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Everything posted by ApacheTech

  1. Custom Waypoint Types: You can add custom waypoint types, or override the ones that are included within the mod by editing the file "~\ModData\Waypoint Extensions\{WorldSeed}\wpex-custom-waypoints.data". This is on a per-world basis, so you can have separate custom waypoint types for each world you play in. The file is in JSONC format. Examples and instructions are included within the file.
  2. Updated to 1.2.1. Chagelog: 1.2.1: Tweak: Added auto-update functionality for global config and data files. Fix: Fixed "home" default icon.
  3. Good find. I'll update the mod tonight to fix that.
  4. Ore vein nodes get the Pickaxe icon, traders get the Trader's Wagon, bees get the Bees, etc. Do you see a pickaxe icon when you type ".wp bees"? If so, what's the title of the waypoint?
  5. Updated to 1.2.0. Changelog: 1.2.0: Updated for 1.14.2. Still fully backwards compatible to 1.13.x. New Feature: Added ability to pin waypoints with an optional argument within the .wp chat command. (Example: .wp pin home). New Feature: Added ability to add custom waypoint types. Currently this is a manual file edit, with per world custom waypoints saved in "~\ModData\Waypoint Extensions\{WorldSeed}\wpex-custom-waypoints.data". The file is in JSONC format. Tweak: The bulk of the mod initialisation is now asyncronous, which should drastically improve loading times. Tweak: Optimised n-tier library integration, using Fody weavers. Tweak: Built a custom mod development framework to allow for mod development based on best practices.
  6. I've looked into making a Chisel Extensions mod, but making new modes for the chisel would mean stripping out all chisels from the game, and completely re-writing the entire chiselling system. Currently, it's car too tightly coupled for any expansion mods to be added to it. I just wanted to make a mode that would add/remove a 1x pixel plane from the block. But everything from the enums, to the blockentity itself would need a complete overhaul to do it.
  7. Waypoint Extensions A VintageMods release, by Apache Gaming Options Menu Hotkey: F7 Allows the player to enable or disable automatic trader and translocator waypoint creation. When enabled, traders will get a waypoint when you enter their GUI. Translocators and Teleporters will get a waypoint when used. COMMAND: .wp Quickly, and easily add waypoint markers at your current position. Syntax: .wp [pin (Optional)] [bclay | beehive | bees | bismuth | bismuthinite | black-coal | blcoal | blue-clay | borax | brcoal | brown-coal | cassiterite | cave | chromite | chromium | cinnibar | copper | fclay | fire-clay | galena | gold | hematite | home | ilmenite | iron | lead | limonite | magnetite | malachite | meteor | mushroom | olivine | peat | platinum | poi | quartz | resin | rhodium | rhodochrosite | ruins | saltpeter | silver | sphalerite | sulfur | sulphur | tin | titanium | tl | trader | translocator | uranium | zinc] [title (Optional)] Example: .wp copper Example: .wp pin home Apache Example: .wp trader Trader (Building Supplies) Example: .wp poi Point of Interest (Amazing Landscape!) COMMAND: .wpt Adds a waypoint for the nearest trader at your current location. Must be within 10 blocks of the trader. Icon colours follow the precedent set within the AutoMap mod. Syntax: .wpt [pin] COMMAND: .cm Re-centres the map at a specific position, a specific player, or on yourself. Syntax: .cm [plr|player|pos|position|spawn]. Example: .cm Example: .cm spawn Example: .cm plr Apache Example: .cm pos 15000 10000 COMMAND: .wpex Various waypoint utility functions. Syntax: .wpex purge-icon - Purges all waypoints with the specified icon. Requires confirmation. Syntax: .wpex purge-nearby [radius] - Purges all waypoints within a set radius. Syntax: .wpex auto-tl - Enables/Disables Automatic Translocator Waypoints. Syntax: .wpex auto-tr - Enables/Disables Automatic Trader Waypoints. COMMAND: .gps Broadcasts your current XYZ coordinates to the server, in the form of a chat message. Also copies your coordinates to the clipboard. COMMAND: .wptl Adds a waypoint to a fixed translocator, within five blocks of the player. Syntax: .wptl [pin] COMMAND: .wptp Adds a waypoint to a teleporter block, within five blocks of the player. Syntax: .wptp [pin] ----- Download: https://mods.vintagestory.at/wpex Donate via Paypal: http://bit.ly/APGDonate Custom Waypoint Types: You can add custom waypoint types, or override the ones that are included within the mod by editing the file "~\ModData\VintageMods\Waypoint Extensions\World\{WorldIndetifier}\wpex-custom-waypoints.data". This is on a per-world basis, so you can have separate custom waypoint types for each world you play in. The file is in JSONC format. Examples and instructions are included within the file. Reporting Bugs and Requesting Features: You can report bugs, and request new features, by heading on over to GitHub, and starting a new ticket. This is the best way to make sure I get your feeback quickly, and in a way that allows me to implement necessary changes.
