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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by Streetwind

  1. Yes, entering the charatcer selection screen again also lets you customize your looks again.
  2. No such changes were made in 1.16. What you're seeing is very likely the result of random chance. One world seed generated a lighter area, another seed generated more dense area.
  3. Streetwind


    Wild-caught animals are nearly impossible to milk. You need to breed them in captivity. Later generations give higher chances of milking success. Generation 1 has a small chance to succeed. Generation 2 has a decent chance. Generation 3 and up should be guaranteed sucess.
  4. 1.16 actually implements dynamic trees for the first time. You can download a (buggy) prerelease right now to look For now the feature is limited to the new fruit trees. But, who knows... the tech is here now, and it is being put out there for the players to test and enjoy. Maybe, if it is viable from a performance standpoint, a future update could replace all the regular trees with dynamic ones. Do note, however, that that might well turn out to be a savebreaking update. Vintage Story has not had a savebreaking update in years, and Tyron really dislikes them. So there is no planned timeframe right now for a thing like full-scale tree replacement. IF it ever comes, it will likely be bundled with as many other savebreaking things as can be found, to get it over with in one go. In the meantime, there theoretically should be nothing that stops modders from tapping into the fruit tree code to make a dynamic trees mod...
  5. Only soups and jam require liquid input. There's barely any reason to ever use the former right now, and the latter requires significant setup time with beekeeping anyway, so this was never a problem. The main meal types (vegetable stew, mat stew, porridge) have always been available right from the start.
  6. "Hopefully before the end of the year", but also "when it's done". We'll likely get an unstable release or two in December, but time will tell if it makes it to stable before January.
  7. Welcome to the forums Placement of blocks can be context-sensitive. For example, it can depend on the direction you are currently standing/looking, or on which side of another block you try to attach something. With logs, for example, try placing them on the side of another block, not the top, if you want a horizontal placement. As for lower-half slabs, no, you cannot place objects directly on them without a gap. The game works in a block grid, and every object occupies a block space. You cannot have an object sit halfway between two block spaces, and especially not have it invade the space that another object is already occupying. Even if the lower-half slab looks like it is only the size of half a block, it is still an object, and it still occupies its block space completely. You can verify this by trying to place a second slab on top of the first one. They should both fit in the same space, but they do not. Each is an object, and each wants its own exclusive block space. Now, there are potential solutions to this limitation that could be implemented. Minecraft for instance allows you to place two slabs into the same block space by way of secretly deleting the first slab and replacing it by a full block that looks like it is made out of two slabs. That way it can maintain the "one block space, one object" rule. But right now, Vintage Story does not implement such a thing. Maybe it might at some point in the future? Who knows. For now, the game is still a long way from finished, and with only one person working on code, new features take priority.
  8. Right now, the world map is essentially a satellite view of the world. You see exactly the colors that the game world has in first person view, too. As the seasons progress and the colors change (for example maple leaves turning red in autumn), that too is reflected on the world map. So in order to change the map colors, you must change the blocks themselves.
  9. Unfortunately, neither the forum post nor the download contains any mention of a usage license for the mod's original contents (models and code, specifically). This means that we sadly must assume an "all rights reserved" license. Which in turn means that nobody else is allowed to revive the mod or use its assets in another mod. Remember, kids: when you put something original that you made on the internet, give it a license! Even if all it does is state that you don't care what others do with your stuff.
  10. This is completely legit. If you look at the front page, you will see on the right that both itch.io and the Humble Store are official resellers of game keys. You can also mouse over those two and see where the link leads you, and compare it to the site you found, to confirm that there isn't an unauthorized third party making a competing offer.
  11. Yeah, the wiki is edited by volunteers, and may contain omissions, misconceptions, outdated information, and straight-up mistakes The best course of action upon spotting something incorrect is to (first doublecheck it and then) correct the wiki yourself. ...I would offer to do it, but... erm... I kind of forgot my login...
  12. There is a way to force the computer to use the dedicated card for a given application. I don't have a dual setup, so I can't tell you how, but googling "make game use dedicated graphics" instantly returns thousands of guides for me.
  13. Erm... no? None of this is correct, sorry. Don't take my word for it: launch the game, go to create a new world, and mouse over all of the presets. You will see that each and every one of them says "Days per month: 9 (7.2 real life hours)". If you then click "customize" and review the options you have for that setting, you'll see that 24 real-life hours corresponds to 30 ingame days, not 60. Each ingame day lasts 48 RL minutes, each ingame hour lasts 2 RL minutes.
  14. Go to your data directory (default: %appdata%\vintagestorydata), find clientsettings.json, and delete it. This will reset all of your settings. A new file will be autogenerated with default contents the next time you start the game.
  15. Maybe Aura Fury has intentionally turned off the large map? Try starting a singleplayer world with the standard preset and see if it works there.
  16. See if this solution works for you: https://www.vintagestory.at/forums/topic/5872-crash-on-install/?tab=comments#comment-27834
  17. If you'd like some nicer swords now, instead of in a potential future update - take a look at this mod:
  18. When you use the public listing, you will be trying to connect to your public internet IP. This IP is only reachable from the internet. You, however, are not coming from the internet. You're on the same local machine as the server is. For this reason, using the public listing may fail. Instead, try the "Add New Server" button to create a custom entry. For the IP address, enter followed by a colon followed by your server's port. This is is your "loopback address" - that is, a unique IP address that points to yourself. Every computer has it. The word "localhost" can often be used as a stand-in.
  19. If you want to use different mods (or no mods at all) in different worlds, then you need to toggle them on/off in the mod manager in the main menu before joining those worlds.
  20. Have you ever run Vintage Story successfully before, or is this your first attempt? Have you installed it at the default location?
  21. ...I've knapped a lot of granite tools in my time, and that's not how it's supposed to look like o_O There should be highlighting of the breakable voxels. It's missing in your screenshot. I don't know why.
  22. You can potentially buy them from other traders and sell them for profit? To be fair, I've not checked if that works with cracked vessels, but there are several other trade goods with which that works. Additionally, the Malefactor has a chance for a cracked vessel to drop itself instead of its contents. That way you can make a few extra gears on vessels which no longer contain anything interesting to you.
  23. Bee noise is controlled via the "ambient" slider. Doublecheck if you actually have that one maxed out, and not the regular sound slider.
  24. Have you learned other books successfully in the same savegame? When you loot a book, it is already determined what it contains. So if you already have learned that same passage from another book, you cannot learn it a second time. In such a case, trying to learn it should display a message somewhere - either on the screen or in the chatlog - that there is nothing new to learn from this book.
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