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I'm still playing 1.19.8 with a bunch of mods in an Exploration Mode world with Keep Inventory on (I know it's not actually called that, but I don't remember what it's actually called). And every time I go exploring for something that has nothing to do with mushrooms, I somehow always end up foraging for them by the time I decided to do /kill and respawn at home! I currently have 1 and three-quarters of storage vessels full of various mushrooms from my travels!

Cause like, there's SOOOOOO MANY mushrooms that you can actually EAT in comparison to the Other Block Game! And the fly agaric mushrooms are actually POISONOUS!! And there's other poisonous mushrooms and even some deadly ones!! I sincerely hope that the devs plan on adding mushroom farming to the base game (don't worry, I'll check the roadmap after making this post!)!

What are your guys' favorite mushrooms to work with for your in-game meals? Mine are red wine cap mushrooms because there are SOOOO many spots of red wine cap mushrooms near my base, but I also like indigo milk cap mushrooms, puffball mushrooms, paddy straw mushrooms, and lobster mushrooms! The witch's hat mushrooms are very aesthetically pleasing, too!


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I was running along looking for surface copper and saw a cool looking mushroom on a tree.
Funeral Bell.
Ok, sounds bad but how bad?
Yeah... Don't eat those.

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  • Wolf Bait 5
On 12/23/2024 at 11:25 AM, EsorOgramira said:

What are your guys' favorite mushrooms to work with for your in-game meals?

It's hard to get many of a single type so I just eat whatever I can raw while exploring. I consume the smallest stacks first, so sometimes I end up with a large enough stack of something for cooking.

Onions are just more convenient if you're going to be hanging around base. Higher nutrition and last longer. I think mushrooms need more varied stats rather than just toxicology.

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I was pleasantly surprised finding chicken of the woods. A couple years ago I stumbled on that mushroom at a local farmer's market and bought a sample to try. (Interesting flavor, somewhat like chicken but with a tangy aftertaste.) So that's my top choice when I can find it. Otherwise just field mushrooms, since they're so common.

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Honestly it's posts like this that make me love the Vintage Story community so much.

I go into so many other game forums to check for updates or see what folks are up to and there's so many complaints or hate-speech
But I come here, to this game I love to sink hundreds of hours into, and someone is talking about how lovely the mushrooms are.
This is wonderful stuff

Also, I know folks who go semi-professionally foraging mushrooms and they love how many VS represents & how accurate it is

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A neat thing about the mushrooms is that they respawn in the same general spot, a few months after you grab them. So if you find some you can mark it on your map and come back next season. My current base has a lot of puffballs over to the east... and funeral bells in the woods to the west. I, uh, don't pick those.

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On 12/24/2024 at 6:25 AM, EsorOgramira said:

What are your guys' favorite mushrooms to work with for your in-game meals?

Field Mushrooms, Shiitake, Chanterelles and Common Morels, because I've had them IRL and liked them. I go out of my way to get these regularly. Chicken of the Woods because I want to try it IRL but it's sadly not native where I live and unlikely to be cultivated/readily sold. Redwine because it's so abundant in plains areas.

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Which ones do I like? Whichever ones will keep me alive! 🤣

If I had to pick a favorite though...probably the common morel. Those are both native to my area, and something that I have both foraged and eaten IRL. Very tasty, but can be gritty if you don't wash them good enough. Chicken-of-the-woods is a close second, just because it has "chicken" in the title and has a fun model. Tinderhoof is another one and I don't know why...probably because of the strange name and odd-looking model.

As for an honorable mention...deathcaps. They were edible in the modded version of the other block game...by edible I mean they wouldn't kill you, but you still shouldn't eat them. A buddy of mine killed his character by eating one the first time he played this game, as a result.

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