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Ty Plum

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Everything posted by Ty Plum

  1. I think less hp for creatures could fix this problem. Everything's a tank.
  2. There is a hp option for players and a damage modifier option for enemies but not a damage modifier for players or hp modifier for creatures? Is it hard to make it possible for player characters to deal double damage or half the creature hp? Its a bit silly that it takes 3 flint arrows from a simple bow to slay a rabbit. 2 flint arrows at most. Everything simply has too much hp. Is there a way I can go into the files myself and edit player damage modifier?
  3. Ty Plum


    I don't think that mod works anymore
  4. It could certainly do with more interesting environments. Overworld and underground needs some variety and reward for going into somewhere dangerous. A land full of ruins and monsters would be a start but it would need more monster variety first.
  5. A death spiral mechanic might be one way to deal with this but they don't tend to be fun. Just an issue with sandboxes. If drifters were better polished and had the ability to climb and/or break things that might help.
  6. Is the problem with the internal consistency or the fact that there are other people in the world? I would expect other people to be in the world but it seems odd where the traders are placed.
  7. It came as a little bit of a surprise to me that you couldn't place hides and make them into a sort of roof to keep the rain off or make bone arrows. These options would allow for more early game variety.
  8. I expected dried meat to already exist. Setting up some drying racks in a little mud hut and smoking it to death is what I expected but didn't see any drying racks in the handbook.
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