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Griefer name and shame.

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Unfortunately as community is some people just come to be mean and destroy others' fun.
If you have encountered people that just come to grief and cause disturbances
Name their IDs and shame them here so every server owner can ban them. 

{"PlayerUID": "PSX3IBGkNGZdg3od6sHLN8rj", "LastKnownPlayername": "IllIIlIllIlllI"}
{"PlayerUID": "etR1X6fUJ3LOikgKFF31n01u", "LastKnownPlayername": "vulnerableboy"}

These two players came into the server, tried to grief the claimed lands (but couldn't) then settled for killing all animals they could, destroying all bushes and burning down all trees on the unclaimed lands.
They also vandalized the shared building the other players were creating for the community.

Please also add a paragraph stating what they did so others know.

Edited by pinkvampirrprincess
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

IlIllllIlllIlll was on my server, making threats. Posting the logs here for all to see.

5.6.2024 09:26:52 [Server Chat] IlIllllIlllIlll: <strong>IlIllllIlllIlll:</strong> can you please unclim your house so i can grief the fuck out of it
5.6.2024 09:26:56 [Server Chat] IlIllllIlllIlll: <strong>IlIllllIlllIlll:</strong> thanks in advance
5.6.2024 09:27:10 [Server Notification] Handling Command (IlIllllIlllIlll) /waypoint addati spiral =511983.2190652048 =114 =511796.4837373339 False #080504 Translocator
5.6.2024 09:27:14 [Server Chat] DilanRona: <strong>DilanRona:</strong> how about i just ban you outright
5.6.2024 09:27:23 [Server Notification] Handling Command (DilanRona) /back
5.6.2024 09:27:29 [Server Chat] IlIllllIlllIlll: <strong>IlIllllIlllIlll:</strong> ok how about i publish you ip info i already scraped onto doxbin
5.6.2024 09:27:46 [Server Chat] IlIllllIlllIlll: <strong>IlIllllIlllIlll:</strong> if you ban me it goes
/ban IlIllllIlllIlll
5.6.2024 09:27:59 [Server Notification] Handling Console Command /ban IlIllllIlllIlll
5.6.2024 09:27:59 [Server Notification] Argument 2 (duration) is missing
5.6.2024 09:28:10 [Server Notification] Handling Command (DilanRona) /ban IlIllllIlllIlll Griefing threats
5.6.2024 09:28:15 [Server Notification] Handling Command (DilanRona) /ban IlIllllIlllIlll Griefing threats year
5.6.2024 09:28:16 [Server Chat] IlIllllIlllIlll: <strong>IlIllllIlllIlll:</strong> just kidding!
5.6.2024 09:28:17 [Server Event] Player IlIllllIlllIlll left.

For some reason, the ban command does not work. Even though I typed it in exactly as shown in the example.

5.6.2024 09:29:22 [Server Notification] Handling Console Command /ban IlIllllIlllIlll year Griefing threat
5.6.2024 09:29:22 [Server Notification] Error in argument 2 (duration): Invalid timespan. Syntax: /ban playername timespan (hour|day|week|year) reason

/ban IlIllllIlllIlll timespan year Griefing_threats
5.6.2024 09:31:10 [Server Notification] Handling Console Command /ban IlIllllIlllIlll timespan year Griefing_threats
5.6.2024 09:31:10 [Server Notification] Error in argument 2 (duration): Invalid timespan. Syntax: /ban playername timespan (hour|day|week|year) reason

Been trying for 10 min, and I cannot ban him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They apparently made a post "explaining" their actions. I get a real vibe that these folks sit in the road to block traffic when they're not griefing servers.

Real cybersecurity folks would quietly infiltrate and create a report on their findings and provide written examples of how the weaknesses could be exploited, not wreak havoc and cause destruction of people's prized possessions.

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Yeah, or if they are half as committed to the cause they pretend to support, produce a server-side mod that makes locking it down no harder than adding the mod.

Personally, I'm of mixed feelings about these "anarchist" turds getting the world they crave. My kids and grandkids would be living in a much worse world, but on the other hand, people would come to realize that society doesn't really need anti-social types, and there would be nothing and no one standing in the way of staking them down on a nest of fire ants for a week or two.

They get away with being pieces of crap because government prevents society from dealing with them as they deserve.

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4 hours ago, traugdor said:

They apparently made a post "explaining" their actions. I get a real vibe that these folks sit in the road to block traffic when they're not griefing servers.

Real cybersecurity folks would quietly infiltrate and create a report on their findings and provide written examples of how the weaknesses could be exploited, not wreak havoc and cause destruction of people's prized possessions.


1 hour ago, Thorfinn said:

Yeah, or if they are half as committed to the cause they pretend to support, produce a server-side mod that makes locking it down no harder than adding the mod.

Personally, I'm of mixed feelings about these "anarchist" turds getting the world they crave. My kids and grandkids would be living in a much worse world, but on the other hand, people would come to realize that society doesn't really need anti-social types, and there would be nothing and no one standing in the way of staking them down on a nest of fire ants for a week or two.

They get away with being pieces of crap because government prevents society from dealing with them as they deserve.

Pretty much the same impressions I got, though I'm also guessing that they have some sort of personal vendetta against the Vintage Story developers for whatever reason(probably for not holding the exact same personal opinions about certain topics and forcing said opinions on the rest of the playerbase). I'll also note though, that given other details about the griefer in question posted in this thread, they seem to have been doxxing(or threatening to dox) the players they were griefing as well. Definitely not benevolent behavior.

I will admit though, I'm a little on the fence about callout threads. They're useful for spotlighting major miscreants, but it's also all too easy to throw accusations around and try to incite the community against someone for ulterior motives(I've seen it happen in other places). Now that doesn't seem to be what happened here, as there is obvious proof of what the culprit did.

The only other thing I'll note here is that it's refreshing to see the troublemaker get dealt with appropriately, and in a timely manner. I've seen some incidents in other games and forums where the exact opposite happened--the innocent players were the ones who actually got hit with punishment rather than the troublemakers.

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1 hour ago, LadyWYT said:

The only other thing I'll note here is that it's refreshing to see the troublemaker get dealt with appropriately, and in a timely manner.

One need look no further than that thread to know who really cares about the players.

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griefers are part and parcel of any sandbox style game, and I do dislike their actions tremendously. And will take appropriate action when it occurs.

What is not however is threatening to dox server info, in retaliation to being banned. Personally I would not have banned that player had he not threatened my server like that in the first place.

That threat alone was all the reason I needed to do an immediate ban on my server

Edited by Dilan Rona
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Look, Linemen, you say you're doing it all for the community, and yet here is the entire community siding with Tyron. Openly admitting to verbal abuse and psychological manipulation of innocent victims.. this is no way to spread word of a cause, no matter the intention.
If you ever try to regroup and return, please try to spread word of cyber safety in a respectful manner. Submit suggestions and bug reports if you care about the community. Compile a report of security issues instead of openly abusing said issues to try and draw attention to them.

While I do not approve of your methods, I write this post in hope that you may one day change your ways for the better. While you do advocate for cyber security, you are not going about it in the right manner.

Edited by ifoz
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  • 4 weeks later...

Had to do a hard ban on two more linesman on my server. Names were lllIIIIlIlIIlIlI and IllIlIIllIlIIlIl.

All future names that looks similar to that, and that cannot be easily read will be assumed to be linesman, and will not be given a chance to talk.

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