  8. So, I've finally got around to looking into modding, and I'd like to start with something that I thought would be fairly easy, but now I'm looking into it, I'm finding myself stumbling. The "Advanced Mapping" code mod I would like to create has a few functions: .advmap connect [waypointId1] [waypointId2] - Connects two waypoints together, making it easier to see where translocators and teleporters connect to. When either waypoint is hovered over, the connecting line will show on the map, allowing you to easily locate the other endpoint. When either waypoint is pinned, the line will remain visible on the map. The child endpoint will adopt the same name, and colour as the parent, as will the line between them. .advmap disconnect [waypointId] - Disconnects all endpoints from a waypoint node. When a waypoint is deleted, all connections are disconnected. .advmap show-all-connections [true|false] - Effectively pins any connected waypoints, showing all connecting lines on the map. .advmap centre-map - Recentres the map on the player. .advmap follow [true|false] - Updates the position on the map, as the player moves, so you will always remain in the centre of the map. Some of this is pretty easy, but I'm having trouble interacting with waypoints. I assumed that there would be an IWaypoint contract that I could extend, but I see very little within the API that interacts with the map, or with waypoints, at all. Would I have to build my own waypoint repository and contract strategy? I'm also unsure as to how to render the line to the map, although I haven't looked into that yet. Just thinking ahead as I start coding this thing. I've been using https://apidocs.vintagestory.at/api/index.html as a reference, as well as intellisense, but can't quite understand how to interact with the map, and with waypoints. If possible, I'd like to keep this as a client-side mod, so that it's not a requirement for people on SMP servers.
  9. Has this been fixed yet? I'm thinking about playing again, and reading back on this has brought back flashbacks. It's one of the main reasons I couldn't continue playing the game.
  10. This is perfect. Thank you. It is impossible to record at night-time, largely because of YouTube's compression algorithms making everything even darker. With this mod, it is possible to record enough footage to bring out more regular episodes. It's also possible to record uniterrupted timelapse footage, which will make building a lot more streamlined, and a much more enjoyable process. I would consider this mod to be an Essential Mod for any Videography-friendly SMP server, so thank you. I've passed the details onto our server admin.
  11. Expansion on Night Vision for Spectator Mode I've added this as a request for a Client Side mod, but thought I'd expand on the idea here as well, in case light levels aren't something you can manipulate through mods. Synopsis: This feature would add a command : .nv on|off This command would only have an effect in Spectator Mode. When activated, it would add an effect to the player to enable them to see in pitch black, as if it were daylight. Background: Spectator Mode is used on secondary "Camera Accounts", to create stop-motion third-person timelapses. This involves either placing the camera in a static position while you build, or setting a path for the camera to follow, and specifying a duration for the flight along the path. Usually, in third-person timelapses, you would need to record over a period of hours, in order to get enough material to fill the time you need for the scene. Currently, in game, it is only possible to record in 20 minute intervals, because the nights are ridiculously long, and far too dark to record anything in. At 128x speed, this is only ~10 seconds of footage. Allowing the camera account to have visibility 100% of the time will allow for much longer, uninterrupted recording sessions, which will result in much more impressive, and usable footage. Example: As an example, the timelapse at the beginning of this episode was recorded over a 15-20 in-game day period. It's a decent size build, but nothing huge. It has a mix of static, and moving camera segments, and the footage is only sped up to a maximum of 32x. Because the maximum duration of any camera path is around 20 minutes, if you start at dawn, it means that you end up chasing the camera around as you're building. It's a very frantic way of building, and you waste a day or two setting up the camera paths. As soon as it passes midday in game, it's far too late to build anything that day, and you have to wait around until dawn. If you oversleep, the next day is entirely wasted. If a temporal storm warning comes up, you waste up to three in-game days while you reset everything, ready to shoot again. All in all, everything I've described here would have been eased if the camera were able to be rolling constantly, without the need to reset everything every 20 minutes. Having night vision on the camera would allow a huge range of incredible footage to be filmed that is currently unavailable.
