age and offer more interesting mechanics during this time period. Game Updates Feature: Waving Grass! Dust particles in warm and wet climates! Can be disabled or reduced in the graphics settings Feature: Clay Forming Right click + sneak with a piece of clay in hands creates a clay forming surface Left click with clay in hand to remove clay voxels, right click to place voxel Hit 'F' with clay in hand and looking at the clay forming surface to select how many clay voxels to place/remove Feature: Sitting. Hit 'G' to sit down Highly suggested while clay forming, otherwise very fiddly to form right now Feature: Fire Sneak + hold down right mouse button with a torch to ignite a block Feature: Stones are now throwable to cause a small amount of damage to entities Feature: Charcoal production A firewood pile with a firepit on top now turns into charcoal pit If a charcoal pit is created and deprived of oxygen within 15 seconds all firewood piles will turn into charcoal after 18 ingame hours If the charcoal pit is expoed to air at any point the whole pile will burn down and no charcoal is created Feature: Tool Casting Using the new clay forming system one can now create tool mods and cast copper and bronze tools directly without the need to smith them first. Currently only the axe and pickaxe can be created through this way. Feature: Pumpkin crop Custom, realistic growing behavior unlike other crops Rare find in seed vessels found in ruins Feature: Ore/Tool Mining Tiers Player can now only break ores if their pickaxe has a high enough tier Feature: Surface Ores Shallow ore veins now spawn surface ores that can be picked up like stones Feature: Torch burnout. Ditched old torch crafting recipe. Torches now burn out after 48 ingame hours They can now be created by placing sticks in the firepit Feature: Oil Lamps Replaces the torch as the permanent light source Crafted from bowls (made by the new clay forming system) and animal fat, which drops from wolves Feature: Storage Space tweaks Chest now holds 16 items instead of 12 Stationary basket made from reeds that holds 8 items. Feature: No more stone pickaxe \o/ You have to create your first pickaxe by collecting surface ores and performing tool casting Feature: New Music track "Through the Grass at night" Feature: Fast Graphics Mode is now really fast by downsampling the scene. Reorganized graphics settings. Tweak: Optimize Startup. Loading a single or multiplayer world should now happen up to 20 seconds faster Tweak: Half transparent rendering tweaks to reduce glitchy rendering effects Tweak: More Natural Rock Strata transitions Tweak: Block breaking particles now disappear at at random times and glow if their parent block is glowing. Tweak: A tweak to reduce occurences where caves break through bodies of water Fixed: Frustum Culling disabled, causing the graphics card to render way more than it needed to (=big fps hit) Fixed: Modloader asset loading not working under linux Fixed: Raw clay not burnable to hardened clay, raw clay bricks not burnable to burned bricks. Fixed: Creatures stuck in water at times Fixed: Drifter despawning right in front of the player Fixed: Last serious bug in the animation system. Animations now play correctly \o/ Fixed: Shot arrow position desync Fixed: Sun/Moon Stutter when walking Fixed: /wgen del not removing entities Fixed: Able to stack up arbitrary items on top of wood piles Fixed: Ingot/Plate/Wood piles not dropping their contents if the block below them was broken Fixed: [API] Entity texture 'order-of-precedence' not properlry respected Screenshots New Recipes Clay Forming Fire Charcoal production steps Tool Casting Pumpkin Crop Surface Ores Oil Lamp and Basket View full record
  25. Hey ho!, Have a hotfix release to remove one major visual annoyance in v1.4.0, where the block breaking overlay moves around with you. Also fixes some other stuff. Best of all you can now jump into opened crates and hang around in there with your significant other! Version 1.4.1 is ready for download in the account manager. Updates Small Fun Feature: Can now hop inside or drop items into the opened create Modding Feature: Blocktypes can now define multiple selection and collision boxes Tweak: The players center point of item collection is now in the middle center and not bottom center. This means the player pick up items higher up, but no longer pick up items a block below him. Fixed: Cow skull block missing shape when the game is run under linux Fixed: Opened crate showing invisible block sides in certain cases Fixed: Client command .reloadmodels not working Fixed: Stutter on dropped items Fixed: Block breaking overlay moving with the camera View full record
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