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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by Streetwind

  1. Some payment options may take up to a week to clear, as indicated on the shop's page. Additionally, if you purchased from an external reseller (Humble Store, itch.io), they sometimes run out of codes and the VS team needs to resupply them. But if you used Paypal and bought here on the website, it should be very quick. In that case, check your spam folder. Failing that, you can open a support ticket (mouse over "client area" in the top navigation bar) mentioning the email address you used and the time of purchase. Support tickets may take a day or two to get processed.
  2. They may not be deleted, just deactivated in the mod manager. I've done that before by accident when I deactivated lots of other mods and clicked too fast without reading...
  3. It's very annoying when that happens, yeah. And some ores are more prone to it than others. Sphalerite for instance tends to appear as giant sheets of "poor" stretching out in all directions in every world I play, to the point where I have never made bismuth bronze even once because I never have sphalerite readily available. Honestly, jumping through the translocator is your best bet. Get yourself somewhere far away from everything and see if things are better there.
  4. Halite won't show up on mode 2 (node search) due to not being an ore. Though if sylvite ever shows up, it means you're inches away from a halite deposit, because sylvite only generates inside halite. However, it will show up on mode 1 (density search) just fine, because mode 1 doesn't actually detect the presence of something. Rather, it detects the probability of something being there. The more favorable the wording is (i.e. poor, decent, high, etc), the higher that spawn chance is. The number that follows is more debug output than useful data and can be safely ignored in most cases. You can totally find a halite salt dome in an area that says "miniscule" on density search, because all dice rolls just happened to succeed against overwhelming odds. And you can fail to find one in an area that says "ultra high", because all the dice rolls just happened to implausibly fail, or because the geologic makeup of the area is less than ideal. But on average, your chances to find something are much, much higher in an area with a favorable wording on density search.
  5. In the screen where you load your savegame, there's a button to the far right you can click to view details of that savegame. It includes the seed, and even lets you copy all custom settings you made. However, you don't need to recreate your world to change a minor thing like hunger rate. Check out the worldconfig commands.
  6. This is actually a suggestion that's been made several times in the past. Unfortunately, there are a number of major issues which prevent it from being feasible in practice. First, you need to add a half-block for every possible top-layer material. Which, as it turns out, can be a lot. Practically any block placed by the terrain generator, including every possible type of rock, every possible ore in every possible type of host rock, including ores hosted in other ores (gold in quartz etc), every variant of sand, every variant of gravel, every variant of dirt. Possibly others. So what happens when you mine such a half-block? What does it drop? For blocks that have drop chances of secondary items, this can be handled fairly transparently - you simply halve the drop chances. But for blocks that drop themselves, you have a problem. Do you make the block drop itself? Then you've just clogged the player's inventory with a potentially useless single item that won't stack with any of the full blocks of the same material type. Or does it not drop anything, or maybe a full block at 50% chance? Then players will be confused, and/or complain that the half-block isn't avilable for decorative purposes. And then you get into what those half-blocks actually do. Like, imagine that you found a half-block of terra preta. What do you do with it? Pretty sure you can't make that into farmland, because crops only grow on surfaces level with full blocks. Are you supposed to place the half-block floating in the air, so you can plant a crop on it? Immersion goes out the window. And in general, plants and vegetation are a huge problem in a world generated this way. Imagine a slope like the ones you are asking for with this suggestion, a nice smooth slope using alternating full and half blocks. Unfortunately, only the full blocks can have any vegetation generating on them. So now your grass, your trees, your bushes, your flowers and everything are banded into alternating strips of growth and no growth, all the way up and down that slope. That'll look terrible! Those aren't even all the issues. It keeps going as you examine everything that exists in the game. Now, you might go through all of these issues one by one, and think 'hey, I can come up with a solution for this'. And as you keep doing this, and solve each problem, and aggregate all these solutions into a collection of changes that would need to happen to support this feature smoothly, you'll eventually realize: your collection of changes is more and more approaching the point where it begins to resemble a different change altogether. Namely reducing the base block size of the game from 1x1 meter cubes to 0.5x0.5 meter cubes. That is the ultimate destination this suggestion is heading to. Only when every part of the engine, from the ground up, thinks natively in half-meter steps, can you really achieve proper support for world generation using half-meter blocks without something breaking, and for players collecting and using natural half-meter blocks for every imaginable application. And that pretty much devolves down to "rewrite the entire engine and game from scratch". Hence this suggestion is not feasible, and never will be.
  7. A word of warning: you'll likely end up in a different season. The game stores the number of days elapsed since world creation. Which is January 1st, although the player doesn't spawn in until May 1st. If you started a world with 9 days per month, then 36 days will have elapsed by the time you spawn in and start playing. The game remembers this number. If you then immediately change the setting to 3 days per month, the number of days elapsed since world creation is still 36. And dividing that by 3 means... you're no longer on May 1st, but rather on January 1st of the second year! It's mid-winter, and you have no food and no shelter and no equipment. You're screwed! Thus, be very careful when using this command (when using any command that modifies the ingame time or calendar, tbh). Make a backup first. And perhaps try to calculate the number of days elapsed in your world based on your current date, so you can estimate the new date bafe you enter the command.
  8. Yes, it absolutely is world height. The game does not currently offer proper support for full, regular gameplay in world heights higher than 256. You can choose to play in them anyway, but you'll have to deal with the issues that come with it, including warped terrain generation, temperature by elevation not scaling with world height, weather effects not scaling with world height, and others. In practical application, I recommend no higher than 384, where these issues are already noticeable but still minor (as long as you don't build your house on a hill). If you wish to build huge, I recommend doing it in a creative superflat world.
