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Seasons length?


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On 1/22/2021 at 2:25 AM, Pamela Wild said:

How long is each season

Normally: 3 months x 4 seasons = 12 months a year

On 1/22/2021 at 2:25 AM, Pamela Wild said:

which months do they cover?

"Correct hemisphere simulation. If you travel far enough south, the seasons will be flipped, i.e. Winter in July"

So I guess the answer is: It depends...


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You have the usual twelve months. The game starts you out on the 1st of May in the northern hemisphere, which therefore is in spring. You can confirm this by pressing C to bring up your character sheet, where there is a date and time tracker.

I didn't pay attention to whether VS switches seasons on the first of a month, or on the solstices and equinoxes in the second half of a month. But this would be a display thing only, as the climate simulation in the background doesn't make any big switches. Weather and temperature changes smoothly from one day to the next. What season the game shows you as being in is merely cosmetic.

Each month has nine days. It used to be twelve days, when initially implemented, but this was later reduced in 1.14. Therefore a season takes 27 days, and a full year takes 108 days. This value is configurable at world creation though.


Edited by Streetwind
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