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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by Rhonen

  1. hmm ye that is an good idea. will add this upcomming week. PS: add your long log-list into a spoiler-box prevents large scrolling
  2. @Aledark wondering about that warning. seems the OpenAL has problems when Assets are not from "game" domain. The path is correct, otherwise the sound would not work. ambientSound = ((IClientWorldAccessor)api.World).LoadSound(new SoundParams() { Location = new AssetLocation("workbenchexpansion:sounds/chiselsound.ogg"), ShouldLoop = true, Position = Pos.ToVec3f().Add(0.5f, 0.25f, 0.5f), DisposeOnFinish = false, Volume = 0.75f }); API Description // Create a new AssetLocation from a single string (e.g. when parsing an AssetLocation // in a JSON file). If no domain is prefixed, the default 'game' domain is used. // This ensures the domain and path in the created AssetLocation are lowercase (as // the input string could have any case) // // Parameter: // domainAndPath: public AssetLocation(string domainAndPath);
  3. Very interesting. until so many warnings and errors in the pre versions i did not recognize this warning i will check that. thanks for your feedback
  4. it's called "Show temperature as fahrenheit" @Thorfinn But ye, i added a simple calculation to my mod, if you have activated that. F = C * 9 / 5 + 32
  5. it's a game DLL file, so nothing you can change simply.
  6. i do not format the date manually. using the game-calendar API Vintagestory.API.Common.IGameCalendar.PrettyDate() May be the ingame formatter is not correct for PL
  7. then the bug is not on my side. until 1.15.x it was handled that if a selected language e.g. polish (pl.json) is not found the game had a fallback to english (en.json) if this is realy not working, so i am sorry, but not a mod problem.
  8. Gameversion + modversion ? seems you used the previous mod version for 1.16.0
  9. no, there is nothing special. the newest version is for 1.16.0
  10. latest release seems working with 1.16.0 stable.
  11. Release Workbench 1.4.1 for VS 1.16.0 Fixed crash during update from old version to new version deleted also the previous version from mod-db https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/285
  12. did a simple test with the 1.16.0 stable, no errors when starting the testmap. Update: okay, did find a bug while updatem which can cause this crash often. will fix it.
  13. i think the serverside mod needs a own "mod" entry in the mod-database. but nevertheless, a client does not need the serverside mod.
  14. Thanks, will investigate asap.
  15. very confusing that it did not loaded before. but fine that its now working.
  16. Release medieval-expansion 3.7.1 for VS 1.16.0.rc3 Fix recipe for leather-item-renaming Added Aurochs food recipe ,supports also BTH-mod- / lazy-tweakmd -hay https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/280
  17. i am sorry, i don't get it. but 1.16.0 rc2 is latest unstable release, as aledark already posted.
  18. Release medieval-expansion 3.7.0 for VS 1.16.0.rc2 API fixes Locale update https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/280
  19. Released Simpe Hudclock 2.6.0 for VS 1.16.0 rc2 Fixed api changes Also serverside mod updated https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/282
  20. Released Starter-Pack 2.2.0 for VS 1.16.0.rc2 Fixed API changes https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/287
  21. Release Workbench 1.4.0 for VS 1.16.0.rc2 API fixes of VS 1.16.0. Fixed crashes Improved UI Support up to 13 materials. https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/285
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