  9. Rift activity is unrelated to temporal stability. It's just about how many drifters are likely to spawn at any given time. Low rift activity = few spawns; high activity = you'll get mobbed. It'll change over time and is not bound to any given area. Only the spinning cogwheel in the center of your hotbar tells you whether a region is stable or not. Counterclockwise = unstable, clockwise or holding still at maximum fill state = stable. Temporal stability is bound to the local area and never changes over time.
  10. Regarding improved combat, it seems like the VS team has a vision for that, but it requires various technical challenges to be overcome first. Tyron had this to say on Discord (on the topic of suggestions in general): Ergo, groundwork is being laid at the moment, but it'll take more time.
  11. This already exists, although in a roundabout way, and the game doesn't really tell you about it... I suspect it's more of an informal developer tool. But you can still use it as a player if you know how. 1.) Find an existing world with the settings you want to port over. Instead of clicking to load it, click the button with the pen to the far right. 2.) In the line that says "Playstyle", there is a copy-to-clipboard button on the far right. Click that. 3.) Exit out of that screen, then click "Create New World". 4.) Click "Customize" at the bottom. 5.) Press CTRL+V to paste the copied settings, then press Apply. 6.) You can also paste the copied settings into a text file to save them for later use.
  12. It's more the opposite really. Standing still greatly affects your hunger rate. It goes down to one fifth or something. This is made so that people forced to hop AFK don't come back five minutes later to a half-starved character. So it's specifically just standing still, rather than sitting down or lying in a bed, that gets this reduction, because players who are forced to hop AFK don't have time to get themselves into a better position. As a result, sleeping in a bed has less of a reduction (although it does have one) than standing still, which tends to confuse people. But this isn't about realism but rather about convenience.
  13. Biomes in VS are not predefined and placed, but rather emergent from world creation and climate bands. Each game world is made up of several maps that all overlay each other. There's the terrain map that the player sees and interacts with, but there's also a temperature map, a humidity map, a forestation map, and others. Thus, any given block in the game doesn't only have its terrain coordinates, but also an average temperature, a humidity value, a forestation value, a latitude, etc. Every plant in the game is defined with a range of spawn conditions: a minimum and maximum temperature, a minimum and maximum humidity, and so on. For each area, the world generator looks at what content it has available for the given conditions, and then populates the area with that content. For example, areas with extremely low humidity will become deserts. But other factors influence the type of desert. You won't find any cacti around the default spawn latitude of around 47.5°N; instead you'll get rolling hills of gravel, sometimes with sparse shrubbery or the occasional tree, and sometimes not. But near the equator, deserts absolutely do turn up with sand dunes and cacti. Animals also follow the same rules; down south you may get hyenas instead of wolves. Since the game always spawns you in the northern hemisphere, walk south to find hotter biomes like jungles and savannahs, or north to find colder ones like glacier fields. Your setting for starting climate determines the rough latitude you start at. The setting for pole-equator distance determines how far apart the extremes in the climate distribution are. Poles and equators repeat endlessly on the north-south axis up to the world border; on the east-west axis, climate doesn't change, so you will only encounter variations of biomes allowed at the current latitude.
  14. More like 5x, but yeah, it's a pretty large reduction. Larger than any other situation. Not because of realism, but because of gameplay: it's meant to allow people to go AFK for a bit without having their food bar disintegrate in their absence.
  15. 0.5%, according to ...\assets\survival\blocktypes\stone\rock.json.
  16. No, only climate (i.e. local yearly average temperature, humidity, etc.) affects wild crop generation.
  17. The display is wrong. It's wrong on all the special trees. You may need as high as bronze, but I think copper works on some of them too.
  18. One of the chat tabs will report the exact amount of damage you are taking, as well as the exact source. You could check what it says when this happens?
  19. There's no such thing as upgrading a purchase to a different one in the shop. You could try writing a support ticket and ask the team to accomodate you on goodwill, but it probably won't work. However, yes, you can use the same game account on any number of installations. Just keep in mind that your savegames and mods don't magically jump computers with you. They're stored locally on each machine.
  20. The patchnotes tell you how to get the old map back.
  21. The recording of prospecting results on the map is going to low-key turn out the biggest gameplay improvement in the entire 1.19 update, mark my words It makes one of the top three most popular mods completely redundant, and adds in critical information that new players need when trying to figure out on their own how the system works, without reading a guide. Additionally, it'll distract from the per-mille number that way too many people pay way too much attention to, which should further remove confusion.
  22. It does not - only a server restart is required. This, however, very well might. World size and height parameters are not something you're supposed to change after starting a map. Trying to find ways to do it anyway is liable to result in a broken save. Tweaking the passage of time is also not without dangers. The game explicitly forbids going back in time, meaning that while you can jump forwards to a later date, or accelerate the flow of time, the only answer to "oops I went to far, how do I go back?" is "you don't". Again, trying to find ways around that is (not just pretty much impossible but also) likely to ruin the world you try it in. There are also quite a number of commands that modify the flow of time, and you need to know precisely what you want to achieve in order to choose the right one. Otherwise, a different command might still give you what you want, but come with other effects you didn't want. So in both cases, I recommend the three of you play around for a bit in a standard world, if only to figure out what you would like changed. It's hard for us to recommend you any particular settings without you specifying at least some part of what you're looking for, because it often depends a lot on your server. For example, large servers that have players on them 24/7 tend to have problems with seasons rushing by and food spoiling while players are offline, so I'd recommand to such a server that they increase their days per month setting and slow down food spoiling speed. On the other hand, small servers do not have this problem, because servers automatically stop time if no one is online. If the three of you only ever log in together, or if your server is actually a singleplayer world shared for public access which will turn off as soon as the host stops playing, then you won't have these issues and don't need to follow the above recommendation.
  23. Stop right there criminal scum. That's illegal! The realism police has decreed it!
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