  12. Nothing forces you to do anything in the game, even playing is optional. My point is that the nights are around 14 hours long, and even at the absolute end-game, there is no way to skip the wasted time. With an Aged Wood Bed, you still have to wait out around 5 hours of pitch black. This should not be the case. A bed which you can use to sleep until dawn should exist, some way, some how, within the game. As I've said, people play this game for different reasons. It's a survival mode sandbox game. There's nothing to force you to do anything. You could make a survival dirt hovel, use nothing but flint or stone tools, and live purely off berry bushes, holding a torch permanently in your off-hand. Or, you could strive to build something incredible, and create choreographed videos of your progress; build from bedrock to build limit, and have acres of rolling arable farmland to tend. You can build communities, and economies. You can make the game what you want it to be. But... you can't even sleep through a single night of it without exploiting the beds. That is wrong. I get that a fair few vocal people in this forum come from a background of proper Iron Man style survival games, where the mere mention of any form of Quality of Life is anathema. There's people who actually want to make their 6,000th pickaxe, voxel by voxel, by voxel, and curse the fact that the durability of some materials is actually higher than the stuff you can use on day one. I get that. I don't understand it; it's completely alien to me, but I get it. These people are strident in their views, and very quick to reply to anyone who dares to add QoL to the game, and tread the ideas down. That's not me, and it never will be. For me, and many like me, this is a building game. The first couple of in-game weeks are pure survival. But then, you come to a choice, do I want to start again, and replay those first few weeks of survival, or do I want to Thrive? Do I want to build, and explore the potentials of the game? Do I want to be creative in this game, and have the challenge of creating incredible builds in Survival Mode? That's me. I'm a builder. I'm a roleplayer. I'm a videographer. Part of the fun and excitement of the game comes from producing the builds. Once you've overcome the brutal struggle of the first week, it's time to let your imagination take control. For me, I cannot wait until some of the promised Eldritch stuff comes into the game. That will be a real USP, and will bring in a whole new audience to the game. Some of the things you can create in a Lovecraftian/Eldritch world are amazing, and it'll be good to see that being implemented. That's the kind of stuff that's worth grinding for.
  13. That is the game. For Some. Not for everyone. You have a terrible habit of tunnel visioning this game and assuming everyone plays it in exactly the same arduous way you play it. It's embedded into many of your posts on here, and you're very vocal about it. That's good for you, I suppose. I would prefer the game to be accessible, and marketable to as many people as possible. And even if you like the challenge of seemingly endless pitch black nights, that's ok for the first in-game few weeks. But, once you've survived, and you're at the position in which you just want to get on and play the game, there isn't the option to do so. You're still stuck in this ridiculous situation where you have to use exploits to speed time through the night, (using a bed and pressing shift immediately to skip time an hour at a time) just so that you can continue to play the game. Any kind of challenge is gone by time you're 1,000 nights into the game. An option to sleep until dawn SHOULD be available in game. This is one of the most requested features, by new and experienced players, and anyone that's read any of your posts here already knows that you are ardently against any form of quality of life additions, and that you wish the game were even more torturous than it already is to play.
