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Everything posted by Phoenicius

  1. I also had this "bug", and pressing F wasn't doing anything. I tried it with no other mods installed besides xSkills, and then it was working. Which means there was another mod I was using that was screwing it up. After a bunch of trial and error I figured out that it was Primitive Survival. Primitive Survival does a json patch on one of the hoe's behaviors, which causes the Extensive Farming to not work anymore. The behavior that Primitive Survival adds is the ability to create furrowed land with the hoe. You have to disable that if you want to be able to use Extensive Farming (which is way more useful imo). So go into your modconfig for Primitive Survival and set "FurrowedLandEnabled" to false. tl;dr If you're having this issue, and you're using Primitive Survival with xSkills, then you need to set "FurrowedLandEnabled" to false in your mod config. Otherwise the Extensive Farming skill won't work.
  2. Awesome! Can't wait to see what you do with this.
  3. Update: Naturally I had the same experience as OP. G-Portal cannot revert the server version for some reason, of which they will not disclose. I cancelled my services with them and am taking my business to BisectHosting. It's around the same price, and you can control every aspect of the server, such as the version that it runs. Best of luck.
  4. Oh great. I also just sent a ticket. How on earth can they not do anything? All the need to is replace the current server.exe with the previous one. As clients, we don't have access to that for some reason. Please update this thread if you find a way.
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