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Grab bag of questions:


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I posted a couple of these on the Discord a few days back and didn't get a response, so I figured I'd give it a shot in a medium where they'll stick around for more than a few hours. Google has also failed to provide any answers.

  • Are there hard numbers available on the % chance for wild crops to drop seeds when they aren't fully mature? "Wild crops that are not mature do not always drop seeds," is vague and not particularly useful as there's a huge difference between 25%, 50%, and 75% drop rates. Some testing I've done over the past few days on a creative survival game definitely suggests it's on the higher end and that there isn't a difference between all of the non-mature stages, but getting enough data for that conclusion to be statistically sound in an organic world is...tedious.
  • Are armor mechanics described in detail anywhere? The wiki page gives a brief overview, but then just hand-waves all the nuance away towards the end. Death is incredibly disruptive on wilderness survival, so knowing the exact impact of an attack that exceeds my armor tier is rather important for developing strategies to deal with wolves that go beyond praying I'm able to get to water before being mauled to death.
  • What are the spawning mechanics for the various creatures? Wolves seem to have fairly fixed spawns with no additional conditions, drifters (with rifts enabled and invisible) seem to rely on proximity to rifts and light (Ignoring temporal storms; they're a special case), while rabbits are understood to spawn on any grass tile. From one screenshot I saw, chickens seem to fall in line with wolves, but the wide range spawn conditions leaves me unsure of how accurate all the common knowledge is. Like, do rabbits also have fairly fixed spawn locations ala wolves, but the game throws in a second potential spawn condition based on proximity to player planted crops? Or perhaps they're simply attracted to crops ala chickens to a small trough from a significant distance? But if that second option were the case, the common knowledge that you can't have grass in your farmland would be incorrect.

I'll probably have more questions as time goes on, at which point I'll just add'em to this thread.

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Yeah, the hoeing trick is unintended and will likely be patched out at some point. Treat it like an exploit.

As for the seed drop chance on immature wild crops? Yes, we have hard numbers. It is exactly 70%. (Source: ...\assets\survival\blocktypes\plant\crops\)

Do note however that your class may modify this chance. Malefactors get more seeds on average, Blackguards get fewer.

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Is there any way to check if you have a valid respawn point set via a temporal gear? I'd done some experimentation in my creative game and discovered that the spawn point remains even after destroying the bed you used to help create it, but if you fill in the area you're supposed to spawn on with blocks, the respawn point gets invalidated and you'll end up using the settings you set at world creation.

Been doing a bit of remodeling, and my paranoia wants to double check that my spawn point is still valid.

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...What bed? You don't need a bed to create a respawn point.

You take a temporal gear in hand, hold rightclick at the ground, and the respawn point will be set where the crosshair is pointing (you'll get blue smoke effects). That's all. Nothing else required.

I don't know a good way to check whether it's still valid, though.

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