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Autosave for singleplayer

Arcane Alchemist

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happy to remove this if the feature already exists, but I cant seem to find a way to make backups auto-generate. combed through world settings, the settings in the pause menu. even checked main menu settings.

it would be nice, if for no other reason than save-scumming my hardcore world because i died in a way i personally didnt find fair. (drifter spawned in my house and killed me while i was sleeping through a temporal storm. my house was well lit as far as i know, but i cant even check to see if thats true bc there are no backups to load, and its hardcore so no respawn button.)

my personal preference would be a setting that saves a backup of the world every half hour of real time, and only keeps the most recent 3 saves.

also, please no hate for my desire to save a hardcore world. its singleplayer. if i decide to defile the sanctity of hardcore because i didnt find my death compelling, thats up to me. isnt bothering anyone else.

besides this use case, it just seems like good practice, since the backup feature makes very little sense if the only way a backup is generated is through user input. if something really bad happens like a save file corrupting, either due to user error or other means, it would be good to have a backup already generated. 

or, lets say someone in a non-hardcore world starts a forest fire and decides it would be better to rollback to before the forest fire. if they havent made their own backup, there is no way to roll that disaster back.

would be a nice feature to have.

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Auto-backups are a sound enough suggestion.

I'd just like to add that your death was perfectly normal. During temporal storms, Drifters ignore all spawn restrictions, including but not limited to light level. People are always trying to craft special temporal storm bunkers where they might be safe, but as far as a regular house goes, there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent Drifter spawns during a storm. This is intentional.

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59 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

Auto-backups are a sound enough suggestion.

I'd just like to add that your death was perfectly normal. During temporal storms, Drifters ignore all spawn restrictions, including but not limited to light level. People are always trying to craft special temporal storm bunkers where they might be safe, but as far as a regular house goes, there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent Drifter spawns during a storm. This is intentional.

that seems like reason enough to disable temporal storms entirely from my future games. its already kind of an annoying feature, not having any reliable way to prevent them from spawning right next to you, even if intentional, is not something i want from the game. when asked the question "is it fun to have a creature that can kill you in two hits spawn right next to you with no way to avoid it" i think my answer is always gonna be no.

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Doesn't it autosave now? Even with the pre-releases, I don't believe I've ever lost much time, because the last commit that flushed the buffers wasn't that long ago. If that's the case, can't one just open the handbook to pause the game, alt-tab to the saves directory, and make a copy whenever a  you are at a position where you might want to do a savegame rollback? There have been people suggesting something that sounds very like that to make sure your first cracked tool vessel drops a pick, or the translocator takes you to somewhere with the resources you want, instead of somewhere worse than where you started.

Edited by Thorfinn
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9 hours ago, Arcane Alchemist said:

that seems like reason enough to disable temporal storms entirely from my future games. its already kind of an annoying feature, not having any reliable way to prevent them from spawning right next to you, even if intentional, is not something i want from the game. when asked the question "is it fun to have a creature that can kill you in two hits spawn right next to you with no way to avoid it" i think my answer is always gonna be no.

  Lotta folks opt for that, I tend to just turn the frequency down to the lowest cause even if you suck you can usually manage skin one or 2 a few hours after for sick loot delivered to your door.

  Way I usually deal is to have a stack of cob and gravel near the panning pool and grab my flint arsenal then cask of ammontillado myself bout 2 deep when I get the 3 or 4 minute warning. If I'm doin well enough I'll bring a chisel to poke a hole when it's waning and stabby a few to get them killing each other. You might take a rock or 2 to the face but their aim is generally slightly worse than mine and I usually have at least a couple poultices lying about by that point.

 I've heard they can spawn in the 1x2 I sit in or pan the gravel from (usually I reload the gravel right when I take the last slice into the pan) but I've not had it happen in 10 or so I've dealt with like this in various worlds so knock on wood I guess.

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7 minutes ago, LastChime said:

I've heard they can spawn in the 1x2 I sit in..

I've heard the same thing, and wasted hours of computer time trying to duplicate it with 

/nexttempstorm now

So far, it seems secure. Granted all it would take is once to refute it, but I have not encountered that "once" yet. If it does, I'd wonder whether a ladder attached to the walls would keep it from happening, though I'd guess you are putting a torch on the upper wall?

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It occurs to me that maybe I'm making this too hard on myself. If I dig down far enough that all space within spawn range is solid except for my bolt hole, they'd let me know right quick. Seems to me storm spawn range is 25-30 blocks at the outside?

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