  14. This. Being able to sleep until dawn is essential, and should be a basic component of the game. With the first bed, you can sleep from 5pm when it starts getting too dark to be able to play, until 9pm. Then you just have to stand still and do nothing for the next 10 hours of in-game time. It's ridiculous.
  15. Synopsis: This client-side mod would add a command : .nv on|off This command would only have an effect in Spectator Mode. When activated, it would add an effect to the player to enable them to see in pitch black, as if it were daylight. Background: Spectator Mode is used on secondary "Camera Accounts", to create stop-motion third-person timelapses. This involves either placing the camera in a static position while you build, or setting a path for the camera to follow, and specifying a duration for the flight along the path. Usually, in third-person timelapses, you would need to record over a period of hours, in order to get enough material to fill the time you need for the scene. Currently, in game, it is only possible to record in 20 minute intervals, because the nights are ridiculously long, and far too dark to record anything in. At 128x speed, this is only ~10 seconds of footage. Allowing the camera account to have visibility 100% of the time will allow for much longer, uninterrupted recording sessions, which will result in much more impressive, and usable footage. Example: As an example, the timelapse at the beginning of this episode was recorded over a 15-20 in-game day period. It's a decent size build, but nothing huge. It has a mix of static, and moving camera segments, and the footage is only sped up to a maximum of 32x. Because the maximum duration of any camera path is around 20 minutes, if you start at dawn, it means that you end up chasing the camera around as you're building. It's a very frantic way of building, and you waste a day or two setting up the camera paths. As soon as it passes midday in game, it's far too late to build anything that day, and you have to wait around until dawn. If you oversleep, the next day is entirely wasted. If a temporal storm warning comes up, you waste up to three in-game days while you reset everything, ready to shoot again. All in all, everything I've described here would have been eased if the camera were able to be rolling constantly, without the need to reset everything every 20 minutes. Having night vision on the camera would allow a huge range of incredible footage to be filmed that is currently unavailable.
  16. Update The axles were located directly on a chunk border, and the windmill itself straddled two chunks as well. So, I moved the entire building, and rebuilt the entire line, end-to-end. And now this... At the chunk border, the axle itself stops, part way down the line. In the image, the left side is stopped, while the right side rotates. The left side is the chunk in which I log into, and where my spawn point is set. If I sleep, even momentarily, even within that chunk, then everything synchronises again, and it works.
  17. Why? Lava makes for brilliant ambient lighting. I'd love to be able to build with lava.
  18. Soon, I hope. 14 hours per day is waaaaayyy too much.
  19. I love this! I've been playing around with some pieces, but this looks amazing! I made a Draughts board, and an Omok board that uses the same pieces.
  20. Detailing a bug within Vintage Story, regarding Wooden Axles and Angled Gears. When logging into a server, if the angled gears are on a chunk border, the subsequent line of wooden angles will fail to connect.
  21. What is the secondary mode? Is it explained, in-game, how to enable it, and how to use it?
  22. That would work if it were only stairs that were the problem. But, even walking up or down a single voxel causes terrible jittering. If you chisel a block to be a one voxel rise per step, no matter how deep the tread is, you'll still get that nauseating stutter. A lot of the jump mechanics need an overhaul as well; things like stack-jumping are much harder than they should be; jumping out of water is atrocious, and sometimes physically impossible; catching a block mid jump causes you to fall backwards and sink into the block below, which means travelling around hilly terrain can be a real pain. The simplest way to fix the elevation change jitter is to ignore animations when the elevation change is below 0.51 blocks. Anything that doesn't stop movement is classed as the same elevation when moving between blocks.
  23. Nah. It's the same width as a horse would be. It's smaller than a horse would be. It's lighter than a horse would be. Even if it means the horse walking on a bridle-path next to the track, it'd be easy enough. But, with the wheels on that thing, it'd work without a railtrack as well. Toughest thing would be elevation changes.
  24. Horses would be the obvious first step, and would make an absolute world of difference within the game. Really hoping they come out soon, the game really needs them. This kind of small, one-block cart would be best pushed by hand, or pulled by a horse. Locomotives would be larger, multi-block models capable of pulling a lot more than these. This is a good early mid-game cart though.
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