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Get out of the woods they said, its not safe they said...


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I've watched the youtubers play the game. They all feared the woods. Terror, pain and death is the theme of anywhere there are large clumps of trees.

They all agreed - DO NOT BASE IN THE WOODS!

Okay so I start my first playthrough. I spawn in the wods... WELL THAT'S JUST GREAT! ... I said to myself.

I started to move quickly south, grabbing only mushrooms and berries to subsist on. I advance with the disposition of a germophobe in a covid crisis centre. Twitchy and on edge. The forests just won't end. Regular forests to pine forests, pines to mountain forests, mountain forests to gravel forests, until at last, after two days, I come upon a clearing.

It was some sort of bushy plains with swampy lakes full of cattails and caverns to hide in. SAFE AT LAST!

Or so I thought.

I take shelter in one of the caverns and start to have something a bit more hearty to eat. As I spend my first night getting settled in, I hear it - the howl! Wolves! And the sound came from south, deeper in the plains, not north in the forest.

I thought to myself, its probably just a goat with diarrhea, and go investigate. But the foliage is so damn thick I can't see a damn thing. I stack some dirt to gain some altitude and then I see it - a baby wolf, the parents can't be far away. I decide to f** off while I still can and go explore the other direction from my camp.

I see something else moving in the bushes. I ready my spears and close in. At first glance its the size of a goat but the color of a pig. Its moving out of the bushes, I get ready to strike.

Ooooh, it looks tastyOMG ITS A BEAR! GTFORUUUUUN!

The only thing that saved me was that I jumped over a hole into which the bear fell and had to climb out the opposite direction which gave me a chance to loose him.

Forests are dangerous the youtubers said, you'll get ambushed and killed in there they said...

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Why nobody said anything about the cute bears? I was peacefully harvesting the tree farm when I noticed this guy and was about to turn it into needle cushion, as I do normally with his black and brown relatives, but then I realized he is not attacking the nearby animals... He even ran away from me when I approached. I didn't even knew that pandas are in the game...  Jumped into creative to take this screenshot:



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9 hours ago, KobaltKookie said:

Since your new, let me give you some advice, keep the bear hides. They drop huge hides, which will make a ton of leather down the road. Leather is extremely valuable because you can make high tier armors and backpacks with it.

I will BEAR that in mind. 😅


3 hours ago, Ivan Stamenov said:

Why nobody said anything about the cute bears? I was peacefully harvesting the tree farm when I noticed this guy and was about to turn it into needle cushion, as I do normally with his black and brown relatives, but then I realized he is not attacking the nearby animals... He even ran away from me when I approached. I didn't even knew that pandas are in the game...

You're far more merciful than I, my friend. After I killed the bear, I seized his bush-ridden territory and went on a homicidal rampage, killed everything crawling around in those bushes. By the time all my spears were wrecked, I came out with 40 red meat, 32 bushmeat, 10 fat and a stack of bones.

I used the bear fat to light up the cave I live in and the remaining lard to seal crocks with hefty meat stews. If this game were any more realistic, I would get a debuff from my home smelling like burnt bear butt! 🤣

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1 hour ago, Ivan Stamenov said:

Two years ago my wife and my daughter brought home a baby bunny, despite my hard objections of having an animal in the house. I was changed, man. Even my stone headed, furious teenage robot is affected by her love:

I live in a countryside, surrounded by farms, not far from a forrest. While I do not own a farm myself, pretty much everyone around me does. Here, rabbits are considered pests, like big rats with long ears, they gnaw on crops and breed like lunatics. Throughout the year, I sometimes hear them squealing at night during one of their quite common deranged breeding frenzies.

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5 minutes ago, BigBadBeef said:

Here, rabbits are considered pests

Well, that's the whole difference. To me, she is a friend and family, and a loved one at that. When my son cought the covid sh*t, she was 24/7 snuggled with him. She is stubborn, intelligent, extremely affectionate. Her personality is a mix of the best traits of dogs and cats. During the day she is usually within 2 meters of my position (I work from home). Needless to say, I love her. She boosted my empaty quite a lot.

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When me and my co-players found our first redwood forest, we immediately build a tree-house base! Fist of all, it is high up and safe, and also brought back memories from our childhood.......Even if one of my friends fell and broke his arm. 🤣

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On 10/14/2022 at 1:54 PM, Ivan Stamenov said:

Why nobody said anything about the cute bears? I was peacefully harvesting the tree farm when I noticed this guy and was about to turn it into needle cushion, as I do normally with his black and brown relatives, but then I realized he is not attacking the nearby animals... He even ran away from me when I approached. I didn't even knew that pandas are in the game...  Jumped into creative to take this screenshot:



I started playing again. I am not sure if Tigers are vanilla, or part of the mods i added. But pandas and sunbears are cute and i leave them be. Tigers, brown bears, wolves and hyenas are animals i will not tolerate and can go in the tannin barrel. 

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I have encountered a drop bear in the wild. They are now evolving to become ambush predators. 


On 10/16/2022 at 10:56 AM, l33tmaan said:

Nobody said anything about tigers because those are modded, lol

Ah, so i brought that pain upon myself. That's a shame because honestly they are a great hot climate addition. 


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I learned my lesson on going into the dense forest the hard way, and that happened at night while traveling back to my base. While heading back, I stumbled upon a pack of wolves. Though I thought I could get away from them, it turned out I was wrong. I ran through the dense forest as best I could to get away from them until one of them bit me, knocking me down to half health. What slowed me down was the thick trees. Sadly, I met my demise as a wolf caught up with me and tore my ass up. LOL. Lesson learned. Don't get into a dense forest unless you're well equipped. I lose my first bronze pick ax and bronze hammer though I had some Bronze axe and pick axe mold cooling down at the base. Sometimes I carve out a path by cutting down trees, so it's safe for me to travel through, and it's a good way to stock up on wood.

Edited by OldGlory1776
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13 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

Question for you:  What did that bear do to justify being thrown to the top of that tree?  🤣

I need leather. 

I need lots of leather for COB delux travelers backpacks. Bears just happen to be made of leather, fat, bone, and meat that goes in the rot basket. 

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7 hours ago, AngryRob said:

Bears just happen to be made of leather, fat, bone, and meat that goes in the rot basket. 

Ain't that the truth!  Got 12 huge hides waiting to be tanned.  Seems that my 1.15 home was built in prime bear spawning territory.  Pesky buggers took out my gen 1 pigs and the next one took out my gen 2 sheep.  🤬  Fences are no longer sufficient security for animals.  And even corners of full blocks may be vulnerable.

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On 10/20/2022 at 9:58 AM, Maelstrom said:

Ain't that the truth!  Got 12 huge hides waiting to be tanned.  Seems that my 1.15 home was built in prime bear spawning territory.  Pesky buggers took out my gen 1 pigs and the next one took out my gen 2 sheep.  🤬  Fences are no longer sufficient security for animals.  And even corners of full blocks may be vulnerable.

See, i wish there was a proper way to cook bush meat, like either a sausage or something. As it stands i just convert it to compost. Also there needs to be a better way to catch animals besides building a mile long fence to goad them to your ranch. I would not mind a hog tie option where you have to either carry or drag the animal back on a sled or cart. 

As it stands i have that animal catching mod where you make the "pokeball" out of resin and metal and catch them that way. So i can have an animal room in my tower that is out of reach from even tree bears. 

So the game needs either a: better vanilla way to catch animals, or an extinction mechanic where we can permanently stop bears and wolves from spawning. 

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